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Questions tagged [input]

A way for users to put information into a computer system.

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2 votes
0 answers

Which aspects of an input should use rem and which should use pixels?

I am currently working on standardizing the styling in an application. As part of the process, I want to use rems (ie scaling based on the browser font size) instead of pixels (px) where it improves ...
1 vote
2 answers

Field only required during Edit mode

I have a form that allows the user to add a "Location" for a particular entity. Each location should have an "Assignee." In that sense, the "Assignee" is required, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a name for a text input that lets a user input multiple values?

There is a type of text input that allows the user to enter an array of items, sometimes with autocomplete, usually adding a new "item" to the list either whenever the user presses space and/...
0 votes
1 answer

Input field in form with two different workflows

We have a form that user needs to input manually(at least for now). Currently, we have an input field for users to type. As we are planning to implement gen AI feature in our product, we want to use ...
1 vote
1 answer

Input suggestions for multiple fields on the bottom of the page

I'm currently designing a UI for a mobile-first project. What I currently have is a setup, where there are two input-fields on the bottom of the page. Those input fields need auto-suggestions. I was ...
8 votes
3 answers

<input type="number"> or <input type="text"> for entering an ID?

My website has a form with an input box to enter a long, random, numeric ID. Should it be a text input or a number input? The problem with <input type="number"> is that it has useless up/down ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I best show the format that's allowed for an input?

I can restrict the input on the front-end to certain values or make it match a regex pattern, but the user might be confused about why they can't input certain values unless it's communicated to them ...
3 votes
1 answer

Looking for an Android Keyboard Gallery?

I'm documenting some patterns for a mobile project, and I need a page that shows all the different keyboard layouts on mobile for Android specifically (Like number pad, phone number keyboard, etc.) I'...
1 vote
0 answers

Search history - clear / disable [closed]

In relation to a retail website search bar. Is it necessary to have the option to disable search history if there's an option to clear it?
0 votes
1 answer

Mandatory user input: Either an expiration date or "unlimited"

Long story short: I need some mandatory date picker component (for an expiration date of a certificate) which can be made optional by an active click from the user (if the certificate is valid ...
8 votes
4 answers

Limiting user input - beneficial or user annoyance?

I am coming up with my project's validation framework, including preventative error handling. I have been debating as to whether I should limit user input to prevent errors in cases such as prices or ...
2 votes
1 answer

In an input field how to decide the input field and its label positions?

I have seen input fields that vary in terms of how they are designed. Label on the top and text are at the bottom. How is this decided? And can it vary in different places in the same application and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it ok to trigger a popup to fetch information from an input field?

I have this UI where all the fields are inputs. But two informations need to be fetched by selecting options from a popup. currently I have the labels and an edit/add icon to triggers and popup. The ...
2 votes
1 answer

Handling when the GUI changes right before a user clicks or taps

How should I handle the GUI changing just before the user clicks or taps, causing an erroneous input? I had the idea of ignoring input for 300ms before the input appears, but I'm not sure if this is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Infinite range slider input [duplicate]

I want to have the ability for a user to use a range slider to select an infinite (or limited) set of values. My first thought was to have the slider update after each selection, as per https://svelte....
1 vote
1 answer

Why do virtual calculator UIs (especially desktop ones) have the numbers laid out when users typically use the keyboard instead

Just curious, why do virtual calculators on desktops even have the numbers and symbols added to the UI. Here's an example of what I mean Windows Calculator macOSCalculator On desktops, the primary ...
0 votes
1 answer

HTML element or UI control to accomplish the following scenario to select a range of page numbers in various orders

Seeking some insight on what HTML Elements or UI control would be best suited to accomplish the following scenario. The ability to select a range of page numbers that could include a number of ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to best ask users to provide input when changing between some statuses but not others of a project?

I am working on a platform in which the user can, among other things, manage the status of projects. At the moment, the user select the new status by clicking a button, and the change is immediately ...
1 vote
2 answers

Should I include ... at the end of input placeholders?

I've noticed designers using "..." at the end of inputs or search bars placeholders ("Enter your email address" vs "Enter your email address...") seemingly at random. Is ...
1 vote
2 answers

Table input with modifier

I'm working with complex tables whose data can be aggregated based on time (e.g., from month to quarter). Users will still be able to modify the data at a higher level (e.g., input 900 at the quarter ...
12 votes
4 answers

What is the best UI for allowing the repeated selection of the same item from a list?

In my project, I have two lists of items: on the left, all the possible items for selection, and on the right, those that have been chosen. Unlike typical scenarios, in my case, the same item can be ...
1 vote
4 answers

How to show error message around HTML input on blur without jarring the layout?

I have this so far, not really that styled but the basic layout. Notice how the layout jars when there is an error message (and the error message might be longer than one line). I even tried forcing ...
1 vote
2 answers

Searchable input field with dropdown or search field in dropdown?

In location input field that has a dropdown on click, is it best practice for the input field to also be a search field to filter through the dropdown results, or treat the input field more as a ...
2 votes
1 answer

Research to show how difficult is it to blindly enter a string?

Is there some scientific way to prove that say entering a masked 12 character password accurately is XXX times harder than entering an 8 character password? And that with symbol, punctuation, numbers ...
0 votes
2 answers

Which label option for a range slider offers a better experience?

The aim is to offer an input using a bandwidth range-like slider field, that can make the selected option clear. Option A: only show the selected option, to encourage the user to use the input and ...
2 votes
8 answers

Ways to educate the site visitors on what you can search with the search bar?

The current search bar design has search type filter tabs that allow the visitors to search for various result types. We looked at the site analytics and learned that site visitors are not using the ...
94 votes
12 answers

Merging firstname/last name into one field

I am entertaining the notion of a single field for name entry on our scheduling web app. I think this is an excellent case for a "forgiving format" to make it easy to enter their names quickly. I ...
0 votes
2 answers

What are the expected behavior and characteristics of a currency input?

I'm trying to make a list of the expected behavior and characteristics of a user textbox when it is designed for currency or money input. Characteristics: Numeric only. With two decimal places. With ...
2 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to simplify interval input to allow filling one single endpoint?

Let’s say I want users to fill an event start and end dates. If the event lasts one day then these are the same, and it feels redundant to input the same date twice. However, I can’t imagine how a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Form with multiple input fields that has an responsible Person per field

I am trying to design a web based input form for a database. For my form, I have two users groups. Both of which need to be able to edit every field. But one of the two groups is always responsible ...
1 vote
1 answer

If you have a PC game with keyboard input, how do you translate that to mobile?

I have an old game I wrote decades ago, which I'd like to port to mobile. The inputs are basic, arrow keys to move around. However you can't easily do that on a mobile - eg you hold down right to ...
1 vote
2 answers

UX Pattern to make it easier for the user to fill many different select boxes

We have a web form and the user is required to fill in atleast 5 (maybe more) select boxes. Our current UI layout (see below image) looks like alot of work to the user. Are there different UX Patterns ...
23 votes
5 answers

When is it a good idea to perform actions on mouse-down *as opposed to click/mouse-up*?

I've grown used to the GUI paradigm of pre-select on mouse-down, action on mouse-up. In fact, I rely on it, sometimes canceling an unwanted action after mouse-down by dragging outside of the click ...
0 votes
2 answers

Date field DD/MM/YYYY entering only 4 digits

I am working on an payroll application in which date input fields are used in different types of user scenarios (for example, entering your date of birth, but also entering the start/end date of a ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to handle UI/UX for recommended character limit

I'm trying to design the UI/UX for a specific case. I have an input where users can enter the label text for a button. The problem is that users are entering strings that are too long, that wrap and ...
0 votes
2 answers

Input mask on email field a good idea?

A colleague of mine is arguing that we should use an input mask for email fields. Personally I don't think it is necessary. For phone numbers I can understand since a phone number can be written in ...
1 vote
1 answer

Prevent reset of data in input form after changing server instance

I'm trying to design an "add card payment" form with Stripe implementation, the real challenge is that I have two accounts for two regions US & Europe. My current design is that user is ...
2 votes
3 answers

Adding Users to a list

I'm trying to create a smooth way of adding users into a list on a page. The user has to add email and full name for a user. And at least 1 user should be added before being allowed to proceed. Step ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to improve UX on deeply nested form functionality in the browser?

I have this, which is horribly unstyled but shows the inputs and grouping (which is also described in terms of the HTML structure in more depth here). Basically, you have a form for a "...
3 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to indicate a field is required when finalizing but not when saving?

I'm currently stuck in a bit of a UX conundrum. I need to be a bit vague about the specifics, but I hope it is clear enough. Background info: In our system we have certain items that need to be ...
0 votes
1 answer

Using a Google Spreadsheet to feed input to a web application

I am building a mathematical web application, that gets as input a large matrix of numbers, and does some mathematical calculations on it. The common ways to feed input into such an application are: ...
0 votes
3 answers

Is it an anti pattern to have two UI input element for the same value?

Does having two different UI elements for the same input value considered an anti pattern? Both inputs represent the same thing, changing the value of one will update the other. For example, I wanted ...
0 votes
2 answers

Tap takes you to next screen VS Tap enables "Continue" button

I'm designing a flow that contains screens where the user has to select an option among the available ones. For now we will not allow to select more than one, but maybe in the future it will be ...
67 votes
10 answers

Is a cancel button necessary in a web form?

Personally I have never used it. I don't put information in a form and then decide everything needs to be cleared. I would edit one field. Plus cancel in a UI suggests canceling an action which is in ...
8 votes
2 answers

Do you think that it is a wrong decision to use a textarea for "add comments"?

Whenever we add a comment there is this textarea box. OK the first thing that gets into my mind is that I can press the "Enter" key in a textarea box and it will give me a newline. If its a normal 1-...
2 votes
2 answers

What could be the best practice for a long list of options in a mobile based wizard with the possibility to select nothing?

I am trying to redesign a wizard step in a mobile application setup. The user should input the year and months of experience and there should be an option to select something like "I don't have ...
86 votes
10 answers

What is the best UI for multi-selecting from a list?

We have a web form and one of the fields is a multi-select list. Our options are: List of checkboxes Listview (select box but allowing multi-select) Both seem to be a bit ugly and unwieldy when the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Value can only be assigned to one item per category in a table (Radio button-like use case without using Radio buttons)

I have a table with a list of items & various columns. One of the columns is Type, of which the possible values are A, B, C etc... The user is able to assign a binary value Is X?=YES or NO via a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Input field for huge number of strings

I am looking for references for a UI component that can allow selecting multiple values out of a huge set of optional values (even millions) each value is a string. The list of optional values will ...
8 votes
4 answers

Best Web UI for Large Amounts of Data Input

I'm looking for a good solution when users need to enter large amounts of data into a web application. Example A store owner wants to enter 30-40 new products into the system every month. The store ...

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