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Seeking UX Recommendations with Future Feature Expansion in Mind - Date/Time/Repeat/Duration selection for a Todo app

I’m facing a dilemma in my UX design for a Todo app. Should I prioritize making the flow more efficient with fewer steps to complete a common task? Or, should I focus on a cleaner, less cluttered UI? ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
0 votes
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Text resizing in iOS and Android apps

Doing a bit of benchmarking, looking for applications that are well responsive when Text resizing (accessibility). Does anyone know any good examples of applications that look good when text resizing?
Eduard Vereshchaka's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

iOS Sheet or Modal? Can You Help Me Identify Use Cases?

Okay, I've been struggling to find an answer for this in the Apple HIG guidelines, so I'll ask here. In the attached image, what is the difference between the three screen types? Full-screen modal ...
Matthew Gelfand's user avatar
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iOS Action Sheets - Native or Custom?

What is best practice for styling Action Sheets in iOS? I see examples out there using the simple native iOS component, while others customize it to match their style and brand. Is there a best ...
Matthew Gelfand's user avatar
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iOS Design - Tab vs. Child Screen

Are there best iOS design practices regarding when content should have its own dedicated tab, versus when it can simply be on a child screen (with a back button to the home screen)? Are they ...
Matthew Gelfand's user avatar
3 votes
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Should a Skeleton loading effect be used when refreshing a view with data already present?

I'm developing a mobile app, should I display a skeleton effect when the user trigger a pull refresh even when there's already a data on the screen and won't load a new or additional data in those ...
Dylan's user avatar
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Mobile iPhone and Android - Highlight when using bluetooth keyboard on calendar display outside of frame

When using the bluetooth keyboard and tabbing through a calendar control, part of the highlight around the previous/next month is out of the calendar control. Has anyone experienced the same? Was ...
Moisés Paiva's user avatar
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I'm creating a detailed component spec for an input field in iOS and I don't know exactly how to specify certain accessibility details

I'm building a detailed accessibility spec for an iOS input field component for a design system. I want to outline in the spec how voiceover should work. The design system needs an input field that ...
keganonyous's user avatar
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What is currently the best way to ask the user on iOS and MacOS for saved credentials

At first I am an Android user so please forgive me when this is very oblivious. I am working on a Flutter plugin, which should make it as easy as possible to sign in into any Flutter app using my ...
rekire's user avatar
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Are there any crucial differences between iOS and Andoid UX writing? [closed]

What are differences between iOS and Android that might affect how we write for the users of each platform?
Dmitri Vozhakov's user avatar
5 votes
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Alternatives to hamburger menus for switching the user context (e.g. active project in a project management app)?

Context: a mobile app for project management where the user at any given time has one active project. Think Slack/Discord/GitHub. Each project has some per-project navigation, in the form of a top tab ...
tibbe's user avatar
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2 votes
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Navigating to subpage from multiple locations

Let's assume the following Navigation Hierarchy: RootPage1 -> SubPage1 RootPage2 RootPage3 All RootPages are accessible from the NavBar. RootPage1 has a button that navigates the user to SubPage1....
Dennis Lukas's user avatar
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iOS alert that is not dismissable

I have a new feature in our iOS app, where we are uplifting user data from their device to the cloud. The process could take up to a minute, or 2 mins as an absolute extreme case. A use case is that a ...
Antistandard's user avatar
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Does WCAG A or AA require that a website support tabbing/keyboard accessibility on Android and IOS devices?

I have a webpage that is keyboard accessible in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge across all screen sizes. However, when using the page on Android and IOS the tabbing is not effective or sequential. Is it a ...
Dog's user avatar
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Solutions for long App names for both App Store/Play Store and using an icon name

What is the preferred method for working with long app names? When the app name is required and can not be changed when a company might have multiple apps with similar names. Do apps mainly keep the ...
Tanooki Mario's user avatar
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Why does apple use odd numbers for font size and paddings?

I have learnt the use of even numbers for font sizes, spacings. The 8 point rule. But still not being able to figure out why Apple still uses odd number for font sizes, spacings and paddings.
shakya90's user avatar
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Change details view of iOS or Android without going back to UITableView

We are redesigning our app and the current one you need to hit the back button to view all Divisions to get to a new Division Details page. We are looking for the best UI option to just change the ...
Mike Flynn's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the best way to indicate new data related to a button in iOS?

