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Show/Hide Toggle for a Toggle

We have a toggle available in our main screen, to enable/disable an important functionality. Since, only 30% of our users use this functionality at least once per month, we are considering to (...
Dimi's user avatar
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Usability of toggles as a filter or sorting mechanism

I looked up a website (page link here) and noticed this at the bottom of the page (one of the few times that I managed to scroll that far): It shows a toggle being used to sort the comments added at ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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Nav Bar or No Nav Bar

I am creating a mobile app that has a flat hierarchical structure. Users will primarily navigate using a slide-out menu (nav drawer). The screens at the top hierarchical level of the app have toogle ...
user74889's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is the best web design pattern for toggle-able options within a parent toggle-able menu

I'm working on a menu that can be toggled on or off, with sub-options within the menu that themselves can be toggled on or off. while logically I think it makes sense for both the parent menu and ...
rlawrence86's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a pattern for cycling or toggling through time periods?

I'm looking for a pattern for toggling between different periods of time. Currently I've prototyped an example which is a single button that, when tapped, will cycle through 3 time periods: by month, ...
Erin M's user avatar
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