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3 answers

To lower user's cognitive memory load or not?

Naturally, it sounds like it is only best for our users if our design could reduce user's cognitive workload when performing a task. However, there are also theories that explain the need for a ...
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Patterns in thinking driving UX design? [closed]

Ok, this question will be tricky. We were having a discussion among some colleagues, and I came up with the hypothesis that most of the current-accepted UX design patterns are mostly based on our ...
Alpha's user avatar
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Where can I read more about how the brain utilizes patterns?

I've been reading some cognitive psychology books and they all talk about the fact that our brains recognize and store things using patterns. Unfortunately, all these books talk only briefly about ...
Mashhoor's user avatar
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Deliberate Barriers to Entry in Web Design has taken the "members only club" concept to a level I've never seen online; you can hardly view anything on the site without registering. This is the first time I've seen barriers to entry ...
Zelda's user avatar
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What objective qualities make a user interface intuitive?

How is intuitive defined in terms of UI? Are there any studies about what objective and measurable qualities make a user interface intuitive? What design principles, patterns, or approaches are most ...
Virtuosi Media's user avatar