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Questions tagged [inline-edit]

Inline edit is a design pattern that enables the user to edit text directly in the page without requiring going to a separate page or opening a dialog overlay. It makes the interaction more direct and intuitive as the user can edit the text in the same place where it is shown.

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2 answers

How would you show review comments in a collaborative editor?

Imagine you have a system that allows you to write documents and then send them for review. You do your best on your first review but the reviewer notices the wording could be better and leaves an ...
XCore's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add a new contact inside a form using a contact dropdown?

I have a form using a contact dropdown and I would like to add a contact if the contact isn't present in the list. I need at least 2 fields for a contact (firstname and lastname). For example : I've ...
Jean-Pascal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Workflow steps with configuration setup UI

I have an application where users can setup workflow steps. The workflow setup is a editable table with a field for configuration. The issue I have is with this field. This field has some JSON snippet....
shikarishambu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

if using table rows inline-editable in mobile view the best practice as Ux

I am working on a data table with many columns, and I depend on inline editing when the user double click the row. currently, I am working on a responsive version for this table to be viewed on mobile,...
fatma work's user avatar
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1 answer

What should I do when I have 2 diferent edits for the same "object"

So in my use case I have a list of objects in a sidebar and the rest of the screen is a grid with different elements in there. I can modify them with the edit mode. There is one icon for every object ...
Miguel Marques's user avatar
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1 answer

Entry point ("Item level" vs "Page level") and "Inline edit" vs "Edit page"

A project I'm currently working requires the user to be allowed to edit only certain items on the page. So the way the page is arranged now, a few items can be edited, and a few items aren't editable. ...
user174078's user avatar
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2 answers

Editable name in a breadcrumb

I am searching for use cases that provides the user to edit the name of an asset in line, when is part of a breadcrumb. Is that case exist somewhere? (Saas) please mention the brand so i can have a ...
Roni Riechert 's user avatar
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How to show "Read-only" (un-editable) content in a grid? Has to be a non-color reliant way so can't use gray color

How to show "Read-only" (un-editable) content in a grid? Has to be a non-color reliant way so can't use gray color. FYI, some content in this grid will be editable and the way it works is, ...
Rosebud's user avatar
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2 answers

Inline edit icon vs Go to edit page edit icon

I have two pages with a table list of data. In page A, each row contains a lot of extra information, so clicking the edit icon directs the user to a full page info for editing. On the other hand, ...
Vicky's user avatar
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2 answers

Edit icon VS Edit CTA while redirecting the user to a different screen?

I need to redirect the user to a form which is on a different page after he clicks edit. So what is the best practice here, to use the pencil icon or edit button or anything else where it is clear ...
shweta sinwal's user avatar
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1 answer

Bulk Add Items on mobile device

I want to allow users to add multiple entries to a list of rather complex items. The user needs to pick color number date dropdown dropdown (later a optional picture) putting this in a single page ...
Max's user avatar
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1 answer

Show feedback messages in an editable data grid

Any advice on how best to display success/error messages while editing fields in an inline data grid. I've got an editable grid where records are saved (and validations are performed) as the cells are ...
Jason's user avatar
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1 answer

Inline edit: Should input fields be Editable by default, or force users to click Edit then Save?

I have a Settings page with various input fields, radio buttons, checkboxes etc. Currently, all the inputs are editable by default. There are three self-explanatory buttons at the top, RESET DISCARD ...
cgtk's user avatar
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How should edit and delete inside a datatable work with each other?

