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Questions tagged [html]

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the predominant markup language used for creating web pages. In modern web pages, HTML is used to markup the contents of the website, while CSS and Javascript are used to define the styles and behaviors respectively.

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184 votes
18 answers

Why is it impossible to deselect HTML "radio" inputs?

In HTML, there are currently two types of "checkbox" style controls: Checkbox: Allows toggling on/off, multiple values can be selected Radio: Only one value in a group may be selected, does ...
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134 votes
10 answers

Is Markdown Friendly Enough for Non-Technical Users?

The Problem I love using Markdown to write questions, answers, posts, comments, etc. That being said, I am a very technical, detail-oriented, programmer type. However, I am working on a CMS of sorts ...
brad's user avatar
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107 votes
15 answers

Get users to use the download button instead of right-click save

As part of our system, a web application, we have an image viewer. Previously we always displayed the full resolution image but scaled down with CSS to fit the page. For performance reasons we now ...
Zeta Two's user avatar
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107 votes
9 answers

Why don't <button> HTML elements have a CSS cursor pointer by default?

A friend was asking me why <button> HTML elements don't have a CSS cursor pointer by default? It is the default behavior for links, and can be achieved on a button with button { cursor:pointer;...
Édouard Lopez's user avatar
84 votes
12 answers

Is there an optimal font size / line height ratio?

When styling text on web pages, both font size and line height can be set. For example, the text of this post will be displayed using a font-size of 14px and a line-height of (about) 18px, set using ...
Yannick Blondeau's user avatar
82 votes
6 answers

Should the space between the checkbox and label be clickable?

Take, for example, these two scenarios. Both very similar HTML, but different semantically: Scenario 1: <label for="myCheckbox"> <input type="checkbox" id="myCheckbox" /> My ...
animuson's user avatar
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70 votes
6 answers

Confusing checkboxes and radio buttons

I have a problem building a certain UI for a website. I'm going to demonstrate the problem with a simple website for a restaurant chain: Context the website has many users and many restaurants. ...
HL.'s user avatar
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53 votes
6 answers

Should disabled elements be focusable for accessibility purposes?

For example, if we have a set up wizard with 3 steps, and the user is on step 1, should the user be able to focus on the control to continue to the next step, regardless of whether or not that control ...
Ralph David Abernathy's user avatar
51 votes
7 answers

Why do websites not use entire width of browser?

What reasons might a website not use the entire width of the browser, like Gmail does? For example, StackOverflow does not use the entire width — it has left and right margins. This means the ...
kensen john's user avatar
48 votes
23 answers

Is there ever a good reason to force opening a new browser window?

As a power web user, I know how to use my browser and it drives me nuts when web sites force me to open a new page. My mother, by contrast, just gets confused when this happens. At the end of a web ...
user avatar
40 votes
18 answers

All my users are from Afghanistan; or, how to get users to correctly fill out a form

I have a website with a form users fill out to create an account. Following advice from this forum and other places I am asking for only the minimum required information to create an account, i.e. ...
user27478's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

What some alternative ways to present tabular data instead of the standard table in the UI?

What some alternative ways to present tabular data instead of the standard table in the UI? I don't want the data to be displayed in formal tables with rows and columns. Is there any way of grouping ...
Hemalatha's user avatar
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37 votes
12 answers

Should a full-sentence HTML link include the period in the linked text?

In HTML, if a full sentence is used for a link, should its terminal punctuation (i.e., period) be included in the linked text? Consider these two examples: <a href="about:blank">Watch the ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 680
34 votes
4 answers

HTML label association with inputs; bad UX?

I'm a web developer having a weird UX issue. When I build HTML forms, I ensure that every input's label is implemented through a <label></label> tag and that each label uses the for ...
Jacob's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

What are pros/cons of using buttons instead of plain links to download a document?

My company is using some rather bizarre download buttons associated with documents that can be downloaded: It looks like these are abused anchor (<a>) elements which show up in a browser as ...
Jason S's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Should I manually hyperlink phone numbers using "tel:" on my websites?

