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2 votes
2 answers

Deliberately making "break a streak" as an achievement

We're working on a habit-related app — as usual, there would be a streak mechanism. This mechanism, however, has not been far from causing stress on users. With our app, we'd like to try a softer ...
Arkan Tanriwa's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Behavior modification vs usability [closed]

I'm working on a project that has me a bit stumped. Thanks for any help you can provide! Background I'm working on the interface that is shown to a student before they take a quiz. Students are ...
Kate McGee's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Is there research supporting the link between colors and emotions?

I recently reviewed a style guide document and came across a passage concerning colors. In the text, different colors are attributed to different emotions, e.g.: Orange stands for lust for life or ...
stefan.s's user avatar
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2 answers

Terminology for user fear of unbounded space

There is a term used for describing a behavioral pattern where users feel disoriented or anxious when a navigable space is unbounded and there is no reference point. For example, in a 3D drawing ...
tohster's user avatar
  • 41.3k
76 votes
9 answers

How does Gamification change User Behavior?

On Location Based Applications the use of Gamification is essential. As you move along and check in you earn badges and points. Users also find themselves in a leader board, which most certainly ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar