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Why thumbs up and thumbs down buttons looks better when facing towards each other when placed next to each other? [closed]

I'm designing a rating feature for an app with thumbs and thumbs down next to each other. i'm curious why is most examples i'd seen the hands will be facing each other instead of being in the same ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
  • 10.8k
2 votes
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Priming in User Experience Design [closed]

How can we use priming / subliminal messages to increase the visitor / user's joy on a website? The topic "Subliminal Perception" a.k.a. "Priming" is often used by marketeers to subliminally ...
Max de Mooij's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Do shapes connote differing degrees of hazard?

I'm working on designing an icon set and experimenting with a few different styles. One style would involve every icon being the same color. However, color is really good at differentiating things ...
Brendan's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Is it still effective and appropriate to use psychological pricing for IT people?

I need to build pricing plan for service that will be used mainly by developers and designers. I can't decide what price to use, e.g. $20 or $19. I'm afraid that well-educated and smart people (...
Dan Ban's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How do users use spatial memory?

I have some questions about how spatial memory works and the effects on user interfaces: Do users seek items by spatial memory? What do they actually "link" to a position - a particular object ("View ...
Jimmy Breck-McKye's user avatar
39 votes
3 answers

How many visually distinct colors can accurately be associated with a separated legend in a figure?

For charts and graphs it's a relatively common question by programmers to want to procedurally generate an arbitrary number of colors that are visually distinct. Various research (or educated guesses)...
Phrogz's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

The psychology of everyday shapes

We know a lot about colours and how they affect people, but what do we know about shapes? When choosing icons or logos, how do the shapes in them affect their perception? Does anyone know of any ...
JohnGB's user avatar
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3 answers

How much time is lost by waiting for GUI?

After asking the question Will faster GUI always make one more efficient?, I understood that there is a lower limit to the amount of time lost due to the GUI not responding. My interpretation of the ...
David's user avatar
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