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Questions tagged [psychology]

Psychological principles as they relate to user interface and user experience design.

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1 answer

how to know a user real name with psychology questions?

I have developed an app/game that doesn't collect any user data, and I aim to pleasantly surprise users by revealing their real name during the gaming experience. The game follows a story-based format ...
Vasant Raval's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Research Dashboard: Empty State vs. Partial Data - What's the User-Friendly Approach?

I'm currently working on redesigning a research data dashboard. I'm facing a decision on how to handle the initial data load for a specific type of data that dates back couple of years. I have two ...
Wolfgang Criollo's user avatar
13 votes
9 answers

Where should a delete action be inside a menu?

I work on a product that has various menus throughout the application. Recently a customer complained that they had accidentally deleted an object from the system, rather than edited. They have ...
Matt S.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Deliberately making "break a streak" as an achievement

We're working on a habit-related app — as usual, there would be a streak mechanism. This mechanism, however, has not been far from causing stress on users. With our app, we'd like to try a softer ...
Arkan Tanriwa's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What's the name of this business model and what's the cognitive mechanism involved?

The business model I'm referring to is quite common nowadays: SAAS businesses offer free access to their product or service without any barriers, except for limits on usage. Once they have amassed a ...
Devin's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

What's this dark pattern for placing an expensive product next to an even more expensive product to make it appear cheaper?

I have the idea that you can encourage your users to buy a specific product from a list of options if you position it as the middle-ground, sensible option. Example: I sell widgets. Copper widgets ...
twsaef's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why are dark themes uncommon in e-commerce? [closed]

Most websites I come across either use a dark theme by default or have the option to switch to a dark theme. The main exception to this I have found is e-commerce. All major e-commerce platforms (...
user2248702's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to avoid the bandwagon effect on users?

Users in a target audience are likely to experience the bandwagon effect because they rely on others' assessment of information. In some domains [1], it is expected that some users are less likely to ...
Francisco Maria Calisto's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How "buy now" act as trigger and drive into loop like "Hooks model"

Recently, I was trying to understand the 4 phases of the "Hook Model". Trigger, Action, Reward & Investment. From the study, I found there is 2 main category of the trigger. Internal &...
F.C. Akhi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is UX Cognitive, Behavioral or Cognitive Behavioral?

I had this conversation with my wife yesterday as we discussed an article I am writing. I asked her about the psychological frameworks that measure cognitive events from priming, specifically within ...
Devin's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Which screen type is clearer, and why?

I know it's a dead-simple and an incredibly clear UI, but my question is when it comes to familiarity as the extension of the principle of clarity, which makes the good UI/UX to the user? Why centered:...
Charitha Goonewardena's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Interview questions about triggers of users behaviour

We are conducting user interviews with some of our existing customers that use our travel app to book their trips. One thing we are exploring during these interviews is what kind of information or ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Better user experience while having a small amount of content to show

I have the below screen that shows a list of items. The list can sometimes be long and sometimes short. When the list is long, the UI looks okay, but when it is short, the screen looks a little boring....
Charitha Goonewardena's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Clicker Training - Effects when using computer mouse and keyboard?

I am kinda wondering whether the clicking sound of a computer mouse has a passive or active effect like the one used in clicker trainer. In clicker training, a trainer would use a sound cue (can also ...
kaiya's user avatar
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Why thumbs up and thumbs down buttons looks better when facing towards each other when placed next to each other? [closed]

I'm designing a rating feature for an app with thumbs and thumbs down next to each other. i'm curious why is most examples i'd seen the hands will be facing each other instead of being in the same ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Own design feels awesome, dull over time

I was working on a mobile app design, at the beginning when designing app it looks awesome, but over time it became dull without changing anything significant (same colors, same fonts, same dimensions)...
kaushalyap's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Filled CTA vs Outlined CTA. Which is more performant?

As a user, I don't feel it adds or takes away from the experience all that much, but I'm inclined to think that a filled-in (coloured) CTA button is more prominent and therefore likely to be clicked ...
Daniel Meade's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

The psychology of 'none of the above'

I am working on a design for a formal registration service that demands users categorise themselves according to a closed list of options. The list is not exhaustive, so some users don't see an option ...
Will TURNER's user avatar
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1 answer

Why most vehicle apps user orange / red color as their theme?

I was going through multiple car/bike apps across the world and there was striking similarity that most of them use a shade of either red or orange. I wanted to understand the psychological motive ...
Sahil Kapoor's user avatar
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1 answer

Behavior modification vs usability [closed]

I'm working on a project that has me a bit stumped. Thanks for any help you can provide! Background I'm working on the interface that is shown to a student before they take a quiz. Students are ...
Kate McGee's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Metro station stop design to prevent people from commiting suicide

How to design a metro train stop that would prevent people from endangering themselves by accessing the rails when a metro arrives (perhaps by implementing the design of special doors or elevators ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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3 answers

Help with Design Team Dynamic Problems

We are a small team of UX/UI designers in an organization. Often we are micromanaged by a single designer who has direct links with highest authority. Instead of going in the usual route of ...
Glasspopsicle's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What domain name would be best from ux point of view for my website? [closed]

I have a clothing brand by name of pendu streetwear. I was thinking of getting the domain name But isn't it too long for the user to type in. Or, but that way it ...
penduDev's user avatar
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4 answers

Whats the best way to graph percentage data?

Lets say I have the following data: Category positive neutral negative total 0 Category 1 1.000000 0.000000 0.0 2 1 Category 2 1.000000 0.000000 0.0 1 2 ...
Simon's user avatar
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2 answers

Why some users buy a product with higher price?

I recently talked to a person who is a supplier for an E-commerce website. In this website suppliers can provide their products at the price they choose. So it is probable that a specific product is ...
Keivan Sina's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What metrics have been used differentiate between user engagement and addiction?

