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What is the best pattern for "edit screen" (The creation is via progress steps)

I am working on a flow of creating a complex entity. The creation process consists of 3 steps. Each of them has a lengthy form. Now I need to also allow editing of this entity after creation. Should I ...
user110630's user avatar
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Drafts for the in-progress applications

I am working on a mobile application for license registration. After the user has selected his product and filled the required forms, he has to wait for the request to be confirmed. After request ...
Hanie Shakeri's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Progress tracker step 5a and 5b

I am working on a project that involves multiple screens and forms. There are approximately 15 screens the user will go through to complete a registration. Due to technical reasons dev team want to ...
tiki16's user avatar
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3 answers

Jump back on error in progress list

I am a developer of a mobile app and have no particular proficiency in UX. In my app there is a use case where the user has to wait and the progress is shown in a list with an indicator icon [check ...
Aldinjo's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

In terms of levels and gamification what would be the best option between infinite points and scaled levels?

Infinite points or Scaled levels I'm wondering what would be the best option UX-wise in terms of user levels and gamification for a contribution app : Are the users more sensible about a goal that ...
Mathieu Rios's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Any best practice on how to represent player progress stat in a game?

I'm making a musical game where user should recognize notes and get faster at note reading. I'm in the designing process and I get quite stuck on the designing of the player progress on the level ...
Julien Sullivan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to indicate an unfinished task with a check box or similar without implying you can check it off yourself?

I have an onboarding checklist, where the user has to complete a number of tasks. The most natural visual seems to be to use a list with an empty check box for uncompleted tasks, with checks added for ...
Ghopper21's user avatar
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1 answer

How would you illustrate days progression within a month (elapsed days)?

I am looking for a visual way to display the elapsed and remaining days within a month without displaying a calendar. Basically the purpose of the app is to reach a goal in a month time frame. So ...
Chris's user avatar
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3 answers

Progress tracking/Stepper UI/UX research

I'm currently working on an application where users complete a flow of tasks, divided over multiple pages. For this application, I'm considering using a progress tracking/stepper UI element. However, ...
idix's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the standard way to show downloading notification to user for file downloads that require authorization in web applications?

Our web application needs to enable secured file download by requiring HTTP requests to have authorization token. Due to this, when user clicks download the file will be retrieved using AJAX GET ...
stormtrooper's user avatar
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Your progress VS Team progress [closed]

I'm in dilemma here. There is a big (can't do anything about it) survey a group of people should take, and when there are enough responses to make the data anonymous some reports are available. I'm ...
PathOfNeo's user avatar
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1 answer

Icons vs numbers progress tracker

My mobile application includes a 4 step process to create and publish a project with each step start, the progress tracker increments(highlights next step) as shown in the image below currently am ...
Moh'd Hawamdeh's user avatar
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2 answers

Progress visualization of a person's self-development?

I'm talking about any kind of self-improvement that is monitored/tracked. Most common example are fitness trackers or apps. Now are there any guidelines or examples on this? How would one best ...
Big_Chair's user avatar
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Sequential representation of a parallel process? (skyscanner search progress) [closed]

When I search for flights on Skyscanner, it first shows a "Searching" screen with a spinner, then shows some results along with a progress bar and indicators stating "Searched 28/30 providers" and "...
linuxhackerman's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

How to implement busy spinner with button

What should happen when a user clicks on a button that triggers an action that takes a short amount of time to complete, showing a busy spinner to indicate processing? [click]↖ ⇒ [click] ↖⚙ - Mouse ...
clickbait's user avatar
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1 answer

Perception of progress - number of pages

I'm at the very beginning of redesigning a checkout/bag page and had a thought about how people perceive their progress through a form based on the amount/lack of pages. Currently we have a bag page ...
sclarke's user avatar
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2 answers

Progress indicator for two steps

Is it helpful to include a progress indicator when there's only two steps in a process? For example:
smuvv's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Wizard/progressive stepper: Should states only be controlled by back button?

Suppose a stepper has 6 steps. Can the user directly jump to the 4th step or should he follow the same flow with a click on "save and next". Same flow for the reverse order as well. For example: ...
NB4's user avatar
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1 answer

Are progress chevrons passé?

Is there a better best practice to use to signal to a user the steps they need to take, as well as which step they're on?
Matty Sallin's user avatar
22 votes
7 answers

How should I indicate that a download is in progress?

I have a data table that has a row of buttons with download format options. When one of the buttons is clicked, I want to display some sort of message to indicate that the download preparation process ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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When displaying a download rate to users should it be Mbps or MB/s?

If a program is displaying the speed of a download (or an upload), how should that speed be displayed to the user? Mbps (Megabits per second) or MB/s (Megabytes per second) or something else? It ...
User's user avatar
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3 answers

Progress Tracker with 2 levels

I'm currently designing a step-by-step wizard, where the interface tells the user which section of the wizard he/she is visiting, using Progress Trackers, like the image below. The user can navigate ...
Joao Carvalho's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Show progress of random process

I have a webpage where the client has to do some work, and would like to show progress of this to the user. The task is completely client-side. It consists of making an "attempt", which has a (known) ...
usernumber's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Updating progress bar when identifying extra work

I have a slim, single progress bar in my simple search engine. The 100% of the progress bar is all the sources in which the search engine can search in. Sometimes, more sources can be discovered ...
Infinity's user avatar
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1 answer

GUI - visualize table filtering speed

I'd like to present a UI element suggesting progress of a string filtering process. Filtering: We have a growing table/list of strings. We're filtering all the strings using some rule and filling ...
LiMar's user avatar
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2 answers

Detailed progress indicator with different states

I am creating an application for mobile devices (tablet primarily, but in the future phone size). A user creates a new process, which has many 'cards'. A 'card' is essentially a collection of forms. ...
Jon Kyte's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How would you represent the progression of steps within steps?

