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Is 'Credit and Debit Payment' a user-friendly term/word?

First question here, hopefully it's not too shabby. I'm analysing an app that has account balance system. I'll try to make a scenario, though this is fictional. An app acts as a bridge between ...
Gold Skull with Pattern's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to communicate "we owe you" vs "you owe us"?

Usually when I log in to check my account at the utilities website, I see something like this: And I'm usually stumped as I have no idea whether "in debit" means whether I have still outstanding ...
SztupY's user avatar
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Indicate to users that they can't review an item until they've purchased it?

We want to restrict users from reviewing items they haven't purchased. At the moment they can review anything, so we're wondering how to implement the UI so that the feature is clearly disabled until ...
Tom Chambers's user avatar