There have been some recent press about the computer game Fortnite that has caused concern for parents of children that are spending excessive time playing due to its seemingly addictive effect on ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can I prevent the users from feeling awkward or uncomfortable when talking to an unknown user with no available profile or references at all?

I'm analysing a web project where you can connect and talk to other users, but there's no information available about them but their usernames. This site is intended to help people to communicate with ...
Noob_Number_1's user avatar
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How important are avatars/profile images in the context of social feedback?

How important are avatars/profile images in the context of social feedback or inticing behavior as opposed to just the name of a user or an abstract avatar? Specifically, in the case of consumer ...
Babiker's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Preventing users from posting toxic content [closed]

I'm not 100% sure if this fits here, but I would guess it does... I'm building an app where users can post and talk to each other anonymously. With that comes a lot of responsibility as I feel like ...
Simon's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What is the preferred shape of a messaging/chat icon? [closed]

As stated in this answer, an elliptical speech bubble is more commonly seen than a rounded (rectangular) speech bubble. This is perhaps true of comics, but not in messaging/chat services; it makes ...
Guest's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any way (or best practise) to measure the perceived workload caused by a software on a certain user?

Perceived Workload has a subjective character trait, but I would like to find a way how one can measure for example the perceived workload from any individual. Here I mean the workload, which is ...
SteffPoint's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any scientifically proven way to get criteria or factors, why a user accepts a software?

Sometimes I notice the effect in my company, that a software is accepted by a project team - even though in Usability Testing the software (not having monopoly in functionality) turned out to be more ...
SteffPoint's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why do app developers generalize changes in their update notes?

Considering the case of app updates, why do app developers generalize changes in their update notes? How does each writing style (general or specific) for update changelogs affect UX? Image samples:
Mehul Shah's user avatar
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Which way should I design coupon codes?

There are two ways of creating a coupon code: The easy way Something like bike17. The random way Something like fj348osfgl. For the first one following applies: It's easy to remember. However, I ...
Noah Krasser's user avatar
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In an e-commerce site why the checkout card is often placed in right hand side...why not in left?

I visited over maximum e-commerce web site but they have a common thing is that the check out page is always in right side of the page. what is the UX logic / mental model / cognitive science behind ...
Sushanta Kumar Pradhan's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

People like to read their own names and not others? - UX Design - psychology [closed]

I read somewhere that people secretly hate to read the name(s) of other people/product over and over again. They only like to see their own names. And that is why most people draw tattoos of their ...
Inzamam Malik's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

The Psychology of Colors

I have a few categories in my application regarding the various needs/dimensions of human lives such as health, social services etc. I am not sure which color would best represent each category. Could ...
Faezeh Bahmani's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What do employers except for Web designer job profile? [closed]

Not sure if I am asking this question in the right forum I am a web designer currently searching for a job. I have really good portfolio and work experience and when applying for a job, almost ...
maria's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Can comments decrease content creation in fear of not receiving enough social feedback or acknowledgment?

It's been written that one of the reasons for Snapchat's success is the fact that they did not implement likes regarding photos. Some reasonably theories that likes inhibit the frequency of content ...
Babiker's user avatar
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5 answers

Module Tab & Navigation tab Interaction

I am currently working on an enterprise website with loads of different views/content. I have chosen tabs as a navigation and each tab has a new view in it .On top of this, i have grouped all these ...
Harshith's user avatar
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Is there a metric for how much cognitive effort it takes a person to execute a task?

I'm curious if there is a branch of science that has tried to quantify the amount of attention or cognitive effort it takes to complete a task? Some high/low examples: A musician performing on the ...
Stevko's user avatar
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2 answers

How to encourage quality content in small populations?

I'm creating an app that allows users to post content onto the app for other community members to use. The content is forever changing IE, eventually the content posted by a user will be deleted and ...
Vindictive's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Behavioral Research regarding wait time display

I'm going to be making the case to a client and am looking for evidence to my claim. I proposed that when their system is loading or "warming up", it would be better show the wait time as a count-up ...
Melissa Easker's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Reason why brand logotypes are in lowercase?

Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Flickr, Intel, Citibank, Macy's, BP, Vitamin Water to name a few, have their logotypes entirely in lowercase. I assume the reason is to make it more casual and friendly. Is ...
Gautam Krishnan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Designing Experimental Webapps and Avoiding Bias

I am designing a webapp for psychological research and my goal is two fold: Make a user feel as though they can trust this experiment (especially when they look at the consent form). University IRB ...
neils's user avatar
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1 answer

Click on main text opens a new detail page on a card

I have a situation where I have a card as an element and it had primary Title, Sub title, and other texts and one secondary CTA. The problem that I am facing is the click on the main title opens a new ...
Harshith's user avatar
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Should I tell interviewees remaining time for tests?

Context I was running a series of tests last week, with 6 groups of 4-5 people each. Tests consisted in showing images to participants and asking a qualitative open ended question that had to be ...
Devin's user avatar
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Looking for Research on Loss Aversion

We're dealing with an ongoing research process and finding some noticeable pain points, specifically related to loss aversion (this is for a risk investments app). After lots of brainstorming, we're ...
Devin's user avatar
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does top-level domain name affect user experience? [duplicate]

does these new top-level domain names (.guru, .rocks, .ml, .tk) affect user experience? do they like to type generic top-level domain names only?
FATZOMBI's user avatar
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What's a professional approach to discouraging web developers from contacting a business owner through a contact form?

Currently, there is a contact form on a site I develop, with a dismissible (bootstrap-style) alert below the submit button that says No Solicitors And when it is closed, a cookie is stored to ...
Patrick Roberts's user avatar

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