I need to create a rather complex wizard which shows the progress of 3 main steps, and then between 4 and 10 sub-steps within each of the main steps. It would seem logical to have the sub-steps ...
Mopo123's user avatar
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175 votes
8 answers

At what point does a user lose trust in a Busy Spinner?

The first scenario is an action that could take roughly 2–5 seconds to execute once the user has pressed a button. A Busy Spinner will be displayed in the button until the process has been ...
Ralt's user avatar
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1 answer

How to treat 'activity' panel with no activity

I have a Web based UI, and it has a one line panel in which a summary of ongoing background activity is shown. When background activity is occurring, a spinner shows in the panel with a summary of the ...
Dan Gravell's user avatar
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3 answers

Show progress dialog or do task in background?

Example: User can write an article and when the user wants to submit it (send to server) how should the app handle that? Should it just show a progress dialog and while the dialog is shown restrict ...
Ladas125's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Gif Animation Progress Bar for Windows 10 Desktop behaviour [closed]

I am designing a native application which pushes windows bundles to Windows 10 desktop. Once the bundles are pushed from the native application you can install them on your desktop. I need to give ...
Sandeep Virmani's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

progress indicator internet usage

I have to define the best pattern for an usage internet indicator, where the service plan doesn´t have limits but clients who move over the mark above 150 GB, your speed connection will be dropping ...
JuanMa's user avatar
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4 answers

Progress Indicator for Slow Progress Process

I am designing a quick reference status indicator for a customer facing application. We would like to allow our users to check their status with our help desk, though that process only has three ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Which direction gives the best sensation of progress?

I'm used to see that the progress bars fill from left to right (and in some cases from right to left in rtl languages). However, in a case where you follow a step by step that will always end in a ...
Sergi Juanola's user avatar
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How can I discourage users from using the back button?

I'm working on a web application where users submit a request, are redirected to a page that says something like "processing, please don't hit the back button", and after a few seconds, are redirected ...
Nathan Long's user avatar
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How do I make a lot of steps (and sub-steps) on limited space?

I'm looking for a better solution to visualize the steps shown on the images below. With ~5 steps it works just fine, although when I use more they start breaking the grid. I really want to keep the ...
Mads Egmose's user avatar
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Do arrows pointing right mean progression universally?

Sometimes I use arrows pointing right to mean progression, and arrows pointing left to mean regression. Looking at internet browsers' back/forward buttons, I assume this is universal, but I don't know ...
Smig's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Any good examples of how to show an overview of the status of multiple items moving through a process?

I'm working with a client on the design of a tool runs an analysis on school data and presents the user with reports that help them support their schools This is the process a user goes through: A ...
mlveg's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

The effect of showing "wizard" style steps in a multistep process

I'm approaching this from the context of a user onboarding workflow. Specifically I'm looking for references to research that discuss what effect displaying "wizard" steps actually has on user ...
ccurtisj's user avatar
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3 answers

For a checkout page progress tracker, is it considered bad practice to skip to step 2 (if the user is already signed in)?

For a checkout page progress tracker, if the first step is login/register, is it considered bad practice to skip to step 2 (because the user is already logged in when they get to checkout)? Would it ...
mrl's user avatar
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Is a progress tracker necessary/beneficial for a 2-step checkout?

For many checkout pages, a progress tracker is touted as a good idea to help guide a user through the purchasing/checkout process (as outlined in this article:
mrl's user avatar
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4 answers

Nonlinear Wizard Progress Tracking

I am designing the User Registration Wizard for a web application. Users register as part of a company, and sometimes that company is part of a larger network/group of companies. So there are various ...
OpenTage's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

Progress bars over 100%

Does anyone have any advice or examples of what to do with a progress bar that exceeds 100%. I am working on a progress bar to indicate the status of an item. At 100% a deficiency is created for ...
KeighleyKodric's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Estimating Remaining Time for a Progress Bar

What is the best way to estimate remaining time for a progress bar? In my case, it's a computing time, but I suppose this is a general issue of estimating the remaining time of a task in a user-...
Eric Grange's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Best, most flexible way of presenting task progress

In the world of business, one of the most common scenarios is having some sort of task system that has a natural business progression. For example, someone at Department A initiates the task, it then ...
J86's user avatar
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5 votes
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Display multi-part progress

I am trying to come up with an effective way to show progress towards a college degree. I have tried a couple of different things, but no solution has been able to solve all of my requirements. I ...
TylerAndFriends's user avatar
3 votes
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How to handle multiple versions of same application with different set of features

Imagine you have two versions of the same web application. Lets call them v1 and v2. The use of the two versions is the same. V1 is an older version which is extremely flexible and customizable but ...
tblessander's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What are best practices for blocking UI when application is busy

I'm writing a web app using Twitter Bootstrap with PHP on server side. My app makes regular ajax requests via jQuery and i want to disable certain parts of the UI until the server completes processing ...
Junaid Qadir Shekhanzai's user avatar
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2 answers

Initial Setup Progress - should I show all required tasks or just next task suggestion?

I'm working on helping users through a non-obvious initial setup process for a product I work on, and so I'm displaying a setup progress indicator on the main screen. There are four separate setup ...
Shawn D.'s user avatar
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4 answers

Tracking Shipment Progress

I am currently in the process of designing an application where customers can log on and see a list of all of their existing orders and view where the current transit progress is. Just like FedEx or ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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