Questions tagged [interaction-design]

Defines the structure and behavior of interactive systems. Interaction Designers strive to create meaningful relationships between people and the products and services that they use, from computers to mobile devices to appliances and beyond.

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47 votes
9 answers

Is it good practice to allow users to navigate simply by hovering on a menu item without clicking?

A pattern I have noticed recently on some (desktop) websites is that users can navigate simply by hovering on menu items. While this is more efficient (fewer clicks) it feels unexpected and therefore ...
Michael Heraghty's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What to consider when designing UX for smartwatch and wearables?

I've designed for the desktop, tablet and mobile. But have no experience designing for smartwatches. What are the considerations I should be making when designing for smartwatches? e.g. users can use ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
  • 10.7k
1 vote
1 answer

Multiple selection with filter

In the old days, we might have used a multiselect picklist to move items from a collection of "all items" to a collection of "selected items". Nowadays, the more contemporary ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
  • 12.7k
6 votes
2 answers

What's the generic term for meaningless interactivity?

We talk about visual noise to refer to profuse, redundant or meaningless elements towards the purpose of the design. What's the name when it comes to "noise" in interactivity? The bottom ...
Danielillo's user avatar
  • 19.1k
0 votes
1 answer

Filtering within facets

I am working on a faceted filter placed vertically on the lefthand side. To accelerate searching for specific parameters within the facets, i implemented a search bar which hides all non-matching ...
Ubus99's user avatar
  • 25
1 vote
2 answers

User Experience (UX) - latest patterns to represent one-to-many relationship

I have a requirement where there will be a Item - with details like Name and Owner Each Item can have 0 - 50 locations in different statuses. User should be able to add a location for an item. User ...
anv's user avatar
  • 11
54 votes
6 answers

What is the reason for moving the start button to the middle in Windows 11?

The movement of the "start button" from the corner to the middle seems to be so much hated that it was impossible for me to find any justification for it in a short search, because all the ...
vsz's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

On an accordion or tab interface with animations, if a user rapidly clicks multiple items, which should open - first click or last click?

I recently encountered a bug in tab and accordion interfaces on our website. These tabs have a bit of animation so there is a slight lag between clicking an item, and it being fully open. The bug ...
dave's user avatar
  • 113
2 votes
2 answers

What is "neo-modern interactive" design?

I was going through a Google tutorial on building UI experiences with Jetpack Compose when I came across an odd aside: Tip: neo-modern interactive is probably a design trend After a web search, I'm ...
Ted Hopp's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
4 answers

How to communicate that something can be long-pressed (mobile)?

Imagine I want to build something like Instagram profile pages, which show a gallery of pictures, and upon long-pressing, will zoom-in, focus on the picture, and display some secondary information (...
Wesley's user avatar
  • 121
0 votes
1 answer

Is it better/less confusing to show the user a longer list of options with some disabled, or only show the available choices?

This is regarding a signup/scheduling request form: In my business (appliance repairs), there are multiple manufacturers and products: Refrigerators Washers Dryers Microwaves Stoves We don't work on ...
Terry Carmen's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to indicate that cloud files are public?

How can i make sure my Users understand that when they delete a file on the cloud, it is deleted for everyone else in the organization as well? It seems a decent amount of our users don't understand ...
Ubus99's user avatar
  • 25
2 votes
1 answer

UI for choosing rotation of a scanned image

I'm building an application for cataloguing an analogue photography collection (slides and negatives). I'm using a scanner has frames that hold the negative strips or slides in a fixed position on the ...
rhellen's user avatar
  • 123
0 votes
1 answer

Placement of Sign-Up Forms on a Landing Page

I am creating a series of landing pages for our organization for people to sign up to receive various services. In a discussion with our team, the idea was floating around to place our sign up form ...
Jtrom1's user avatar
  • 3
4 votes
1 answer

Fuzzy search page for an online travel agency

I'm building the search page for an OTA (online travel agency). The brief has a few quirks that make this task difficult, so I need some help to identify some feasible ideas. Most OTAs have a "...
Sklivvz's user avatar
  • 256
3 votes
1 answer

Interactive table header (zoom into data)

First of all, my apologies if my language is not great (English is not my first language). Also if I have missed other questions/threads on this subject, please let me know. Any help would be greatly ...
Rubinat's user avatar
  • 93
1 vote
1 answer

Table (in the modal window) with actions which require another step

I have a modal window with a table of items. Items have different statuses and the user can change the status. For example, from Not shipped to Backordered. The problem is when yo have the item ...
Yuliya Martsynkevich's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is the best route to select a time?

