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1 answer

What's the best way to display 2 mutually exclusive setup options in a form?

I have a form which has a section that has 2 way to configure. You can only choose either. Each option is a smaller form where you setup for the chosen option. These are my drafts. Which one is better,...
Franken Frank's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Struggling with Unavailable Requirements: Should I Hide Service Links or Opt for Empty State Pages?

I'm currently dealing with numerous instances where pages display requirements that users may not meet. For instance, a service that prints the latest card transactions, but the user doesn't have any ...
loboly_19's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Can modern personal computer users do without a tab key?

I am sketching designs for a prospective minimalist personal computer keyboard. I am considering omitting a TAB key. In this case, a user needing a tab would press some function key together with one ...
Ana Nimbus's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Description of a Tab

Designing an enterprise application with 2 tab options that will render separate tables. I want to add a description to the tab to make it clearer to the users, and provide more context. Here are 3 ...
harshikerfuffle's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should a popup button get focus when changed?

I have a window which shows a table on the left half. On the right half I display properties of the item which is selected within the table. The user can now change these properties. The properties ...
MassMover's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the best way to have two exclusive sets of filters above a data table?

I have two sets of filters which work with the same data. There is a table of data below those two sets of filters. But if one set of filters is applied, modified, i.e. worked with, I completely ...
manymanymore's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

On an accordion or tab interface with animations, if a user rapidly clicks multiple items, which should open - first click or last click?

I recently encountered a bug in tab and accordion interfaces on our website. These tabs have a bit of animation so there is a slight lag between clicking an item, and it being fully open. The bug ...
dave's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Multiple tabs vs multiple menu items

I am in the process of designing a new settings part for a section of our Saas. With my non-ux team, we are discussing wheter we should change the overall navigation of this section by removing the ...
StarGirl's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you make a tab (or menu) less accessible?

We have a pop-up menu with 3 tabs. All three tabs rank in importance. When clicked on an element in a page, you get a pop-up with the first (base) tab active where you see all the information you ...
Velionis's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Tab selection vs Drop down selection

I'm trying to figure out what is the best UX that I could possibly implement for a mobile phone app. Either selecting of data via tab header or a dropdown. Solution 1 - Tab Header It is easy for ...
Jaime Caro's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Are there any drawbacks to using tabindex to skip navigation elements and go to an input?

With a lot of sites I have to press tab ~7 times in order to get to the input that I want to use. I'm thinking that I will set the tabindex on that input to 1 so that it gets focus first. It seems ...
Ryan's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Design guidelines for open in new tab - Hyperlink vs Image

I am designing a website which has lots of 3rd party web services dependency. Hence user need to constantly switch to those site for validation - like using Oauth services, which will redirect back to ...
Bishal Ghimire's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Do you think is it a good idea to keep the user on a same tab when refreshing the page?

Do you think is it nice to have or necesary as user expects to stay in the same tab in a navigation when refreshing the page? Here is a demonstration and the link for the tabs:
antonell's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Any alternative to Carousal Tabs for mobile?

I am designing a mobile application for enterprise , so for desktop view we are using tabs as you can see in the image below. I want to design the same for mobile, so if we use carousal tab navigation ...
Diego's user avatar
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3 answers

Mobile app with tabs a bad idea?

I am trying to draw out what I want to build for a new mobile app, and I've run into a conundrum with tabs. I have four main categories of content, and thought it would be nice to have tabs at the top ...
kmort's user avatar
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1 answer

Where to put an "Activity Log" affordance on a page with fairly high info density?

Hey! I'm designing a rule builder tool and trying to figure out where to put an "Activity Log" affordance - basically a place where the user can click and see a complete list of the edits that have ...
Conor's user avatar
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1 answer

Tab order through a matrix of radio buttons

I'm building an HTML form where the user can select one of three options for each day of the week. The wireframe proposed by the designer looks like this: a matrix of radio buttons, with columns for ...
marcvangend's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Why do browsers allow users to open more tabs than it is possible to manage for a good user experience?

It is not unusual these days to see someone on a browser application with so many tabs open that you can't even see the favicon. I remember when bookmarks were provided to help manage a large number ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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2 answers

Accept/Reject CTA buttons on cards

I have to design a dashboard to help sellers to manage invoices addressed to them during the month. The invoices will arrive in "To do" tab. For each invoice we have two choices : "Accept" or "Reject" ...
Woj's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Should a Search Icon Inside a Search Bar Be Tabable?

I'm developing a search bar. The input field and the icon are uniform in design, and thus a tabable icon feels superfluous because the default behaviour when pressing the enter key while the input ...
Audun Olsen's user avatar
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1 answer

Responsive UI Pattern for selecting from a list of exact values greater than 5?

I'm designing a page where users should be able to sort between exercise videos categorized by "phase." (see image). These phases start with "Pre-Op" then proceed linearly 1, 2, 3, etc. Since these ...
Conor's user avatar
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1 answer

How to improve discoverability of unclicked tab?