In code, you have the ability to make a phone number on a website into a link by prepending the phone number in the href with a "tel:" So, for example, you can create a link to 800-867-5309 with the ...
magzalez's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Best way to offer a large amount of selectable options (without using Javascript)?

I come from stackoverflow and have no answers for this one, so I turn to the UI guys for assistance. Let's say I have a library application that allows a user (librarian) to add a book to the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

Pros/Cons of PSD mockups vs. HTML mockups

I've read some articles (this one and this one) recently that are opening my eyes to HTML mockups as opposed to the usual PSD mockups. In the article they cite certain pros: Changes are a lot faster ...
milesmeow's user avatar
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24 votes
1 answer

Why is it inaccessible to create a form with no submit button?

Considering the W3C advice on including submit controls, is it still possible for a form to be accessible if the only way to submit it is by pressing the return/enter key?
Ecksmic's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Does the average user understand the standard HTML multiple select box?

If I want the user to select one or more items the HTML symantecally correct form element would be <select multiple>. So the code would be: <select multiple id="sel"> <option>...
Adam's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Is it ok to use h1 and then h3 instead of h1 and then h2?

I am doing an accessibility review on a site but I have never done that before. I read the WCAG 2.0 document which said that the headings have to be in logical order. There is a page with h1s and ...
Livia Thimotheo's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

WAI-ARIA & HTML5 - Why should I favor the latter?

I want to learn more about how to make webpages more accessible, so I've spend the last few hours reading about WAI-ARIA. Still, the whole concept isn't quite clear to me - HTML5 is part of that ...
Sven's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

Is there any recommended control for triple options like YES / NO / NONE?

I'm designing a user opinion page where the user has three choices. For instance, if the question is "Is it suitable?" the three options could be "YES", "NO", or "NoIdea". In this case, what control ...
kriznaraj's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

Should every page in a site have a totally unique H1?

I agree that every page in a site should have a unique TITLE, and that every page should have one and only one H1 element, but should the text of each H1 be completely unique too? Instinctively one ...
MarcusTucker's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

Should users be allowed to copy and paste rich text into text?

I have a wiki-style application where users can create articles. Recently, some users have been complaining that our editor does not support copying rich text and formatting from applications like ...
Tom Ryan's user avatar
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21 votes
9 answers

How do users expect dropdown navigation to work?

This question is in regards to expected behavior with drop-down navigation in web pages. This is part of an email I just got from a client: ("Admissions" is one of the top level navigation links) ...
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17 votes
5 answers

Should input fields be cleared out when the user selects them?

I have a few input fields in my form with some default values (numbers). Please note, they are not just placeholders, i.e. they can be used as is, if they are not changed. I was wondering if I should ...
John's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How to display 5 plus horizontal tabs on mobile device

This is purely for a mobile website that must have horizontal tabs. The difficulty is that there could potentially be 5-7 tabs, with 5 being more likely. The text for each tab is long, which could ...
pab's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Accessible way to override tab key in textarea

I'd like to create a textarea for code which would allow the user to press Tab and Shift + Tab to indent and outdent the content respectively, however I'm worried that overriding the Tab key would ...
zzzzBov's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Is there a convention for distinguishing internal and external links in a website?

From a user point of view, I think it is a reasonable idea to distinguish internal and external links. By internal links, I mean links that have the same domain name than the website displaying the ...
Benjamin Crouzier's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

How should a website's title be structured?

Are there any best practices for choosing the title of web pages? There are a lot of resources online oriented toward SEO, but not toward users. My impression is that most sites have something ...
Ivan Maeder's user avatar
14 votes
8 answers

Should Printer-Friendly button open a new browser window ?

Reading Common web app usability gotchas? I felt guilty when I read that using a target = "_blank" is a bad thing. I have developed a small web application that format Stack Exchange questions in a ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
13 votes
9 answers

Whats a better user experience: A scrollable table or a full size table allowing the browser window to do scrolling?

