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4 votes
4 answers

Wizard/progressive stepper: Should states only be controlled by back button?

Suppose a stepper has 6 steps. Can the user directly jump to the 4th step or should he follow the same flow with a click on "save and next". Same flow for the reverse order as well. For example: ...
NB4's user avatar
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Progress Tracker with 2 levels

I'm currently designing a step-by-step wizard, where the interface tells the user which section of the wizard he/she is visiting, using Progress Trackers, like the image below. The user can navigate ...
Joao Carvalho's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How would you represent the progression of steps within steps?

I need to create a rather complex wizard which shows the progress of 3 main steps, and then between 4 and 10 sub-steps within each of the main steps. It would seem logical to have the sub-steps ...
Mopo123's user avatar
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The effect of showing "wizard" style steps in a multistep process

I'm approaching this from the context of a user onboarding workflow. Specifically I'm looking for references to research that discuss what effect displaying "wizard" steps actually has on user ...
ccurtisj's user avatar
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Nonlinear Wizard Progress Tracking

I am designing the User Registration Wizard for a web application. Users register as part of a company, and sometimes that company is part of a larger network/group of companies. So there are various ...
OpenTage's user avatar