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Adding subitems/children objects from the parent view

I have a page where users can start a 'timer'. Users can add an Attachment to this timer. So attachments are child objects of a timer. In the timer page, it's important that there is as little ...
Colinch's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Android Material Design paradigm for hierarchical data

I need to display some hierarchical data in a side menu of an Android app. Sort of a tree, with nodes that can be dragged and dropped around. The entire tree has to be expanded from the start. I ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Effectively displaying complex "expanded/extra" information in a list

I've got an application using Material Design, and I'm having trouble laying out information in an easy to understand way. On the top level, I'm happy with how things are (even if the bars are a bit ...
Joe's user avatar
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Material Design - bottom navigation with upper tabs?

Prototyping a new dialer app based on Material's framework and style guide. Side navigation is not an option. Instead, I would like to use bottom navigation for 4 main pages/features. Recent Calls ...
Adi Ben Zion's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Tree navigation in material design

I am looking for examples or guidelines how to design tree navigation in material design. The style guide covers data tables and lists but trees are not mentioned. The only reference are nested ...
Jakob's user avatar
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1 vote
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What is the best way to design a navigation view inside a navigation view

I have the following requirement for an iOS 8 app: I have a list of groups in the main view Selecting one of the groups takes you to the group's view (one level down the navigation stack) Every group ...
John Doe's user avatar
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