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Questions tagged [html5]

HTML5 is a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, a core technology of the Internet. It is the latest revision of the HTML standard and currently remains under development.

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10 votes
5 answers

Are Placeholders good for default values?

I read (and believe) this article that data entry tips in HTML placeholders are generally harmful and should be avoided. In-context descriptions or hints can help clarify what goes inside each ...
Tim Grant's user avatar
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68 votes
5 answers

Why aren't HTML5 typed number inputs right aligned, and should they be?

As you may know, with HTML5 when an input has type="number" the field is "customized". Two little arrows are added to the field (w3school example) but the numbers are still left aligned. I saw that ...
Alex's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Best practices for direction control in 2d game on mobile

I've been working on a pacman clone in HTML5 for quite a while. ( One important thing for me was always to keep it responsive, so it would be playable on all different ...
platzhersh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is this input type or form setup called? [duplicate]

Couple of us arguing about this and none of us can remember what this is or would be called. Commonly seen on forms where you are moving an option from one box on the left to a box on the right and ...
user3223880's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

how better place back button?

Our main goal is, to keep the ability to go back SOMEWHERE but we don’t want it to be too prominent. Where should we put that button? This is the link to the live page where this button called 'Ürün ...
rick1's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Does the content of the HTML5 placeholder attribute affect usability?

When using the placeholder attribute in HTML5 has there been any research into how the content of the placeholder affects the usability of the form? I'm thinking specifically about using the ...
Dan Christian's user avatar
6 votes
8 answers

How wide should a responsive-designed website be?

Maybe this is a stupid question but I wonder if it changed. Websites used to be 960px wide so all screen resolution could easily see all the content. But with the new 'responsive-design' and html5 ...
Kees Sonnema's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why Google search form is not using auto-focus attribute?

I was doing some testing for a project where I wanted to ensure that the user still could reach certain functionality even with JS disabled. I wanted to quickly find something by going to Google and I ...
Shina's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What would be more accessible : Un-ordered lists or tables?

I have a page listing the latest blog posts in a pretty standard format, you'd expect to see on any typical blog. At the foot of each post, I have a list showing 'views', 'comments' and 'shares'. I ...
Michael Giovanni Pumo's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How best to show a document preview

I have a fairly basic web form that gathers information such as name, address, description, yada, yada. I have to do a rewrite and so am wondering what the best practice currently is to show a ...
Connie DeCinko's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

For Screen Readers: How to markup a group of text items to be read as one item? Should I even try?

How might I mark up the following component in accordance with WCAG 2.1 guidelines, accessibility best practices, and with as much assistive technology compatibility as possible (I don't want to ...
gfullam's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Is there a Web UX standard as to when to use, or not use a tool-tip?

Current web application is being updated with twitter bootstrap and the UX people are hover / tool-tip happy which is leading to a very busy page. My understanding is that tool tips should be used ...
Stephen Patten's user avatar