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1 answer

Input field in form with two different workflows

We have a form that user needs to input manually(at least for now). Currently, we have an input field for users to type. As we are planning to implement gen AI feature in our product, we want to use ...
xxomo's user avatar
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0 answers

Search history - clear / disable [closed]

In relation to a retail website search bar. Is it necessary to have the option to disable search history if there's an option to clear it?
Jermaine's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

In an input field how to decide the input field and its label positions?

I have seen input fields that vary in terms of how they are designed. Label on the top and text are at the bottom. How is this decided? And can it vary in different places in the same application and ...
Ashumk's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the expected behavior and characteristics of a currency input?

I'm trying to make a list of the expected behavior and characteristics of a user textbox when it is designed for currency or money input. Characteristics: Numeric only. With two decimal places. With ...
Polarcode's user avatar
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2 answers

Which label option for a range slider offers a better experience?

The aim is to offer an input using a bandwidth range-like slider field, that can make the selected option clear. Option A: only show the selected option, to encourage the user to use the input and ...
N44's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to improve UX on deeply nested form functionality in the browser?

I have this, which is horribly unstyled but shows the inputs and grouping (which is also described in terms of the HTML structure in more depth here). Basically, you have a form for a "...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What could be the best practice for a long list of options in a mobile based wizard with the possibility to select nothing?

I am trying to redesign a wizard step in a mobile application setup. The user should input the year and months of experience and there should be an option to select something like "I don't have ...
roostaamir's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Input field for huge number of strings

I am looking for references for a UI component that can allow selecting multiple values out of a huge set of optional values (even millions) each value is a string. The list of optional values will ...
user110630's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a name for a text input that lets a user input multiple values?

There is a type of text input that allows the user to enter an array of items, sometimes with autocomplete, usually adding a new "item" to the list either whenever the user presses space and/...
starscape's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Variable length list input

I'm writing a wasm statistical calculator, so I need to allow an arbitrarily long number input on my website's front end. My current design looks like this: A number is entered where the line is. ...
user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to state valid characters are alphanumeric and 'all keyboard symbols'?

*Note: I'm using an inline validating message, where if a user enters a char that is not allowed a message is displayed (i.e. "Please only use...") I've seen this post about stating valid ...
jed's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Delete input with value in (confirmation?)

I just got across this thread: Allowing the user to add input fields As I am in similar situation I would like to ask from UX perspective, what happens when the user clicks 4 times to add field and ...
CookieWookie's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Form validation when the field is optional

I am working on a form where the phone number is optional. What is the best practice regarding a validation mechanism that checks if it's a correct phone number (over 10 digits): No form of ...
Naty's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Best input method for 5 or 9 digit ZIP codes

I am designing a form where the client wants to required a 5 digit zip code, with 9 digits being optional. I can think of a couple ways to deal with this. 1) Just plain old regex accepting 5 digit ...
ctrlawkdel's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do users actually use the arrows in <input type="number">?

Does the average user actually use these really tiny arrows?
IMB's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Providing alternate way to input information

I am designing a complex application about animals which requires a lot of user input. I'm wondering how best to approach a particular scenario where a user can input a name however sometimes (and ...
bakedalaska's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mandatory Combined InputField

I've got a combined input field "Geo Hierarchy". This field itself isn't mandatory. It contains 4 inputs: "Region", "SubRegion", "Area", "SubArea". Then the user starts filling this input only the ...
Vera Shutsikava's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to indicate a field is required when finalizing but not when saving?

I'm currently stuck in a bit of a UX conundrum. I need to be a bit vague about the specifics, but I hope it is clear enough. Background info: In our system we have certain items that need to be ...
Iben's user avatar
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50 votes
6 answers

How should I allow a user to input a number where not all numbers are valid?

I have an application where users need to configure certain machine settings. One of these settings is an integer percentage value, from 1-100. Unfortunately, for historical reasons, we're not ...
Johz's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Help text for 4 digit year

I am designing an input field for a year, that needs to be 4 digits. YYYY as help text does not seem very clear when it is not combined with MM/DD. What is best practice here?
KristinG's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What is the best location on a form for an information icon?

I am trying to create a form for my web app, which requires information elements to be added. In general I would refer to the documentation of the framework that I would be using (which in my case ...
Barrosy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to use input fields that automatically get a value while filling in the form?

Imagine we have an inventory management system. It contains a form where the user can fill in a placed order. The order has some properties like: Date Supplier User who ordered it Total price VAT (...
user2190492's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Recommended pattern for Select / Ignore / Exclude functionality

We have a page of filtered results, and in the sidebar the user can choose which values to filter by. We usually use check boxes, so a user can tick an item to select to filter by a value or it or ...
Djave's user avatar
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1 answer

How to place two controls in a good way

I have no advanced UX experience and need some help in placing one input and one button on a whole screen. Is there any way to do it pretty? There will not be any other controls on that screen.
Yurii Kuchevskyi's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Better user experience when asked to input frequency of periodic event

So I am working on a form and one of the inputs have proved in user-testing to be somewhat problematic: We want to save the frequency of a periodic event, the event is how often a report is to be ...
RoyHF's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Automatically trimming user input onBlur or on Server side on end of input?