Whats a better user experience: A scrollable table by using overflow css settings in a DIV? A full size table allowing the browser window to do scrolling?
7wp's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Modern approach to textarea (or alternatives)

For a simple text editor for longer articles I am looking for advice and inspiration on programming/designing a minimalistic and modern textarea (which does not necessarily have to use the tag) ...
Jasper's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Looking for advice regarding a Web design involving 3-dimensional lists

I hope this is the right place for Web design advice; considering StackOverflow also, but not sure if pure design questions are welcome there? I'm trying to design a Web page that is to display ...
aknuds1's user avatar
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11 votes
10 answers

Coding Best Practices as UX?

I've been stating in most of my recent contracts that meeting HTML coding Best Practices (what's outputted to the browser) is an important part of UX. This would include things like Semantics (using ...
Susan R's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Need a font with unambiguous letters for commonly confused characters [closed]

Must-have A few stipulations for an unambiguous font: - It must be easily legible. - It must have a slashed zero (so as to distinguish it from capital O). - It must sufficiently differentiate ...
Thirteen's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Proper usage of fieldset / legend tags

I'm wondering what the suggested usage of <fieldset>s are on a webpage. For example, on a simple page with just one form (one set of inputs) is it still recommended to use a fieldset? Or should ...
TJB's user avatar
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11 votes
7 answers

HTML vs. PDF -- What are the Pros and Cons of PDF? [closed]

From 2003: PDF is good for printing, but that's it. Don't use it for online presentation. Since then more and more devices can ...
Luke's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Accessibility vs. read-only input fields

I have a form with some read-only fields depending on the customer role. As a rule, I use read-only fields for those inputs. Are there problems with this approach using an assistive technology? Are ...
Víctor Herraiz's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

How do I make a table row on a web page look clickable?

I have a simple web-based report presented as a table: Some rows are clickable, others are not (it can be seen with the third column. Greater than 0 means the row can be clicked and expanded in a ...
MPelletier's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Is it good practice to only accept numeric keystrokes in number-only fields?

I have a form that only takes in numbers as it represents a dollar amount. Currently, the form only accepts numerical keystrokes. Is this good practise?
Casebash's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Relation between a Wizard's Previous button and history's Back button

I have a web form split across 3 screens/pages. A user can move between forward and backward between the screens via Next and Previous labeled buttons respectively. When the user presses a previous ...
JamesEggers's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Should a blank option always be included in <select> inputs?

For example when asking a user what pet they have and it's a required field, a Please select option is included since the pet is currently unknown: <select required> <option value="&...
Alec Rust's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to represent "no data" cells in HTML tables?

In web presentation, I have those table cells which contain no data. How to represent such an information? Notes about the table: its basic dimensions are roughly 10 × 20, but can grow to 15 &...
Olivier Grégoire's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Where does Business Analyst fits in core UX/UI technology flow

User Experience (UX) Designer = Research + Design UI Developer = Design + HTML/CSS/JS Application Developer = HTML/CSS/JS + Back-End coding With reference to above diagram i would like to know ...
Navneet's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Should html links with images have both title and alt attributes?

I understand it is generally a best quality practice to have title tags for hyperlinks and alt tags for images. This is good for several reasons: additional information for low bandwidth users, ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

What's the best way to display hierarchical tabular data (parent/child relationship) while allowing both pagination and search?

I've run into a brick wall while trying to come up with a suitable tabular user interface for showing hierarchical data in a table while at the same time including a search interface and pagination. ...
Dave L's user avatar
  • 193
9 votes
1 answer

Best Method to Present a Many to Many Form to User

I have a questions about how to best present a form based off a many to many relationship to a user. I'll explain my models to help give an idea of what data I need to present. Models and ...
ctilley79's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

UI Patterns for tables with many columns

I have a table with many columns,this table displays without scroll only on 21 inch and larger monitors. If there is a ui pattern for tables with many columns?
user1581508's user avatar

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