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Presenting selling statistics for multiple tags per each sold item in mobile application

I am writing application mobile (React native) application that lists items that users buy and sell. Each item can be tagged with some tags. I want to present some statistics statistics like: profit ...
zmii's user avatar
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Some stats about social networks used by iOS/Android users?

Are there some info and statistics about the social networks used by iOS / Androis users? If my app will be present in App Store and Google Play, I'd like to distinguish the login methods, the social ...
fabdurso's user avatar
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What percent of non-English-native people use English system language on their phone?

tl;dr: "What proportion of Spanish (or some other non-English native) people use English as their phone language?" I am writing an Android app. I plan to publish it primarily in a specific country. ...
Behnam's user avatar
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Guideline to choose among horizontal bar chart and vertical bar chart (For mobile device)

Currently, I were to implement a bar chart, to show dividend received from year 2000 till 2013 (as an example) I was still puzzling, on whether I should go for horizontal bar chart or vertical bar ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar