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2 votes
1 answer

In an input field how to decide the input field and its label positions?

I have seen input fields that vary in terms of how they are designed. Label on the top and text are at the bottom. How is this decided? And can it vary in different places in the same application and ...
Ashumk's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

Telephone input (+ country code)

I am asked to improve the sign-up process of a double authentication system. At one step there, we ask users to input their telephone number. Right now users have to click on the flag and choose ...
Mike Mark's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Should a preview be added to an address form?

Task The user wants to correct an address. The wrong address is displayed on the left and the user can enter or correct the address on the right in the address form. Edit: Context The addresses ...
Avadeha's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Will users understand this horizontal spin wheel below a number input field?

I have implemented a horizontal spin wheel as an additional method to input a number: You can slide or scroll the measurement left or right and this will change the number in the input field directly ...
flori's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Instant typing search pattern

I've been meaning to implement the pattern of an "instant search" on a Desktop site, which would work by simply starting to type and have the input focused on a search form. The only example I have ...
Raphael Loder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should nationalities in an input be listed in country name or adjective form?

When designing a data entry form for entering information about a person or an organization (e.g. customer info, international business partners, etc.), there arises a question about the best way to ...
Ken Bellows's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Asking for Full YouTube URL vs Asking for YouTube Video ID

I have a web application that takes a Youtube or Vimeo video and wraps it into a SCORM course for distribution. At the moment, I simply take an ID, which is simple enough to obtain by looking a the ...
Taylor Ackley's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to enter business order

If i have input for order (business sort) for specific entity like this : Where (10,20,30,40,50) are numbers entered from the user for the order of these contracts and this order is used in business ....
Anyname Donotcare's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

3 Column CRUD layout

At my company we are developing an windows desktop application (WPF) and we are using 3 column as default of our system CRUD's. In the first column, at the top there is the buttons to add " + " and ...
Rafael Figueiredo's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Advice / pointers / research on UX design for single pushwheel button [closed]

I'm in the unfortunate position of having to design an UX for a mineral analysis machine where the input/output hardware is limited to an 8" LCD (non-touch) and a single "pushwheel" button (a wheel ...
estan's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

A variable number of inputs in a small bar

I've got a web app that involves users inputting a title of a Wikipedia page. It needs to work as an interface on both desktop and mobile. Right now, the interface looks like: It's got a single input....
Luke Taylor's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How can I tell whether to use input masking or magic inputs which accept any format?

Inputs which are designed to accept a user's phone number, a date, or a Social Security Number can use input masks. Input masks are inputs which will show the format required within the text box (for ...
stiemannkj1's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Various UI patterns for connecting panoramic images in a virtual tour

Here is the problem: There is a number of panoramic images available, made mostly in the indoor environment. Our user is assembling them all into a virtual tour, where a different kind of user will ...
Septagram's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

UI design recommendations for application which uses trackball instead of mouse?

Does anyone have any recommendations for designing a (non-web) application for use with a trackball instead of a mouse? If you know of any guidelines, standards or just your own experience in this ...
kati's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What needs to dominate an input: call to action or the current value?

Context: Cinema ticket booking app. App displays movie screenings in a geographical location. Initial location is determined using user IP. User can change their location by entering an address. ...
Gajus's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

User inputs into tables

I'm working on a desktop-based app, where there is quite a large number of inputs the user needs to enter. I'm struggling to present the data to the user in such a way that looks good, whilst still ...
scipiones's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to show disabled textfields on a form?

I have an HTML form with some textfields and datetime fields. Some elements should be shown readonly for a user group. Unfortunately, site's base color is gray so I could not use that color for the ...
laszlo_kiss's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Separate console input field?

When creating a console like window, what are the advantages of: having user input in the same control as the output having separate controls for input and output windows? As I see it having ...
Nitkov's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What is the best way for a user to select an item by unique identifier?

My team and I are building a mobile app where the user will need to input a human-readable unique identifier (the serial number) of a single unit of inventory. Our system tracks the serial numbers ...
Nick Saunders's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Is it a good idea to make file path edit box multi-line?

I think it might be useful to make file path edit box in my program multi line, because file paths can be quite long, and when they don't fit the user has to scroll text left and right with cursor ...
user626528's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Best design for input of solely negative numbers via numeric keypad

I'm designing an app where in one screen of the application users can input a single number (and nothing else) by use of a numeric keypad. The number may have a single decimal place. Depending on the ...
Tafkadasoh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Should dates be displayed with a time entry?

I'm working on a project where there are numerous time entries for a given a record. The times are stored in the database as timestamp, however for display and editing it's clutter to display the ...
fbynite's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Auto focusing erroneous form input fields

I'm auto focusing the first input field of my Sign up and Log in form before the page is displayed, but I'm not sure what to do as far as auto focusing erroneous fields after validation. I have a ...
Kid Diamond's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to depict an OR and an AND graphically?