I develop a shopping list app, which supports multiple lists, but only one list can be viewed at once. The "Lists" button (top-left) is used to open a screen showing all lists and, from here,...
Wheelie's user avatar
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4 votes
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Does iOS have an equivalent to Material Design's 'ripple' effect when touching a surface?

I'm working on an app using Flutter that is being rolled out on both Android and iOS. Some iOS users have expressed confusion at the 'ripple' effect that appears on a surface when it is tapped or ...
mosh.jinton's user avatar
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SwiftUI's .confirmationAction the right choice to create something?

I have the following situation in a View that is presented in a sheet, The navigation part without the form field is basically NavigationStack { .navigationTitle("Create event") ....
Adrian Föder's user avatar
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Logout button: Hide or disable?

We have an iOS app. Before you can do anything with the app, you have at first come past a login screen. There is alwatys a menu, even on the login screen, in this menu you can log out of the app (but ...
Jan's user avatar
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What is the best practice for designing apps for 320px wide?

I'm worried about my content placement on narrow screens. Should I shrink my fontsize for iPhone SE, for example? Specially when iOS keyboard is so big on 320px small screens. My layout in Figma is ...
Petr A.'s user avatar
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iOS Mobile Scrolling Best Practice

My designer came up with this design which I like but the top part, what is a best practice to scroll here. Should the table cells go behind the searchbox, should we have a divider of some sort? What ...
Mike Flynn's user avatar
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[iOS][Android] Best (pragmatic) practices for showing PDFs

I've been trying to get a consensus on "best practices" for showing PDFs on mobile… but my Google skills have failed me so far. I manage a bunch of mobile applications, where we sometimes ...
Carlos Garcia's user avatar
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iOS apps log users out when upgrading to a new phone

Why do so many apps log users out after upgrading to a new phone ? (ex: Gmail, Slack, Instagram). From a technical POV it's easy to keep the user logged in after a phone upgrade. Is there any upside ...
tsp's user avatar
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What's the name of the greater than indicator after the sender name in the iOS Mail app?

is there a name for the small "greater than" sign used as indicator in Apple Mail on iOS? Thank you in advance :)
Andreas's user avatar
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iOS bar button - How do you place your only cancel (close) bar button?

If we have 2 bar buttons, we follow the common UX pattern, by placing the cancel button on left, and done button on right (img#1). Img#1 Img#2 Img#3 Cancel button on left X" icon button on the ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
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2 answers

Presentation of modal when clicking on tab bar item

I am working (as an iOS developer) on an app, where there is a "Profile" tab, which doesn't have any content to show if the user isn't signed in. The product owner wants to present a modal, ...
ThomasCle's user avatar
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How to make sure the user knows interactivity of this widget

I want to keep the interface as clean as possible, but I want the user to know, that they can edit the exercise (eg. the list tiles with the not-so-dark background), where I then display the exercise ...
Jacob Aschenwald's user avatar
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On IOS have the back button but also we have one more small back button to switch from app to app, on Android how do they work?

please help me explain my concern Please tell me what is the back link in the red circle that is only available in ios and no in android, how do they work? I have tried all sorts of ways to compare ...
Việt Vương's user avatar
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Right Bar Button vs Bottom Button - iOS

I can't decide the placement of the button that will take the user to the next screen or that will submit a form. Apple uses both right bar button and bottom button in different cases. It's obvious ...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
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Apple Pay suppression message scares our users

I'm working on a mobile app that uses NFC to connect to specific devices. For iOS phones, we are required to suppress the Apple Pay interface, because otherwise the Wallet app will show up when ...
DennisW's user avatar
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IOS font - Can I use brand typography for app that will work on IOS?

I'm designing an app, that will be supported for Android and Ios. The brand font is Lato. I'm wondering if I should use SF Pro while designing this app or can I use a brand font?
Lorelei Heckmann's user avatar
26 votes
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When and why should we choose rounded corners over smooth corners?

