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2 answers

Mobile Survey Design -- Next button vs automatic continue [closed]

I'm wondering if there is a situation in mobile survey design where a next button is more favorable than automatic continue after user selection and vice versa.
Mike C.'s user avatar
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Neutral values in a Likert scale for UX Surveys

When deciding on Likert scale values for a survey questionnaire, what is the best approach in providing neutral values? I have heard that neutral values are abused by respondents. but if you don't ...
Sooraj MV's user avatar
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Multiple time periods in a survey

I am working on a medical application which helps therapists to determine whether patients meet the criteria to be diagnosed with certain illnesses and disorders. For the most part, it works as a ...
Metaman's user avatar
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3 answers

Does numbering survey questions affect survey completion?

Does displaying the number of the question in front of the question on a survey affect completion rates in any way? E.g., Lorem ipsum? Dolor sit amet? Consectetur adipiscing elit? vs. Lorem ipsum? ...
Barbara's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any value in a post user testing questionnaire considering the sample sizes being small?

I worked at company that after user testing sessions got users to complete a post testing questionnaire. The questionnaire tended to ask user for an NPS score, answer SUS (usability) questions and the ...
James M's user avatar
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What is the best layout for a survey screen in a website?

I'm designing an onboarding survey for a sale education portal where the learner after signing up takes up a small survey based on which a program is recommended to the learner. This survey is ...
Akhil Ashok's user avatar
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Questionnaire for determining usability of a system

As part of a pitch, business are determining the usability of two software products and have come up with a questionnaire to ask a set of end users. They have asked me to feedback on the ...
colmcq's user avatar
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What is the effect of asking more specific questions first in a survey or questionnaire on the user?

It seems like conventional wisdom suggests asking more general questions first in a survey or questionnaire to help frame the context of the research to the user (e.g. what is your overall impression ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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4 answers

How to measure information overload of an UI?

I would like to measure the "information overload rate" of an UI. It's important to note that I'm searching more for a questionnaire / analysis which evaluates the information overload implicitly or ...
lydiaP's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best pattern encouraging users to complete a survey of roughly 100 questions, each of which uses the same multiple choice scale?

I am redesigning a questionnaire consisting of 100 questions, each of which is answered by the same multiple choice scale? Currently, these 100 questions are broken up into pages of 20, requiring the ...
Paul Seymour's user avatar
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Does using part of a usability questionnaire diminish its validity?

I'm interested in using QUIS ( but the questions about system capabilities are irrelevant for my purposes as well as the questions about screens. I'm primarily ...
fdr's user avatar
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3 answers

UX Interview Questions

I'm conducting a survey for an enterprise product used in IT security. There are two main goals: Find out whether users have any major obstacles when using the product. Find out what are the most ...
codeWolf's user avatar
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3 answers

Survey writing best practices

My team at work is seeking a standard format for all survey questions meant to assess sentiment towards feature X (e.g., satisfaction, challenge level, enjoyability, navigability, etc.). Imagining ...
SamuraiUX's user avatar
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