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4 votes
3 answers

Behavioral Research regarding wait time display

I'm going to be making the case to a client and am looking for evidence to my claim. I proposed that when their system is loading or "warming up", it would be better show the wait time as a count-up ...
Melissa Easker's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Designing Experimental Webapps and Avoiding Bias

I am designing a webapp for psychological research and my goal is two fold: Make a user feel as though they can trust this experiment (especially when they look at the consent form). University IRB ...
neils's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Is there research supporting the link between colors and emotions?

I recently reviewed a style guide document and came across a passage concerning colors. In the text, different colors are attributed to different emotions, e.g.: Orange stands for lust for life or ...
stefan.s's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Best practices or resources about online assessment

I have a project to deliver an online assessment of a large number of users. The assessment is for a psychological research project, so the content is mostly self-description asked in a variety of ...
Jeff's user avatar
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63 votes
5 answers

What research is there suggesting modal dialogs are disruptive?

It seems "Everyone" knows they're highly disruptive for many situations but often times clients don't. Particularly in desktop applications this form of dialog is often misused, often disrupting a ...
Zelda's user avatar
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3 votes
8 answers

What motivates people to keep on sharing ideas, develop new concepts and innovate on online innovation communities? [closed]

I'm very interested in crowd-sourcing and online innovation communities. Currently, I'm conducting research on what motivates users to continue sharing ideas, developing concepts, funding projects and ...
inno_social's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Should we call our achievement system something else?

The company I work for has two public sites; one is just our main WWW site and the other is a site dedicated to our members. I'm a developer there and I'm working on an achievement system for our ...
Josh's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Mental model vs Conceptual model -- what's the difference?

I'm reading Apple's Human Interface Guidelines about Mental models and I can't understand what is the difference between Mental and Conceptual models. I prefer a short answer if possible :)
Miki's user avatar
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76 votes
9 answers

How does Gamification change User Behavior?

On Location Based Applications the use of Gamification is essential. As you move along and check in you earn badges and points. Users also find themselves in a leader board, which most certainly ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar