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Questions tagged [image-format]

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10 votes
5 answers

Progressive vs. Optimized jpegs

I know that progressive jpegs download in multiple passes, and optimized are smaller (and thus faster to finish downloading), but does anyone have any hard data or best practices on which type users ...
Choylton B. Higginbottom's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Are higher-resolution images always better?

I have had this perception that for a given size, higher resolution pictures will always look better than the lower ones. But on this link in StackOverFlow I read something different. So my ...
Amit Tomar's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Modifying images for mobile sites: scale them or cut them?

This is the first time I design a website that has a mobile version. This is the original size of the images (well, they are a little bit bigger): This is the size when they are displayed in mobile ...
wyc's user avatar
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4 answers

Progressive images = Better user experience?

Do progressive images give a better user experience for browser based web applications?
oshirowanen's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Need smallest possible images for iPad that can zoom to 200% without losing quality

right now I'm using 2048x1546 images at 132dpi, PNG files. they look amazing but they are huge in file size. any tips on how to get around having such large images in both dimensions and file size? (...
user avatar
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2 answers

Can poor image quality have a negative effect on user experience even though it improves the website's performance?

Can poor image quality have a negative effect on user experience though it improves the website's performance? We use 3 type of images on our website: Icons, logo, bullets Stock photos like real ...
Jitendra Vyas's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to let a user show/select filetypes?

I have this app where file types define the allowable files that a user can submit. What's the best way to let user show/select any filetypes? See my two potential solutions below. Is there another ...
Sknny's user avatar
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Why can we save images only as a square or a rectangle? [closed]

My question is quite simple. Why can't we save images as a circle or a triangle? What is the reason behind it?
Jezza's user avatar
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1 answer

Graphic format. SVG PNG or something else

I need some advice on the choice of graphic format. My task is to make pictures for the mobile application from existing Autocad files (DWG format). These pictures will be used in the application ...
Alex Bernstein's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to prevent logo distortion and poor quality when allowing users of an app to upload their own logo?

I'm not a fan of allowing any outside logos into an app but it is a Client requirement. The requirement is that a user can upload their logo and it will replace the app logo in a space that is 120px - ...
jeancode's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best way to sort pictures from multiple photo albums or galleries?

I am designing an interface that allow users to grab photos from multiple photo albums (which they previously created). After importing those pictures, users can select those pictures and then export ...
AmayaMoriko's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Image size regulations for user uploaded images

I am creating a new site that allows users to upload an image that will accompany information / data. Each user loaded data and image will be displayed in a list format. Is it wise or foolish to ...
onejigtwojig's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Best image format [closed]

What is the best image format for a web page and for a desktop application? I like png format. Is it good for both?
chanchal1987's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Image formats and resolution - for Low Bandwidth Web Apps

I have a Business Requirement for remote place system (app) accessibility of the web application. More specifically, The user of this application should be able to access this application from remote ...
Ashumk's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best practice for images on websites? [closed]

I am using right now svg images, because it looks great at any size, but not all the browsers has support for this. So, is it better practice work with .png/.jpg?
Vercryger's user avatar
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What's a good image size target for a store's products?

My girlfriend has just asked me what size she should make her product images for her web store, both in terms of dimensions and fill size. She's very keen to have the images look great when you zoom ...
Nick's user avatar
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1 answer

Looking for a GIF editor [closed]

I've been buying Corel PaintShop to edit GIFs because it can do two things: Count the number of colours in a GIF Reduce the size of the colour palette So, for example, lets say I count the number of ...
Shane Goodman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is best practice for images in mid fidelity designs?

Can a mid-fi design have photos or do they absolutely have to be image place holders? Can black and white photos be used? Any resources about convention for mid-fi images is helpful. Thanks!
jeancode's user avatar
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2 answers

Image thumbnail representation for paragraph text

in my app, a user would have a set of posts. Some posts (like 50% of em) would have media attached, while some of them would not. There are several instances where I would like to give thumbnails ...
meow's user avatar
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0 answers

Type on image vs. type on standard background [duplicate]

Does anyone have any research or a/b testing regarding whether people are more likely to read and retain information when type is on an image as opposed to a standard background? I'd imagine that ...
Jason King's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Best way to ask user to crop post image to different sizes

I have a requirement of asking my user to create his profile images ( each of them to different proportions, for now i am allowing max 4 images and each of them user need to crop to 4 proportions) ...
saikiran's user avatar
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What file enforcement should be set on file upload for best user experience?

We make website and we want our users to do things as they are supposed to. But it's not like everyone knows everythings... I'm creating a website that suppose to allow user to share ...
Hassan Faghihi's user avatar
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Current recommendations: filesize of images and entire webpage?

What are the current recommendations for maximum file-sizes of inline img in websites? Is there an upper limit that the entire page shouldn't exceed if it is image-heavy? You often hear 0.5 MB ...
Baumr's user avatar
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Creating artwork for display on 4K UHD video [closed]

I was asked to create artwork for a 4K UHD video and was only given dimensions: 4096 x 2160. This is my first time ever designing for the screen, so I apologize if this is a dumb question. When ...
Peahappy's user avatar