Firstly, apologies if this has been asked, I did a search and couldn't see anything so here goes. I have 2 routes I have identified to select an appointment slot to book in with a health practitioner. ...
UIO's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Settings check box functionality

I'm working on adding a small piece of functionality to a part of an app that contains 4 settings check boxes. I'd like to make some small tweaks to improve the UX of these checkboxes. There isn't ...
Holden Tuffield's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Shall I set an expiration mechanism for a dismissible info banner?

I'm adding a new data column to a table on a back office page (the interface is desktop only) and I want to highlight this new feature by displaying an info banner on top of said table that spans the ...
MACC's user avatar
  • 195
28 votes
9 answers

QR vs Barcode vs Custom Code

Scenario We must identify persons and also associate objects with them. This is for a very large cerebral palsy center for children that provides various services, some in different buildings (there ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38k
3 votes
1 answer

How do security puzzles affect User Experience?

Are there any studies on these kinds of security puzzles and how they affect the user experience, for bad or for good? I'm specially interested in accessibility issues and also if you know about ...
Devin's user avatar
  • 38k
94 votes
26 answers

How to avoid the "local elevator" problem?

I live in a high-rise apartment building in New York. Our building has four resident elevators which each serve every residential floor. (An additional fifth elevator (physically separated from the ...
esqew's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Keyboard navigation over repeating informational elements

I have a UI like this. The user navigates through a list of people. To the right, there are two labels: Assigned and Active. A mouse user can click on the label to see some help text, as shown on the ...
panta82's user avatar
  • 353
3 votes
1 answer

Direct voice interactions examples in use as an alternative to voice assistants

After reading an article explaining the difference between using your voice to controlling the UI (i.e. direct voice interaction) compared to dealing with a voice UI (e.g. chatbots or voice assistants)...
Michael Lai's user avatar
  • 27.1k
3 votes
2 answers

Design language and color choices by geography

We were doing a study/survey recently on an app which is expected to be launched globally (North America, Europe, South/East Asia). The current design favors cleanliness, white space, and muted colors....
ahron's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What is the best way to orient or show the user off-screen required fields that need to be filled out?

What is the most effective way to direct the user to unfilled "required" form fields that are off screen after pressing submit or save on a form? I've seen methods that I'll list below, ...
Kenz's user avatar
  • 103
1 vote
1 answer

How to add multiple entities to send a communication message?

I'm designing an input component for selecting multiple entities (E.g. User and User groups) to send a communication message from administration page. From my perspective UI-1 might create a visual ...
symbiote_sam's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Multiple screens vs single screen

I am designing an online assessment tool where candidates need to be authenticated before they start taking the assessment. The flow is like: Start assessment -> proctoring guidelines, system check,...
Sapiophile.Sage's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is a good multipress timeout value for pressing a hardware button?

I am looking for a value to specify as a maximum time between presses for it to count as a multi-press when pressing an hardware button on e.g. a mobile phone. An example would be to execute an action ...
Anette's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
1 answer

Combining single- and multi- select drop-down in one form. How to dismiss the drop-down?

How to dismiss the drop-down in single-select and multi-select cases? For single-select, the obvious option is to dismiss the drop-down on selection. For multi-select, drop-down should stay open on ...
Jurijs Kovzels's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Most appropriate icon for "Abort" button [closed]

I'm designing a button which when clicked aborts a certain process. I need an Icon on the button with the text "Abort". The icon will be place on the left and text will be placed right to ...
Somanna's user avatar
  • 111
0 votes
1 answer

Best use cases for "status light" and "labels"

I am trying to figure out if I should add status lights to my design system or if I could use the labels I already have instead. They are both defined in Adobe Spectrum but I don't quite understand in ...
ilovewhitespace's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How might iOS prevent unintentional email deletion?