Smooth corners are gaining more and more attention recently in UI design. As a designer of iOS mobile apps, I recently tend to design only with smooth corners as it just makes the look and experience ...
Eilon's user avatar
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What are the guidelines for showing many columns in an ipad app? [duplicate]

I'm creating an app for an ipad where it should show a table with someinformation, more than 7 columns. I looked in to Human Interface Guidelines for tables but there is only information for tables ...
ajnpez's user avatar
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Is using a compact popup or rotary wheel a preferable way to select time in iOS?

iOS provides 2 ways to perform date selection Compact popup Rotary wheel I found each methods has their own con Compact popup Since the popup UI cannot be customized, there is no way to add an Ok/...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
2 votes
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Best DPI for iOS Apps? [closed]

If an image has a display size of 200 x 300 in an app (using the local coordinate system) I currently supply an image of size 600 x 900 at 72 DPI (3 times bigger), and the device shrinks it down so it ...
Johnny Rockex's user avatar
4 votes
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Best practices for pinned banner alerts in iPhone X view?

Hey everybody, I'm experimenting with pinning a full-width banner on an iOS app I'm working on, but as you can see it looks a little awkward with the bottom curvature of an iPhone X-12. I debated ...
Conor's user avatar
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How many users you lose when forcing a mobile app update? [closed]

I'm evaluating if forcing my android & iOS users to upgrade their apps by disabling the "default functionality" of the app and only showing an "update message" is a good idea. ...
Ilich A.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Is a bottom sheet with no close button accessible?

I'm using a bottom sheet. On Android, people can use the back button to close it, drag it down or tap outside the area. On iOS, people can drag it down or tap outside the area. I'm just wondering if ...
Romain's user avatar
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Custom Google and Apple Signup/in buttons

I want to modify the default sign up and sign in buttons of Google and Apple for an iOS project keeping the changes as per their guidelines. By default, these are like this: And I want to use it like ...
Sanshizm's user avatar
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Why does handlebar not appear consistently in the native iOS UI design?

Handlebars usually appear at the top of Modal View: But in other system-level views, there is no handlebar, even if they functionally act like a Modal View. (For instance, this screen, where you can ...
Yida Zhao's user avatar
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Best pattern to display info on modal + link for more info

I am struggling in finding a good pattern for this problem, or maybe I am just overthinking. In a mobile app, my client wants to display important privacy information for kids, willing to 'disrupt' ...
Sr.Richie's user avatar
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What design paradigm would you use instead of placing 3 icons in the navbar on iOS?

I have an iOS app and I need to add 3 icons to the navbar, however, when the user scrolls the screen, the 3 icons take up so much room in the navbar that the page title (which would move to the top ...
James's user avatar
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What are some good UX pattern to implement drag-n-move, and multiple selection

Currently, I am porting an Android app to iOS app. I have been pondering for quite some time, on what is the proper UX, to implement Drag and move to perform reordering Multiple selection So that ...
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
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Should vertical scrolling be always enabled in iOS screens?

Two of my colleagues think, in iOS apps, vertical scrolling (irrespective of whether the screen has UI elements or content like pictures etc..) should always be enabled on iOS screens. Even when there ...
Earl Grey's user avatar
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How to correctly align label to clarify information?

On the image below, that is NOT a button but juste a bubble to display information on a day planner, I'm trying to find the best way to align the labels 7h30mn today and 30h this week. Currently, I ...
Vinestro's user avatar
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Swipe for Action: iOS vs Android

In iOS there is a quite common pattern for lists, which consists of swiping an item of the list for getting some possible action. Sometimes, like in the example below even both swiping direction are ...
user avatar
2 votes
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Mobile UX: Open full page overlay by clicking on a tab

I am creating a mobile UX in which the user presses on a tab in order to capture a 3D view of an object. Clicking on the tab opens an image capture overlay straightaway. The other 2 tabs as shown in ...
harshikerfuffle's user avatar
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iOS/Android: Best practise for adding a back button on top of an either dark or light image

Challenge: Creating a back button that is placed on top of an image that can either be dark or light WHILST keeping the style/layout in line with the current layout for headers. Ask: Help with either ...
Simplicity's user avatar

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