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Entry point ("Item level" vs "Page level") and "Inline edit" vs "Edit page"

A project I'm currently working requires the user to be allowed to edit only certain items on the page. So the way the page is arranged now, a few items can be edited, and a few items aren't editable. ...
user174078's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

Editable table in material design

we're designing a web application in material design and we have an editable table there - something like this: Any suggestion on how to indicate the editable fields, if not all columns are editable? ...
Jaroslav M's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What is the resistance or usability considerations for new or interactive inline text behaviours?

I cam across one of Bret Victor's interesting musing about inline spellchecker behaviour where he proposed a couple of alternatives to the popup box for spellcheck suggestions. I thought that the ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
  • 27.7k
5 votes
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Represent and edit object graphs with standard OS UI elements

In most cases the data that applications, forms and so on work with is relative flat. It means that the objects representing the data are actually nothing more than a collection of key-value pairs - ...
Anton's user avatar
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Nested titles for grouping inline editable ordered lists

Overview The following image provides background information for this UX problem I've encountered: download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups The above image shows the ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Real example of inline edit [closed]

I am looking for an example of use of inline edit pattern (one of the Yahoo! Patterns library) for my work in the University. I founded examples of Table Edit (like spreadsheet) but this patterns ...
nico's user avatar
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