This is a two-part question. I'm a designer at a health tech company that helps post-op patients track their rehab progress, and we're currently redesigning the site's timeline, which displays the key ...
Conor's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What's the appriopriate behavior for this "SEE ALL" button? Opening modal window or moving to another tab?

Hello. I'm designing b2b mobile app. My main tab, "Overview" consists of sections: recently bought items some recommended products customer's vouchers some statistics Those sections are in-a-...
user116371's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are tabs a good fit with data that have a cause and effect relation?

Tabs are used to show content that: not needed to be shown simultaneously and B.has a relation with similar hierarchy (like different chapters of a book) In the following case this web tool ...
Menandros Apostolidis's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Filter by type of content into specific content

I have some trouble to find a UX pattern that would fit for an mobile app improvement. I would like to display in the news feed a filter by type of content for example: News, Event, Project etc… + ...
userator's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to handle a user text input which accepts tabs as a valid character?

Working on an automated data handling system. It attempts to work out the format of the uploaded data itself but, if it fails, it asks the user to put in things like field delimiters so it can process ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it ok to use Bottom Nav Bar with Tabs for sub-level?

I am trying to design and app with Material design which has 6 top level destinations and 4 of them have sub-levels. Is it ok to use Bottom nav bar for 5 of them and put 6th one in side navs along ...
Gaurav Gaikwad's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

On a web application what should be in tab order?

I see a lot of articles which guide us how to put something in or out of tab order. However, I see no guide on what should be put in tab order. For example, one of our web app is a list of tasks to ...
AppleGrew's user avatar
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1 answer

Should I have a notification screen or just showing a badge the section is enough?

I'm designing a heavy content app and I first proposed all the notifications to be presented at one notification screen (option 1). The screen is a list and each item redirects the user to the proper ...
Lara Ramos's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Tabbed navigation in search result templates: Can users appreciate it? has tabbed navigation in their main search result template (although they don't style the tabs as such). However, my UX colleagues believe these tabs are not in much use, and they believe ...
bjornte's user avatar
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5 answers

After clicked "Apply job" button, new tab for signup? pop up for signup? or same page but different link to sign up? Which one is better? and why?

In job application page, for the user haven't log in or signup, after we clicked the "Apply Now" button. It will open a new tab for signup? pop up for signup? or same page but different link to sign ...
Wee's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

TAB UI correct usage

I am a developer and this is the design (a mock of the design) that my designer gave me: Basically clicking on a tab opens an entirely new view and looses the tab bar altogether. I am trying to ...
Shubham Kalyan Agrawal's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is it a good idea to pop-up a dialog asking for a search update after click on tab?

It's a desktop environment and there's one slow query with lots of joins. It currently executes when the user clicks a specific tab - instead of having to open the tab, and then click a button. But ...
Rasshu's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Should a floating section be affected by a page's save button?

I am designing an editable page that has a floating 'Notes' on the right section that follows users down the page. download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups I have ...
J4G's user avatar
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3 answers

Tabs with icons

A recent usability test suggested that users had a hard time finding how to complete tasks, mostly because they couldn't find the buttons on a ribbon UI (like Office). My first reaction was to ...
Nicke Manarin's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Improving button state by only changing colours

Background In short, the above 'Object list' increases in content when the different buttons at the top (A, B, C, D & E) are selected. These buttons look like tabs, but since several can be ...
Rorschach's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What you call this web site menu element?

The Google material design is new, I like to know how you call this menu element, or how will you name it: The page link: **The item we are talking ...
bard's user avatar
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3 answers

What approach the IOS user of my app would prefer?

We started the redesign of the app following Android guidelines. We are now trying to port the design to IOS, however I am not so sure what to push. Either a "Navigation Drawer" similar to the ...
ealther82's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Alternatives to tabs when displaying list and map (appbar issues when scrolling in Material Design)

In an app I'm designing there is a list that must also be displayed as a map. In this thread people already discussed the issue of whether or not display that kind of content as tabs: Choosing ...
Adria Perez Pla's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to get users to tab through forms instead of mouse-picking?

Is there a way to teach, persuade or force users to learn to use the Tab and Enter keys to navigate simple forms, instead of clicking the next field with the mouse? This is such a productivity-killer ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are there any references for 10-key data entry (enter vs. tab) to move to the next form field?

A client has requested a data entry form in which the users enter data with a 10-key number pad. When we developed the screen we used the tab button to transition from field to field as is common in ...
Brian Pope's user avatar
14 votes
7 answers

Discard unsaved changes in tab if user switches to a different tab?

We have a web application with tabs that have read only content. Some users have permission to edit the content; when edit is pressed, the tab's content can be edited. On an edited tab that has ...
sushil bharwani's user avatar