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35 votes
4 answers

Auto Advance to Next Field

When is it appropriate to 'auto advance' from one text field to the next, as in phone numbers and SSN?
user15676's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

What should the character limit(s) for first/last name inputs be? [closed]

We want to create input fields for a user's first and last names. What should the minimum and maximum limits be, if any, and why?
NogaNitzan's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Accessibility of in-field labels and help text labels in input forms

Many newer UI interfaces have a preference for input field labels or help texts to be contained within the UI component itself instead of implementing them as separate labels. I was wondering if ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Allowing the user to add input fields

I have a form where the user can input as many usernames as they'd like. I've decided to show the form with 3 inputs initially, to encourage the user to input more than one username. When the user ...
Jack Lewin's user avatar
56 votes
11 answers

"Typocaptcha" - an alternative to CAPTCHA? [closed]

We all hate CAPTCHAs, but to some applications they're a necessary evil. Today I wondered if there's a better alternative we just haven't thought of yet. I considered the dilemma: how do you create ...
rybo111's user avatar
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43 votes
3 answers

What do you call this input element where a focus will automatically be transferred to next text field after being filled?

I have seen this input element often when inputting a serial number or similar code. Each text field accepts N characters, after which focus is automatically transferred to the next field. Pressing ...
seth10's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

What is the term for a numeric input field of a specific format?

There are new HTML5 input types being defined for commonly used numeric input types such as date, time, telephone number, etc. These terms refer to a specific input format based on the type of numeric ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

UI for Inputting Numbers Efficiently

I am developing a web app that requires a lot of numeric adjustments to be done very quickly by a user. Here is an example: Possible Solution The only reasonable suggestion I could come up with is ...
Redandwhite's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Web-Based SQL Query Builder

I've built a simple web-based query builder using a series of dropdown lists such that the only typed input is the final value field. In the example above simply adding the filters consecutively ...
Red Taz's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

dynamic form design

I have a multistep form setup in my rails app.. In one of my steps the user can enter a friends name, birthday, gender, and the persons interests. They can enter as many friends as they like (each ...
Nelson Keating's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Element to input Duration

I'm looking for a good way to build an element for inserting Duration. In the end the user's input would be converted to something like P23DT23H it's ISO 8601, you can read more bout it on wikipedia - ...
peter's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Integer input field: special case for unbounded / unlimited

I am developing a form where the user needs to enter the maximum number of allowed things. Zero is a legitimate value meaning that none are allowed. I need to find a special value to indicate that ...
Danilo Piazzalunga's user avatar