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175 votes
8 answers

At what point does a user lose trust in a Busy Spinner?

The first scenario is an action that could take roughly 2–5 seconds to execute once the user has pressed a button. A Busy Spinner will be displayed in the button until the process has been ...
Ralt's user avatar
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A single, long load - or multiple short loads, which would provide a better experience?

I have a very large, modular web application. When it starts I can do things one of three ways: A moderately long load time (about 60 seconds) to fetch all of the modules from the server (presented ...
PhonicUK's user avatar
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Wait cursor and progress showing time for long running tasks

I have a long running tasks in my desktop application. Sometimes tasks complete in 1-2-3 seconds and it does not sense to display big progress bar to an user because of the showing progress panel time ...
igor's user avatar
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How should I display a "please wait" animation?

I have to create a "please wait" page on our website. I would think you usually put the words "please wait" with some kind of spinning animation, but do I really need text? Doesn't an hourglass or ...
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