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2 answers

Responsive feature comparison layout / grid

I have a list of applications (~120 items). Each application on the list has the same features (logo, name, OS name, price range, short product info), so basically this is a table with 120 rows and ...
takeshin's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Presenting data in a grid form versus a tabled form

Is there a general rule when displaying data in a grid form versus a simple tabled list? Since modern screens tend to be wider now, it makes more sense to me to start utilizing grids instead of normal ...
Kevin Evans's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

In a grid, how to display long column headers

When displaying data in a grid (each row contains a record, each column a different record field), vertical space need is easily solved with scrolling or paging. We are usually sooner missing ...
Mart's user avatar
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