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4 answers

Why do some automated phone systems use a typing sound effect?

Sometimes when I call a company's customer service phone number, an automated phone system answers. These systems will ask me questions to identify the type of information I am seeking, the type of ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Who invented RAIL

Since April 2015 I have been seeing a lot of references to the RAIL concept (Response Animation Idle Load) being made on blogs and in conferences as a way of evaluating the performance of user ...
Mishax's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Best practice on Web Chat "please wait" messaging

We are currently integrating a web chat functionality on a utilities website, where customers can query their bill, or changing plans etc. with their electricity bills. (this will be available to all ...
IronBasset's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is a visually unnoticeable performance improvement a valid excuse to reduce graphics quality?

I'm doing a mobile app that intensively needs to use CPU and memory. For a week, I went on a microoptimizations rush that led to reducing the whole memory usage by 25% and CPU stopped peaking so often....
Sergi Juanola's user avatar