Looking for best practices on web. In a general sense, we have an input on our webpage. This input doesn't allow empty space at the end. Bad: Apples     Good: Apples So what I'm wondering is, how ...
Justin Warner's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How should I format inline errors when there is input description

How should I do this? Should the error replace the input description, should it go under? Please give your opinions and reasoning. I would still like users to see the description, but I feel like ...
Dominus Vilicus's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

When one of two inputs must be updated to satisfy a consistency criteria, which should you update (if at all)?

Let's say we have three text boxes for positive numbers (say A,B, and C) that must satisfy the condition that their product is 1. For example, A=0.5, B=10, C=0.2, would be a valid input. Once the ...
Christopher King's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Personal information or generated information

Dear community, I am creating a appointment process for a rental process. Currently I am evaluating whether to show the user their First- + Lastname + E-Mail in step (3) that they have entered in ...
marvinpoo's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a pattern name for allowing users to add fields?

When a user is allowed to add/remove additional fields (or field groups) within a form, what is this interface paradigm called? EDIT: in the example screenshots, each "row" of field(s) can be added/...
Andy Ford's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

<input type="number"> or <input type="text"> for entering an ID?

My website has a form with an input box to enter a long, random, numeric ID. Should it be a text input or a number input? The problem with <input type="number"> is that it has useless up/down ...
clickbait's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I get a chart input from a user?

I would like to get a chart input from a user: download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups One way could be to let the user manually enter (X, Y) values like here but that ...
7hibault's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

When a radio-button is not yet chosen

I have three radio-buttons for "kind of project": personal / unregistered nonprofit / registered nonprofit I also have text input "Organization name" below the radio buttons. "Organization name" ...
porton's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

single input or seperate inputs for a solution containing units

We are trying to create a web application to teach units to students of 4-6'th grade, the question would be like what is average velocity of the car that moved 60km in 3 hrs? The answer would be ...
Sriker Ch's user avatar
0 votes
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Empty input fields and functional design

Let's say my application has two input fields. Here is the situation: When starting the application, both fields are empty. When entering a value into one of the fields, it will be parsed to a number ...
Markus Appel's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the UX effect of input labels (NOT placeholders!) inside vs outside input wrappers?

I was wondering if there is any research or literature you know which discusses the position of an input label in regards to the input wrapper? Take the following example: Both versions take the ...
laEm's user avatar
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2 answers

Which styling should the field have, once a value has been chosen?

I'm working on the input style for a dropdown field, and I have two options for once a value has been selected. The default field state is shown at the top, which has the same border color as the ...
Hassan Aboueldahab's user avatar
2 votes
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How to handle a user text input which accepts tabs as a valid character?

Working on an automated data handling system. It attempts to work out the format of the uploaded data itself but, if it fails, it asks the user to put in things like field delimiters so it can process ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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4 answers

If I start editing one table cell without saving changes to another cell, should it apply my unsaved changes?

I have some table and adding row. You can add elements to the table by typing something and clicking on Add. Every data item can be edited. Now i want to add something and i type in input "Ite" (look ...
CookieWookie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does a select input element (fixed options) need a "clear input" button?

In our custom select element the user can start typing a category.The option nearest to the typed text is highlighted and will be selected with enter, tab or clicking. The options list is fixed so ...
laEm's user avatar
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3 votes
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Forms: Use visible input hint next to field or hidden hint behind info icon?

In case a label doesn't provide sufficient information for an input field and an additional hint is helpful, when should the hint be available next to (or below) the input field and when should it be ...
Avadeha's user avatar
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Element to input Duration

I'm looking for a good way to build an element for inserting Duration. In the end the user's input would be converted to something like P23DT23H it's ISO 8601, you can read more bout it on wikipedia - ...
peter's user avatar
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Should one redefined (or cancel) default layout for autofilled inputs?

The yellow background of the input we see on the screenshot below is due the way Chrome renders autofilled inputs by default. Technically, I can got rid of this by introducing a bunch of cumbersome ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Placeholder for unknown number of digits

I would like to add placeholder on a HTML input type which could hold number between 1 and n (unknown large number of digits, for practical reasons it will be limited to some number, let say 10). This ...
StupidOne's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is there a valid reason to allow leading or trailing spaces in user input?

I want to propose a new guideline in our company to disallow leading or trailing spaces in any user input (web forms). Is there any valid scenario where you want to allow leading or trailing spaces ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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47 votes
8 answers

How to enable users to insert an infinity number

I am designing a web page which give admin users the opportunity to manage the users below them. in one section of this admin page, the admin user is required to fill out how many queries he permits ...
Yuval Pruss's user avatar
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Should nationalities in an input be listed in country name or adjective form?

When designing a data entry form for entering information about a person or an organization (e.g. customer info, international business partners, etc.), there arises a question about the best way to ...
Ken Bellows's user avatar
2 votes
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How to convey interaction between two cells

I am working on a project that includes designing some behaviour for a web data grid. I run into a question described in the title. Below is a screenshot. The editable input cell is the one with ...
Cary Liu's user avatar
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Do users understand when a title is a button

I have a filter and sort feature on a particular website, and the current layout is as follows: Of course, I want to reduce elements to as few as possible, so my question is should a layout like this ...
Der Kommissar's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

UI for Inputting Numbers Efficiently

I am developing a web app that requires a lot of numeric adjustments to be done very quickly by a user. Here is an example: Possible Solution The only reasonable suggestion I could come up with is ...
Redandwhite's user avatar