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Questions tagged [hci]

Human–computer interaction (HCI) is the study, planning and design of the interaction between people (users) and computers.

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2 votes
1 answer

What percentage of average users know about Find (ctrl or cmd + f), and Find and Replace, native to applications? [duplicate]

I'm having trouble finding recent data on what percentage of average users use, or even know about, the Find feature native to most applications. I recently found a mention of a white collar worker ...
Orun's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How to understand the technical issues while designing?

For instance, I have two designs Design A like miller columns: Better experience, clear view, no training needed, can play however users want. Design B like stacked layer or tree view: Best ...
Sahithi's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What is system-centered design?

I can't understand the idea or concept of system-centered design. I have researched the topic but it mostly directs me to user-centered design. What is system-centered design?
salma.m's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

reference requests on usability of scientific software libraries [closed]

I'm writing an academic paper now describing a software library that I'm developing for modeling the flow of glaciers and ice sheets. One of the points that I'd like to make in this paper is that we ...
Daniel Shapero's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

If marking menus are more efficient than linear menus, why haven't they been adopted?

In User learning and performance with marking menus by Kurtenbach and Buxton (1994), the paper demonstrates that marking menus are more efficient than linear menus. And to me they look just as ...
Erwan Ounn's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Non-WIMP vs ubiquitous computing

So, what would you call as a main difference between non-WIMP and ubiquitous computing? I know that non-WIMP is seen as interface seen after WIMP, kinda as a revolution of user interface, and that ...
GreatDuke's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Token-based interactive system meaning [closed]

Recently I enrolled to HCI course, and there was mentioned that WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointer) is a token-based interactive system. Does anyone knows what does token-based mean in WIMP system, ...
GreatDuke's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Combining Fitts' law with Hick's law

I'm working through a textbook and got stumped on this particular question: Use Hicks’ and Fitt’s Laws to derive an expression for the time for a user to select an item in a menu where b is the ...
lostAtLife's user avatar
86 votes
10 answers

Which way to turn a knob to increase?

I'm making an app with a skeumorph knob that you can turn clock- and counterclockwise to increase/decrease an amount. But what direction is the correct one? I bet that there is a high degree of ...
astalabandi's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Augmented reality - how to manipulate objects

With the new iOS ARkit, I've been wondering a lot of things about the intuitive interaction with objects in Augmented reality. For example, I think people are going to try to move objects touching ...
user3439775's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What are all the interaction mechanics for text input boxes?

Modern operating systems appear to have fairly standard and consistent behaviour for interacting with text input boxes in various ways. For example: Pressing Home or Alt+LeftArrow will move the ...
Bryce's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

I am currently doing BTech and have an average pointer. Is it possible for me to do my Master’s degree in an Top HCI University? [closed]

I am a 3rd yr Btech student from India. Recently I confessed my love for UX and decided to pursue Master's in HCI or related field. But I am currently in an average university and have an average ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Select items vs checkboxes vs radiobutons

We were working in a system interface refactoring here on our web-based and its Android-based system when a question was raised: dealing with the following options in a report filter: "ALL USERS", "...
Jaumzera's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How are the research fields CSCW and HCI related historically?

As part of writing my thesis, I was trying to reconstruct how exactly the research field of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). I have a decent ...
Steven Jeuris's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the fundamental difference between HCI and Usability? [closed]

When evaluating an interface these two terms are very important. How do they differ from each other ?
user1995's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Name for property of "infinite distance" for tabs at top

I recall that there is a technical term for the property of browser tabs at the top of the browser window having "infinite distance" for the user's mouse pointer movement, but I cannot recall what the ...
Tianxiang Xiong's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Calculating tasks response time with paper-prototypes?

I am conducting paper-prototype testing and manage to collect data about completion rates and satisfaction scores. However, I am finding it difficult to calculate the task times. Is there another ...
user1995's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Should usability experts be included when testing the first initial prototypes?

My project consists of three iterations: Low-fidelity usability tests Redefined prototype usability tests Final prototype usability tests. I am unsure whether to include the HCI expert review ...
user1995's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Will employers hire someone who wants to code AND practice UX? [closed]

During my uni, whilst studying graphic design, I got more and more into programming as I enjoyed creating processes leading to a final design (from generative visual design to data visualization to ...
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How can we tell users that they are using their computer in a way that may cause hardware failure? Any studies on this?

In short Sometimes, people use computers in a way that taxes their hardware and can eventually lead to CPU or BIOS failure. When it does happen, there might not be any warning. Users can go from ...
David's user avatar
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4 answers

Using a survey to identify problems, for usability testing

I'm new to UX research, and I am on a small UX project just for the sake of practice. Before conducting a usability test, I understand that I need to know the user's pain points in certain products ...
Kenny's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Tracking what users are drawing on a piece of paper in real time

As part of our research in an HCI project, we need to track what users are drawing on pieces of paper in real time. Due to some requirements, we cannot replace the paper with anything digital. What we ...
Ali Alavi's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What resolution of eye tracking could reasonably be expected, by using the in-built camera of a tablet device comparable to an iPad Air 2?