I have a datatable that supports inline editing and deleting items It is doing everything server side (sort, filter and paginate) For editing I click on the Edit button to make the table editable Once ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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1 answer

Datagrid inline editing autofocus and accessibility

We have a data list on which we can directly edit. When clicking on the pencil, the line goes from view mode to a form. That mechanism works well for our users but doesn't feel fast enough yet. We ...
Florian F.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Which is the best way to edit a row in a data table? [closed]

I need to design a mockup that consists of a data table featuring crud operations. I want to know the best way to design this: Using inline editing? Using a pop-up? Using another page?
nelida murataj's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Showing edit mode for messages

I'm working on a desktop UI that has a notes section which allows the user to submit notes and edit them afterwards. When I go into edit mode, the "save" button shows up, and I worry that it competes ...
openbow's user avatar
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2 answers

Implementing an insert-update-delete grid in a web application

I'm in the process of rewriting an old desktop application that's used for warehouse management and retail. The warehouse window is meant for importing, returning and modifying imported items. So it's ...
Mikayil Abdullayev's user avatar
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Pattern for adding information to a request that was submitted

I'm designing a flow for an approver. It is a relatively complex problem. Requestors can submit requests which go to an approver to approve. The approver needs to be able to see the details of the ...
Caleb Godsey's user avatar
5 votes
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Should "Enter" create a large or small line spacing on text editors?

On some popular rich text editors like CKEditor, the default behaviour for pressing "Enter" is to create a new paragraph (a <p> tag), while on the others, like the textarea here on Stackexchange,...
user2335065's user avatar
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Is it a bad practice to display both editable and non-editable fields together in a CRM-style interface?

Hi! I'm designing a CRM-style experience to help nurses manage their daily tasks, and I'm running into a bit of a dilemma. I want nurses to be able to quickly edit the "Due Date" and "Task Status" of ...
Conor's user avatar
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2 answers

How to open inline text editor not selecting a text?

There is inline text editor which opens when you select some text. You can also insert images using the editor, but first you have to select text. This approach looks a bit silly to me, so I'm ...
rpavl's user avatar
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3 answers

Does it make sense to display error messages for in-place editing?

In place editing definition: A label fields that when I click turns into an input field and allows me to type modify the text. Then either by clicking out or pressing tab it will automatically save ...
Luke Xu's user avatar
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2 answers

In-line editing, display at the top or the bottom of a list?

I'm working with a nested list view. In order to add data to the list, the user initially sees an "add" button. Clicking this add button prompts a search bar where the user can then search for the ...
Isabelle 's user avatar
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2 answers

inline editing- save/cancel button or auto save?

I am working on an grid that has a few editable cells. Users will be able to change things like entity name, budget, etc. I have an option to make the editable grid "spreadsheet like" with auto save. ...
Ami Rotter's user avatar
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3 answers

Edit a record added on the page

I have a page where optionally the user can add items that will appear on the table that will then be submitted to the server. The user may remove items added to the table, or they can choose to edit ...
Serberuss's user avatar
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4 answers

Editable table in material design

we're designing a web application in material design and we have an editable table there - something like this: Any suggestion on how to indicate the editable fields, if not all columns are editable? ...
Jaroslav M's user avatar
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Data tables/grids in task based UIs

I'm designing a business web application. I'm leaning towards a task based UI style, but I'm facing a challenge regarding the creation of complex entities such as orders, composed of order lines. A ...
FedericoG's user avatar
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1 answer

Data table: inline edit - save/cancel on other action?

I'm working on a data table and each line is editable. It's obvious what happens if you click on update or cancel, but what should happen if the editable row is out of view (click on another page of ...
Gustav's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the best UI for overwriting previously saved values?

I am working on designing a standard for how overwrites should be handled on our software. I have come up with a couple different options for when a user needs to make changes to values that they ...
L. Lemmer's user avatar
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2 answers

Do toggle switches need edit buttons

I like the idea of allowing the user to toggle a toggle switch without clicking and edit button first to reduce the number of "modes." But what to do when some fields will need to transform to become ...
chuckmcquilkin's user avatar
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1 answer

Collage Designer App - Edit a single image

I'm currently developing a responsive web app that allows the user to create an image collage. The user has a pool of uploaded images that can be arranged in a predefined grid. The upcoming image ...
vein's user avatar
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3 answers

I wish to show the users that an item already edited. What visual affordance can be used for this?

