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Does a select input element (fixed options) need a "clear input" button?

In our custom select element the user can start typing a category.The option nearest to the typed text is highlighted and will be selected with enter, tab or clicking. The options list is fixed so ...
laEm's user avatar
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4 votes
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What is the best way to categorize or represent a list of top-level domains (TLDs)?

Background This is a problem I see routinely "solved" in different ways but have yet to see it solved well anywhere, so I'm appealing to the community for a best practice (or what others have found ...
Brian Brownton's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Design for selection options

I have a list of items in a select list with options. This list exists out of 3 options: 'None', 'Every x days' and 'Every month'. It's used to specify if a schedule has to be repeated and how many ...
M Zeinstra's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Best way to make many boolean selections

I'm making a tool that crops images at various sizes. Currently, I use checkboxes to show the different sizes, but this will grow unwieldy when I add more crop sizes. What's the best way to show all ...
Samuel Hill's user avatar