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Questions tagged [statistics]

Statistics about a software usage.

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2 answers

Best Way to Illustrate Creating Charts based on Dynamic Data

I'm developing a application that allows business users to create forms with fields such as text, select boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, numeric, etc with a easy drag-n-drop UI like: Once the form ...
amcdnl's user avatar
  • 113
4 votes
4 answers

Should the "Send anonymous usage statistics" checkbox be enabled by default?

If you have a "Send anonymous usage statistics" checkbox in your application, should it be enabled by default or not? If you have it enabled by default, you will probably get more statistics, but some ...
jobukkit's user avatar
  • 949
1 vote
1 answer

Guideline to choose among horizontal bar chart and vertical bar chart (For mobile device)

Currently, I were to implement a bar chart, to show dividend received from year 2000 till 2013 (as an example) I was still puzzling, on whether I should go for horizontal bar chart or vertical bar ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to improve anonymous statistics reporting rate?

There are many different organizations starting to collect usage statistics in an attempt to improve the usability or user experience of their software. One of the common frustration when designing an ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
  • 27.7k
-1 votes
1 answer

Design layout statistics [closed]

Where can I find statistics about why a certain design layout is better? I keep suggesting changes at work and the department chair rolls them back. I need evidence to show why design trends are ...
user33241's user avatar
7 votes
10 answers

Does the average user understand the median?

I have a bunch of statistical data and I want to present a short summary to the user (non-technical consumer). Now I want to show an average and need to decide between arithmetic mean and median. From ...
Sebastian Negraszus's user avatar