To have awareness on interacting for the second time, the user is able to differentiate between edited and non edited items. Here is a picture of the element :
jatin pherwani's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Nested edit states. What to do when edits are save-able at local and global level?

We are making a solution where a user is supposed to evaluate a number of requirements and laws. These evaluations all happen on one page, and the requirement/law is evaluated one at at time - all the ...
Jesper's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

View mode or always in edit mode

I have a table with an accordion expander for viewing additional information. By default the data is presented in view mode with a button to click edit. I have received in-office feedback that it ...
youareno6's user avatar
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2 answers

Save/Cancel action for inline editing

I have some content which is usually displayed, but the user can edit it by clicking an icon. Please see for a demo. How should the user be able save the data and close ...
user1032531's user avatar
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3 answers

Click-to-edit and click-n-drag combined

I'm considering an option to combine two behaviours in a list: Click to edit an item (like in Asana) Click-n-drag an item (like in JIRA) As illustrated in the screenshots, the cursor in both ...
artooras's user avatar
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1 answer

best ux for users to input multiple strings

I have a web form where in users may input a list of names similar to: Mike, Joe, Ann, Sam The UI should allow for simple edits. This data will be saved and displayed on another page for ...
kacalapy's user avatar
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2 answers

Inline Editing for Select Lists?

Our application is very heavy on data entry and must display pertinent data quickly and in an easy to peruse format. We have been moving towards an inline edit functionality wherein forms are by ...
Nicole's user avatar
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2 answers

Integrate lookup and edit functionality

I've looked at a few of the other similar questions, but I don't think they are the same kind of problem. I am trying to design to link a person to an item. The page supports free text entry for the ...
Josh C.'s user avatar
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Add Another Item - best pattern for modals

For this application I am designing, we need to add one or many items to a grid. We have chosen to add the items via a modal dialog due to complexity in certain scenarios that would not be possible ...
Amy's user avatar
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Inline Editing v Section below grid to edit

Is inline edit good UX? Which is a better way to edit a grid, providing an inline edit option or providing a view below the grid, (display additional details and provide editable fields)?
parjun's user avatar
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What is the best approach to show inline-edit without any value?

There is a form which contains inline-edit fields, but some fields don't have any value. Currently I'm displaying just red label with value "Empty field". But some people say, that this isn't clear ...
Ilya Dmitriev's user avatar
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Cleanest method for images in form

I have a editable page that acts as a form, and was wondering how to incorporate images into it. Currently, it looks like this: Clicking on the spriteId or name fields that have a darker background ...
Daniel F's user avatar
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2 answers

Prompting user for password input with inline editing

I have a page where the user can edit their settings using inline editing. Useless stuff just updates the database, but Password and Email are a bit ...
user1032531's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the resistance or usability considerations for new or interactive inline text behaviours?

I cam across one of Bret Victor's interesting musing about inline spellchecker behaviour where he proposed a couple of alternatives to the popup box for spellcheck suggestions. I thought that the ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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Intuitive Inline editing

I have an edit page with a bunch of select menus, text inputs, and radio buttons, and a save button. Upon clicking the save button, a detail page is displayed with text of the given select menus, ...
user1032531's user avatar
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Should an app auto fill information for editing?

I have an app that stores previously saved information, for viewing and editing. When it is edited, the user chooses which piece of info (from a list) and can then currently change the sections. I ...
Tim's user avatar
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Inline-editable list item doubling as link to detail page

I have a relatively simple list of events where all information (name and date) is editable inline: As can be seen in the screenshot, I currently have a "Details" button for heading into a more ...
Martin Lehmann's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Inline table edits: how to make it quick to edit?

I'm dealing with a data table with a large number of columns and rows. Because there are so many columns, I'm thinking of putting in something that scrolls horizontally and vertically while fixing the ...
nightning's user avatar
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