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4 votes
1 answer

Do these vertically swipeable views have a standard name?

So I've noticed this type of view appearing across a variety of popular apps recently, including Music (iOS), Google Maps, and recently also Twitter: It extends only partially from the bottom of the ...
Foefirelord's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

iOS Swipe to edit difficult to discover

A while back, we worked with a Ux/Graphics designer that was enamored with the (then) emerging "swipe to edit" trend for iOS apps. We ended up with something that looks like this on a swipe: (...
Travis Griggs's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is "Swipe to Delete" on the iPhone Calculator Bad UX?

Many people have recently discovered that the iPhone's Calculator app had a backspace feature where one could swipe left or right to delete a digit. I'm not a professional UI/UX designer, but I feel ...
Greg Whatley's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Overloading screen swiping in mobile applications

I build a mobile application that has lists of content. There were two ideas about what should happen on a swipe. One was about the list, a catalogue of items, that is filterable. The idea was to ...
K..'s user avatar
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2 answers

What is this bar indicating swipeability called?

What is the name for a bar indicating an element can be swiped? These bars (boxed in red in the image below) are meant to indicate to the user that the element can be dragged or swiped. These are not ...
Tyler's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Different swipe gestures to dismiss iOS notifications in locked vs. unlocked phone-- why?

In iOS 10, on the lock screen (or in the notification center), swiping up on a notification does nothing and to dismiss a notification you have to swipe left and tap "Clear". On the other hand, when ...
Justin Grant's user avatar
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3 answers

Swipe pattern on a mobile app

I'm developing an app of a culture event of my country. I'm developing for iOS an Android. I'm an Android user and for me is common the swipe-to-left pattern to change screens. I would like to know if ...
Camilo Sacanamboy's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How to indicate that a list view can be swiped to reveal controls?

I would like some advice on any approach which is conventionally used for indicating that swiping sideways will reveal buttons. I need to answer this design issue both for iOS and Android although ...
Andy Dent's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is the iOS 7 table view swipe feasible for critical features?

Is it a good idea to embed critical features of a table view only in the menu only visible and accessable by swiping the table view element? In this case it would be delete and modify the selected ...
Maximilian Körner's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Swipe between tab panels

Should an iOS app employ swipe gesture to move between 5 main panels docked at the bottom? Fb messenger, whatsapp, quora and twitter don't have this feature but I have shown my application to 3 ...
EralpB's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the touchable trigger distance for iOS7's back gesture?

One of the screens in my app has progress slider with draggable handle. Currently this conflicts with the iOS 7 back navigation swipe gesture from left edge of the screen. You can't select the handle ...
sampeckham's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Best to say 'swipe up' or 'swipe down'?

I am building an app (iOS) which consists of paged tiles which the user has to pan through. My question: When I need to tell the user to move the content up to view the content below it, should I say ...
user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

best image to indicate swipe left right

What is the most appropriate image to indicate to users to swipe left or right? i am using but i feel like it needs a swipe indicator in the background somewhere. Edit: for ...
helptomout's user avatar