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What's a professional approach to discouraging web developers from contacting a business owner through a contact form?

Currently, there is a contact form on a site I develop, with a dismissible (bootstrap-style) alert below the submit button that says No Solicitors And when it is closed, a cookie is stored to ...
Patrick Roberts's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is Aesthetics sometimes preferred in Forms?

Is there some instances where form design is preferred? I already searched about the topic and the most common is: "Base the input width on user's expectation" But how about when the form looks ...
jen's user avatar
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11 votes
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Getting the real name of an user

Currently, when registering on my site, users are presented with a first name field and a lastname field (plus an email and password field as usual). My reasoning behind this was to encourage users to ...
penalosa's user avatar
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2 answers

Ordering of an Eligibility Funnel during application onboarding process

I am designing an onboarding/registration process for a mobile app/service that has fairly restrictive qualification requirements. Over time, these requirements will be come substantially less ...
Dan Shoukimas's user avatar
9 votes
11 answers

Should help-text be above or below the input?

There are many frameworks that support some variant of "help text", that is text which supplements the heading, label and placeholder. It's often used to give a brief description of the purpose of the ...
rtheunissen's user avatar
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3 answers

Labels inside or outside text inputs? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: On forms, is inline placeholder text better than a label outside each field? Are there any advantages / disadvantages in placing ones labels outside ones text inputs like ...
Mark Boulder's user avatar
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Advantages of big forms (especially in ecommerce)

What are the advantages or disadvantages using big forms? (especially in ecommerce) I notice sites like Stack Exchange are using big form input fields with big bold labels inside of them (...
Mark Boulder's user avatar
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