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Questions tagged [input]

A way for users to put information into a computer system.

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48 votes
4 answers

On forms, is inline placeholder text better than a label outside each field?

I am familiar with research on label placement to the left or above. I tend to go with right justified with the label to the left of the field for my form designs. However, inline placeholder text ...
Itumac's user avatar
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67 votes
10 answers

Is a cancel button necessary in a web form?

Personally I have never used it. I don't put information in a form and then decide everything needs to be cleared. I would edit one field. Plus cancel in a UI suggests canceling an action which is in ...
94 votes
12 answers

Merging firstname/last name into one field

I am entertaining the notion of a single field for name entry on our scheduling web app. I think this is an excellent case for a "forgiving format" to make it easy to enter their names quickly. I ...
Itumac's user avatar
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86 votes
10 answers

What is the best UI for multi-selecting from a list?

We have a web form and one of the fields is a multi-select list. Our options are: List of checkboxes Listview (select box but allowing multi-select) Both seem to be a bit ugly and unwieldy when the ...
leora's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Best way to combine sign in and sign up in the same form?

I want both forms to be extremely simple - sign in much like facebook in the header with 3 inputs side by side - email, password then "sign in" (or is "log in" better?). I also want to USE THE SAME ...
Colbern Rae's user avatar
367 votes
23 answers

Is this rotating cube interface user-friendly?

I'm working on a prototype for an innovative form interface, where different parts of the form are shown on different sides of a cube. The cube rotates, and the user can fill it out as the cube spins. ...
Peter Olson's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

Auto Advance to Next Field

When is it appropriate to 'auto advance' from one text field to the next, as in phone numbers and SSN?
user15676's user avatar
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69 votes
19 answers

Form for inputting operating hours of a business

I am designing an interface where restaurants need to input their operating hours. I am thinking of using a slider control for timings for a single day, and then let the user choose days of the week ...
Adnan Khan's user avatar
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54 votes
13 answers

Better way for users to select a date range

In my application, users select a date range for which results are required. The UI looks something like this: My users don't like this, because the date picker requires them to select a specific ...
Bevan's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

App interface for changing relational percentages

Has anyone ever seen or used a good app interface (web or mobile) for changing relational percentages? E.g I need to change 3 amounts to make up £100 and I need to be able to use any permutation to do ...
sparklypips's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Input field - Select multiple items from a very large list

That is a common scenario that filters for a specific grid may contain large lists of values. In most cases every item displayed in the filter list holds by itself different Metadata fields that can ...
Mortalus's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is the best graphical interface for inputting a list of pairs?

I want to create a graphical interface for inputing skill build orders for an RPG game. A skill build is an ordered list of (skill, number) pairs, like this (see footnote): (A x1) -> (B *) -> (...
hugomg's user avatar
  • 121
72 votes
13 answers

Best UI to allow expert users to enter an ip address? (IPv4)

I am working on a web application which requires users to enter an IPv4 address (in dotted-quad decimal notation) for most of the primary tasks they need to perform. Our primary target "user" is a ...
jessegavin's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

What should the character limit(s) for first/last name inputs be? [closed]

We want to create input fields for a user's first and last names. What should the minimum and maximum limits be, if any, and why?
NogaNitzan's user avatar
25 votes
10 answers

Multiple vs single field capture for phone number form input

Working on a form dealing with phone numbers, I've seen two methods to capture user input . In past practices example 2 (image below) has proved effective in controlling phone number lengths on ...
Courtney Jordan-Herb's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Can I reformat personal names obtained from a single form field?

I have been reading this excellent question and its answers, about collecting names from people in forms. The best answer (the accepted one anyway) seems to be to follow the W3C's advice on ...
Matt Johnson-Pint's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can an input field be too wide?

Topic of discussion. Is it a usability problem to have an input field be too wide? For example: I am creating an internal management system where users come to view orders in the system. When ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Accessibility of in-field labels and help text labels in input forms

Many newer UI interfaces have a preference for input field labels or help texts to be contained within the UI component itself instead of implementing them as separate labels. I was wondering if ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Multi Language Name Input

We are developing a Client Application that supports multiple languages. We have some MasterData that requires to have a localized Name (e.g a Product is named different in every location). When ...
TheJoeIaut's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Approaches for setting a time period

In a GUI application I have a setting for a time interval. In this case, it's a refresh period, but the same issue comes up when you set how early you want a calendar reminder, how long to snooze an ...
Dan Hulme's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Allowing the user to add input fields

I have a form where the user can input as many usernames as they'd like. I've decided to show the form with 3 inputs initially, to encourage the user to input more than one username. When the user ...
Jack Lewin's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is this input type or form setup called? [duplicate]

Couple of us arguing about this and none of us can remember what this is or would be called. Commonly seen on forms where you are moving an option from one box on the left to a box on the right and ...
user3223880's user avatar
66 votes
7 answers

Auto capitalization of name input fields

Is it appropriate to add auto capitalization on input fields where the user has to add first or last name text?
nduplessis's user avatar
56 votes
11 answers

"Typocaptcha" - an alternative to CAPTCHA? [closed]

We all hate CAPTCHAs, but to some applications they're a necessary evil. Today I wondered if there's a better alternative we just haven't thought of yet. I considered the dilemma: how do you create ...
rybo111's user avatar
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43 votes
3 answers

What do you call this input element where a focus will automatically be transferred to next text field after being filled?

