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Best practices for consecutive intrusive overlay (Modal)

qq for best practices... My product has to show the user some regulations about an specific product and ask them to agree with terms (Law terms and regulations), therefore it must be an intrusive ...
Marcelo Henrique's user avatar
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On modal window, Is it necessary to put the word "VIEW" ITEM in the title of the modal after clicking a VIEW ITEM button or in a dropdown?

Example below is viewing a quote: A - View quote as the title (quote number as part of the content) B - Quote number as title and removed it from the content
Sknny's user avatar
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Full screen modal vs normal modal?

What are the advantages of using full screen vs normal modal? I've seen sites like Airbnb & Slack use white full-screen overlay. How does it impact usability? Are there any advantages for using ...
NB4's user avatar
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Fullscreen Modal Window Usability Issues [closed]

There is a new trend of fullscreen modals used in web applications. Please refer a sample in the below link (Click the green colored "See it in action" button):
krishnajay's user avatar