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Current recommendations: filesize of images and entire webpage?

What are the current recommendations for maximum file-sizes of inline img in websites? Is there an upper limit that the entire page shouldn't exceed if it is image-heavy? You often hear 0.5 MB ...
Baumr's user avatar
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Can poor image quality have a negative effect on user experience even though it improves the website's performance?

Can poor image quality have a negative effect on user experience though it improves the website's performance? We use 3 type of images on our website: Icons, logo, bullets Stock photos like real ...
Jitendra Vyas's user avatar
6 votes
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Modifying images for mobile sites: scale them or cut them?

This is the first time I design a website that has a mobile version. This is the original size of the images (well, they are a little bit bigger): This is the size when they are displayed in mobile ...
wyc's user avatar
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Progressive images = Better user experience?

Do progressive images give a better user experience for browser based web applications?
oshirowanen's user avatar