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Why do virtual calculator UIs (especially desktop ones) have the numbers laid out when users typically use the keyboard instead

Just curious, why do virtual calculators on desktops even have the numbers and symbols added to the UI. Here's an example of what I mean Windows Calculator macOSCalculator On desktops, the primary ...
TDsouza's user avatar
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5 answers

How do I let users know the field can be edited without putting it in text?

I am designing something like a wallet where users can withdraw from it. I'd like to give users the option to withdraw any amount, however, I do not know how to let my users know in a really obvious ...
Cassie Ho's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

User inputs into tables

I'm working on a desktop-based app, where there is quite a large number of inputs the user needs to enter. I'm struggling to present the data to the user in such a way that looks good, whilst still ...
scipiones's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Need a pattern to capture multiple data sizes

Something I am struggling with: a UI for Network QoS Changes. The situation: There is a fixed maximum limit. The sum of the sub-values must not exceed this limit. Sub-values are captured as integers ...
SerenS's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Any guidelines / ideas for UX requiring LOTS of user input (applications)?

I'm working on designing an app that's essentially a lengthy application process that requires a user to provide and verify a lot of information about themselves. A lot is already imported through ...
Ollie Khakwani's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

To troll or not to troll?

Similar to this question but not a duplicate. On my current project, we've already had a few problems with trolls and kiddie-hackers trying to get at our backend. We've now asked some other companies ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the name of this design pattern? [duplicate]

What's the name of this pattern? I have two lists side by side. The list on the left has all the possible options. The list on the right contains the selected options. There is a button like "add" or ...
Padraig's user avatar
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1 answer

Which pixel on or near the cursor does the user intend to click?

I have annotated the image below with 4 colored rectangles indicating possible cursor click points. Which is the best pixel location to use when deciding which pixel the user intended to click? My ...
Cory Klein's user avatar
25 votes
11 answers

Layout for on-screen hexadecimal keyboard

I am to design a web-based, on-screen keyboard for a touch interface. Users will only need to input 0-9 and the letters A-F. In addition to this, they need a backspace, and possibly a "clear" button. ...
Christofer Ohlsson's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Complex Automated Wizard using filenames User Interaction Problem

I have a UX problem involving an interaction that teaches the system how to parse a particular file name. (Note this is not the exact interaction and it does not deal with file names, but it does deal ...
Gary Yuen's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

The best practices for a rating bar/slider/buttons

I need to make a rating scale input device that satisfies the following requirements: 1) Each value must be associated with a number to the user. 2) It must be immediately clear that this thing ...
JClaussFTW's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Select numerical value with +/- buttons or manually entering?

The design I'm working on has the user assigning a value to each item, then if the value is more than 1, a second dependent attribute appears (as shown). I want the numbers to be large and not default ...
JClaussFTW's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Submit textbox input without button

The users have a table and in the last row they have 6 different text inputs, one per column. This inputs will define a variable in the Database. I am trying to think how can I do it to avoid ...
Steve's user avatar
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3 answers

How to design the input field for recipe ingredients

I've spent a lot of time thinking about the most efficient way to handle a user inputting a recipe into a form. There are a couple different options I've seen across the internet, from offering up a ...
Michael Welburn's user avatar
69 votes
19 answers

Form for inputting operating hours of a business

I am designing an interface where restaurants need to input their operating hours. I am thinking of using a slider control for timings for a single day, and then let the user choose days of the week ...
Adnan Khan's user avatar
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Quickly and intuitively entering quantity and item

I am trying to find an intuitive input control to create a list of QUANTITY x ITEM lines. The items already exist in the database and the simplest way to do this would be: In order to make it faster ...
Kostas's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Best way to add an amount multiplier

I'm working on a financial web-application, and in some pages, the user has to fill an amount. We are dealing here with large amounts, and they are generally thousands or millions of $ / €. In ...
Romain Linsolas's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

App interface for changing relational percentages

Has anyone ever seen or used a good app interface (web or mobile) for changing relational percentages? E.g I need to change 3 amounts to make up £100 and I need to be able to use any permutation to do ...
sparklypips's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Date Range for Saturday-Saturday or Sunday-Sunday Vacations

So I'm having an interesting problem while selling vacations. Right now, I have two calendars for picking a date range. This date range is supposed to identify the days my customer is available to ...
Colin's user avatar
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3 answers

Get user Birth location

So i need to get the exact location of where a person was born. Currently, I have two maps on a page and an input field. So you can basically use either one. Right now the top map is a view of the ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the best graphical interface for inputting a list of pairs?

I want to create a graphical interface for inputing skill build orders for an RPG game. A skill build is an ordered list of (skill, number) pairs, like this (see footnote): (A x1) -> (B *) -> (...
hugomg's user avatar
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3 answers

Enter your email below and we will contact you

My client wants a page in which the following text appears: "Enter your email below and We will contact you" It's then followed by a textfield (to write the email address) and a button to submit it....
chack's user avatar
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367 votes
23 answers

Is this rotating cube interface user-friendly?

I'm working on a prototype for an innovative form interface, where different parts of the form are shown on different sides of a cube. The cube rotates, and the user can fill it out as the cube spins. ...
Peter Olson's user avatar
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0 answers

Are "reset" buttons redundant? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is a cancel button necessary in a web form? Are form "reset" buttons redundant? If not, why not? Give me a case where they are completey accepted, useful and maybe even ...
Adam Lynch's user avatar
54 votes
13 answers

Better way for users to select a date range

In my application, users select a date range for which results are required. The UI looks something like this: My users don't like this, because the date picker requires them to select a specific ...
Bevan's user avatar
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