So currently I have this basic layout for my UI: Where the '1' and '2' would be replaced by icons depicting a type of place (eg. supermarket/restaurant respectively). When the user first visits this ...
loufar's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How to deal with superfluous numbers in input text fields?

I'm working on input textfields for lab assistants, e.g. a textfield to enter a temperature value (in a custom designed UI, not a web-site). Users don't have to enter the Celsius or Fahrenheit unit, ...
Tafkadasoh's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Best way of making a credits transfer dialog

I am designing a dialog which would allow user to transfer credits from his account to "an object's account". Transfer is only in one direction -- after you confirm transfering credits to an object's ...
maciek's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How should I allow a user to browse images by time and location?

Let's suppose I have some application where users around the world can submit pictures corresponding to a geographic location and date and time. I want people to be able to browse these pictures, ...
Peter Olson's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to make mass mutation intuitive?

We are redesigning an existing application in which the user has a typical master-detail view with basic CRUD operations for a certain entity type. (Actually, the majority of screens are of this type.)...
blubb's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Web-Based SQL Query Builder

I've built a simple web-based query builder using a series of dropdown lists such that the only typed input is the final value field. In the example above simply adding the filters consecutively ...
Red Taz's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Sudoku Solving Web App; Best Way To Get Input?

I am making web application where users can enter a Sudoku puzzle (a puzzle that they have found somewhere else), and the solve it using the application. I want to have two stages to the application: ...
TylerAndFriends's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Domain Specific Language for Stock/Inventory Management [closed]

I'm looking at implimenting a DSL, for managing inventory/orders. In this case it is for a game (Minecraft, with computercraft + Applied Energistics), however it could as reasonably be a real world ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Is it acceptable practice to use checkboxes as radio buttons?

Can someone point me in the direction to articles regarding checkboxes and radio buttons? I'm in a discussion with an Art Director and he is convinced it makes more sense to use checkboxes because ...
Anthony 'Ants' Nguyen's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Using Dropdowns AND Radio Buttons to avoid confusion

For you reference I wanted to point out that this is a Video project. I am designing a menu in which the user can choose 1 of 4 formats for SD (standard definition) and two options for HD (high ...
Ana's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

The best practices for a rating bar/slider/buttons

I need to make a rating scale input device that satisfies the following requirements: 1) Each value must be associated with a number to the user. 2) It must be immediately clear that this thing ...
JClaussFTW's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

When to combine comboboxes?

Let's say that my GUI has two fields to configure: input and output. Both fields are implemented with comboboxes that may have the following values: Input Values: A, B, C, D, E, F Output Values: 1, 2,...
André Alves's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Can I reformat personal names obtained from a single form field?

I have been reading this excellent question and its answers, about collecting names from people in forms. The best answer (the accepted one anyway) seems to be to follow the W3C's advice on ...
Matt Johnson-Pint's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Placeholders for format in address form

I am creating an address form and want to add placeholders to the fields to display the format of what the user needs to enter. For email addresses, phone numbers and credit card details this is ...
iboothcreate's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Should you optimize mobile experiences based on individual handedness?

In abbood's question "How to implement a stack exchange style voting for mobile?" he answers his own question with the following mock-up: My immediate thought was that the up-vote control was on the ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there research into how the UI of content input (email, tweets etc) affects the actual content created and how can you improve it?

On the project I'm working on (Q&A platform), we're trying to get users to spend more time on their answers. We want to encourage longer form helpful replies, rather then spur of the moment short ...
Dan Christian's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Absolute vs. Relative mapping interface

What are the UX considerations/recommendations for using absolute vs. relative mapping when using a setup like: Wacom tablet & computer Touchpad & computer Tablet (iPad etc) and computer The ...
Lily's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

How to mark an input field with text longer than its width?

Given a form with many input fields, some have long text which exceeds the input field width. I wish to mark those input fields in some way which indicates they have more text than is visible. I have ...
vsync's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

dynamic form design

I have a multistep form setup in my rails app.. In one of my steps the user can enter a friends name, birthday, gender, and the persons interests. They can enter as many friends as they like (each ...
Nelson Keating's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When are "hidden" usability improvements helpful vs. confusing/frustrating?

I just read an article about some bonus keys on the iPad's split keyboard. Obviously this seems like a great idea to prevent a usability issue from even happening. It seems like this could backfire ...
Andrew Shipe's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Getting input for a one-to-many relationship

I have a flight logging application with a profile section that allows users to enter personal information about themselves and additionally add any certificates they own (recreational- and private ...
Laurens's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Enabling spell check in the UI

We are building an application which will contain spell checking features for areas where users will enter input. We have already implemented the feature for our rich text editors, whereby spell ...
F21's user avatar
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