This isn't a problem I'm solving, it's more of a theoretical UX question. Twice this week, I've checked my email on iOS and accidentally deleted important conversations (which I've had to hunt for and ...
Izquierdo's user avatar
  • 12.7k
1 vote
1 answer

How to take multiple addresses and validate

I am working on an application where addresses will be validated before submission. Steps are: take address validate if address is correct, proceed if address is incorrect, user will be prompted with ...
UXbychoice's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Is it wrong to have a "loading" spinner wheel in bottom right corner?

I had reported a bug, where the user was able to click a delete action multiple times, i.e. Deleting something multiple times which would result in an error. I disabled the button upon action, and put ...
JorgeeFG's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to navigate out from a wizard flow to direct user to a certain page to accomplish their task?

I’m currently designing a flow where users are to link an bank. The scenario is the user wants to add another account from a bank, but while on the wizard, he sees that the bank has already been link. ...
Mizuki's user avatar
  • 13
1 vote
1 answer

What is the best way to handle external event registration within a web application?

My organization's platform has two types of events that can be created by admin users: internal and external. If the event is internal, the registration is completed within our web application and we ...
Brittney's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to communicate that an image is clickable without explicitly telling that it's clickable?

Say I have an image that is meant to contemplate, not to attract click. However, if someone is interested in it, they can click on it to explore more. I feel that having an explicit text saying it's ...
Ooker's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Two buttons for actions of equal significance on same (mobile) screen

Consider a simple app for making wish lists and sharing the list with a friend (or shopping assistant). On the main screen, the user is shown the list of items they have added to their wishlist. There ...
ahron's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Admin gesture for full screen TV app

I am making an app for use on a TV and it will show some content in full screen. That means there will be no "admin" button or "gear" icon to use to get to an admin area where the ...
Niels Brinch's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Can I use semi-structured interviews for collecting insights for a prototype?

I have a low-fidelity prototype and I would like to use semi-structured interviews to ask users questions while having a walkthrough of the prototype. Do you think it's a good idea to choose semi-...
dontdownvoteme's user avatar
2 votes
7 answers

Best practice for Styling links when used in tables and headings

Should links in data tables be styled like regular text links or only have some indication on hover? For example Shopify tables have default black text color and only change to blue on hover: I dont ...
Neatpixels's user avatar
29 votes
8 answers

No one is clicking my slide box popup - Can it be improved?

Earlier I asked when it the right time to prompt the visitor to opt in for web push notifications (they work on both PC and Android devices). I was just loading the default prompt and every day maybe ...
thenondeveloper's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

How do I let users know the field can be edited without putting it in text?

I am designing something like a wallet where users can withdraw from it. I'd like to give users the option to withdraw any amount, however, I do not know how to let my users know in a really obvious ...
Cassie Ho's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does designing an automatic interaction based on user intent a good thing?

We have this flow in our interface where user can unlink their accounts that are connected to the application. We have a button to unlink their bank, but we also have an option where user can manually ...
Mizuki's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How would you visualize authorization deviation with 90+ rules?

Users can preselect an authorization set (1). And, later on, modify the set. As a user, I want to see how the original authorization set differs from the one I changed. So I can see which ...
YengarIV's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Repeat password field necessary in a signup page? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why should we ask the password twice during registration? When designing a new and simplified signup page I got into an argument with a colleague about the necessity of the "...
Web Master's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Nice DB GUI for Lots of (ideally rich formatted) Text

I am designing a workflow processing system. I have many (hundreds) of workflows that in many cases are variants of each other and have related characteristics. In the beginning development stages I ...
cppProgrammer's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Full screen cookie banner on mobile, is it a bad or good approach?

I am developing a cookie banner for a company. The designer presented all the mockups, but I am not convinced whether it should be full-screen on mobile. The advantage is that the user might be seeing ...
santih's user avatar
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