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3 votes
2 answers

Why are dark themes uncommon in e-commerce? [closed]

Most websites I come across either use a dark theme by default or have the option to switch to a dark theme. The main exception to this I have found is e-commerce. All major e-commerce platforms (...
user2248702's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why some users buy a product with higher price?

I recently talked to a person who is a supplier for an E-commerce website. In this website suppliers can provide their products at the price they choose. So it is probable that a specific product is ...
Keivan Sina's user avatar
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2 answers

Which way should I design coupon codes?

There are two ways of creating a coupon code: The easy way Something like bike17. The random way Something like fj348osfgl. For the first one following applies: It's easy to remember. However, I ...
Noah Krasser's user avatar
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2 answers

In an e-commerce site why the checkout card is often placed in right hand side...why not in left?

I visited over maximum e-commerce web site but they have a common thing is that the check out page is always in right side of the page. what is the UX logic / mental model / cognitive science behind ...
Sushanta Kumar Pradhan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Advantages of big forms (especially in ecommerce)

What are the advantages or disadvantages using big forms? (especially in ecommerce) I notice sites like Stack Exchange are using big form input fields with big bold labels inside of them (...
Mark Boulder's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What is wrong with putting price timeline in e-commerce sites?

Why don't e-commerce sites, e.g. amazon, include price timeline charts for their products so that users will be persuaded on the discounts? Does it incur any culprits for usability or even for sales? ...
Özgür's user avatar
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