I have seen this input element often when inputting a serial number or similar code. Each text field accepts N characters, after which focus is automatically transferred to the next field. Pressing ...
seth10's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Best way to offer a large amount of selectable options (without using Javascript)?

I come from stackoverflow and have no answers for this one, so I turn to the UI guys for assistance. Let's say I have a library application that allows a user (librarian) to add a book to the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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23 votes
5 answers

When is it a good idea to perform actions on mouse-down *as opposed to click/mouse-up*?

I've grown used to the GUI paradigm of pre-select on mouse-down, action on mouse-up. In fact, I rely on it, sometimes canceling an unwanted action after mouse-down by dragging outside of the click ...
Alex Feinman's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Are there any valid reasons for an application to steal focus?

This comment on another UX.Stackexchange question: that's not to force you to read it, it's to ensure that websites don't pop up the window as soon as your mouse pointer goes to click something in ...
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar
20 votes
10 answers

Is it a good idea to enforce a minimum comment length?

In a social application focusing on a niche community where the level of comment quality matters, is it a good idea to enforce a minimum comment length? For example, see this set of comments on a ...
Josh Smith's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

Credit Card input format

Somewhere, in one of the Usability books I read ( probably Donald Norman ), there was a suggestion that the normal format for entering credit cards was wrong. The usual format is 16 characters in a ...
Schroedingers Cat's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Is it acceptable practice to use checkboxes as radio buttons?

Can someone point me in the direction to articles regarding checkboxes and radio buttons? I'm in a discussion with an Art Director and he is convinced it makes more sense to use checkboxes because ...
Anthony 'Ants' Nguyen's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?

In abbood's question "How to implement a stack exchange style voting for mobile?" he answers his own question with the following mock-up: My immediate thought was that the up-vote control was on the ...
user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

What would be the best way to let a user add a URL to a form?

Currently our webapplication simply shows a textbox with no validation at all. There is a small icon placed next to the textbox that allows the user to open the URL in a new browser window to check ...
Thorsal's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

How to mark an input field with text longer than its width?

Given a form with many input fields, some have long text which exceeds the input field width. I wish to mark those input fields in some way which indicates they have more text than is visible. I have ...
vsync's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

FORMS: When to use dropdowns, and when to use dynamic lists?

Interesting that I couldn't find a discussion of this already. When should we use dropdown selects, and when should we use dynamic lists (updated as you type) in web forms? My opinion: Dropdowns ...
Drew's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

What is the term for a numeric input field of a specific format?

There are new HTML5 input types being defined for commonly used numeric input types such as date, time, telephone number, etc. These terms refer to a specific input format based on the type of numeric ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Best Web UI for Large Amounts of Data Input

I'm looking for a good solution when users need to enter large amounts of data into a web application. Example A store owner wants to enter 30-40 new products into the system every month. The store ...
Mark's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Dealing with Area Codes in Phone Number fields

Ok so I know a similar(ish) question has been asked before re: friendly format for Phone Numbers. My question however focuses on a more specific part of this question, namely the 'dropped' first zero ...
Spiral13's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Entering any two of four inter-dependent values

While designing a garden landscape, I want users to be able to define a slope of the terrain. There are four values users can enter: Run - the horizontal distance along the depth of the slope Rise - ...
Roger Attrill's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is there any research into the cost of switching between using a keyboard and a mouse?

My intuition and own experience tells me keyboard shortcut keys can be faster than using the mouse. However, some tasks like browsing the internet or a folder hierarchy truly benefit from using a ...
Steven Jeuris's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Combining email and phone inputs into a single text field

Let's say you want to combine both email and phone input into a single text field because you require either or, not both. What's the best way would you approach this? As far as making it clear ...
Sai's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Should checkbox label be styled like an anchor link?

I've struggled to find any sort of argument that supports either of my theories so i wanted to see what the UX community at large thinks about this. Scenario I have an online shop. When you view a ...
slaterjohn's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Display of disabled input fields

How should an input field appear when it is disabled? One idea is to show 'Disabled' as value within the input field. Is there a better idea to indicate an input text field is disabled? The input box ...
neelmeg's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

For non-special-character textbox, should I use inline validating message or block users from inputing invalid characters?

I have one textbox that means to allow no special characters. Now, I have to choose below approaches: Display inline validating message say something like "char * is not allowed" (A) or "Your input ...
tiengtinh's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Input of sequential data

I am currently working on a dialog where the user inputs a sequence of names. This sequence is simulated in the underlying code as the user types, and "issues" with the sequence are printed below the ...
Sumurai8's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

UI for Inputting Numbers Efficiently

I am developing a web app that requires a lot of numeric adjustments to be done very quickly by a user. Here is an example: Possible Solution The only reasonable suggestion I could come up with is ...
Redandwhite's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Column headers in a table functioning as input boxes for filtering

Is it a good idea to use column headers as input boxes for filtering the results in a table?
naf's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Windows directory picker: why need an extra button?

The standard directory pickers are as follows. They have a long input box with the current chosen directory, a '...' button next to it that opens a directory picker to chosen a new direcotry. Why is ...
Randomblue's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cursor position and movement in Bidi Input.

In the case of Bidi input, where both RTL and LTR types languages can be mixed together, what should be the cursor position? And what should be the movement of the cursor with Home and End buttons? ...
Gulshan's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Web-Based SQL Query Builder

I've built a simple web-based query builder using a series of dropdown lists such that the only typed input is the final value field. In the example above simply adding the filters consecutively ...
Red Taz's user avatar
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