By "resolution" I (loosely) refer to some fraction of the device's screen. For example, at the coarsest level of resolution, could we expect to differentiate (using the front-facing FaceTime HD camera)...
David's user avatar
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-13 votes
2 answers

Designing password entry to provide hints

Should it be way that the interaction is designed for password field in any web form or login page? Can it be the right way to showing total number of character of a password while user enters it? ...
Deepak Sarwan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

recommendations for best practices in testing upright and angled directory experiences on large-scale touch-screen display?

Has anybody had experience testing interactive touch-based displays for ux usability. Specifically, i'm looking at large-screen (i.e. wall-sized) touch screen software experiences that use advanced ...
Amir Bahadori's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to integrate word prediction keyboard into P300-based BCI (brain computer interface) system?

See this question in Cognitive Sciences. A P300 based BCI is designed for locked-in patients to communicate, P300 is a brain wave elicited in the process of decision making. Farwell and Donchin (...
Sophy's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What is the benefit of anthropomorphizing a UI?

Earlier I withdrew some money from the cash machine and at one point the screen read: "Hold on, I'm contacting the server". The designers of the system had chosen to infer through the language ...
dennislees's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Link between UX/HCI/Graphics?

I've been reading up a lot on UX lately. The terms computer graphics, HCI and User experience keep coming up together. Could someone explain to me how Graphics, HCI and UX are all linked?
CuriousAboutUX's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Action icons on context menu

I have an object and a menu on its toolbar. When user clicks this an menu icon from top toolbar, a context menu opens in drop down like shown below: There can be actully three kinds of objects so I ...
Ayse's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

Visually show "File cannot be dropped here"

I am trying to show to user if "File cannot be dropped to the desired location" on my UI. Refer to the image attached above, user can drag and drop a file to the rectangular areas defined but not all ...
Ayse's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Looking for a HCI term for when a system has several modes of operation

I'm looking for a term which I'm pretty convinced exists but I have forgotten. Roughly, it describes the fact that a system or tool has several modes of operation / states and behaves differently in ...
Steve Dodier-Lazaro's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Icon for Appending a file after existing file

I am designing an editor. On my UI, there is an icon for importing a file. When user opens the editor and clicks on “Import” icon, that file is opened in editor. Now I want that if user clicks “Import”...
Ayse's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Gather - Capture User centered data

I have made a web application for educational purposed which is used by people living in rural parts of the country, who are not able to get access to proper education. I have centers in those ...
user3615286's user avatar
0 votes
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Setting of Cancel, Back and Next Buttons in Apple UI

I'm working on UI that follows Apple's UI Guidelines. Currently I'm developing a setup wizard UI but I'm confused about arrangement of "Cancel", "Next" and "Back" buttons. My current implementation is:...
Ayse's user avatar
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3 answers

Alternate for radio button to show default selected file

User has a list of multiple files. When user logs in for the first time, I want to show current file selected by default. Currently I am doing it using Radio Button like shown below: But in UI it is ...
Ayse's user avatar
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2 answers

Select between page and object on it when both have same boundaries

ON the UI that I’m designing, I have a page and there could be multiple rectangles on the page like shown below: A page can be selected by clicking on its boundary. Similarly, a rectangle can be ...
Ayse's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to arrange five blocks on UI

I have five blocks on UI: On the basis of rights of user, these blocks will be visible. For example, if an Admin signs in, all blocks will be visible. For Manager, I want to show block# 2,4 and 5. ...
Ayse's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Allow Multiple Instances of a Page

On my UI, I want to have any option/icon so that user can show that this page can be copied or not e.g: The sample that I have decided so far is that when user hovers over the page, "allow multiple ...
Ayse's user avatar
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1 answer

Input “Infinite Value” option in spin control

In my UI if a user selects to allow multiple , he checks the check box next to “Multiple ”. When this check box is selected, “Maximum” option becomes enabled. Here user can define how many options can ...
Ayse's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Visually show start and end of a condition

I want to visually show starting and ending of an if block in my UI. Each if block starts with if and ends with end. The condition is written in red. I’ve figured out a few ways to show the start ...
Ayse's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Warning message to the user if name he enterred already exists

I want to warn user if the file name he enters already exists and ask him if he want to try with another name. Following options I think will go good in such situation: "A file name with this name ...
Ayse's user avatar
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3 answers

Better option to warn user about an existing name

If a user wants to rename a file, he double clicks on file name, and name becomes editable. If user types an already existing field name and presses “Enter” or click outside the edit box, there could ...
Ayse's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Do interfaces evolve?

People often use the word evolution to describe the change over time that can be seen in human computer interfaces. Is there any research that looks at whether human computer interfaces evolve over ...
Toni Leigh's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Better UI for exchanging blocks up and down

I have developed a UI as shown below: Now I want to add a functionality to this UI that if user wants to exchange positions of if and else if blocks, he must be able to do that. One option could be ...
Ayse's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the point behind badges? Do they make the UX more pleasant?

I'm designing badges for a client's app (when users get a certain number of points, they get a badge). It seems like badges are used in nearly every type of challenge/game app. I understand that it's ...
evan's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

What happens when gamification is poorly done?

Gamification originally sought to take advantage of the fact that intrinsic, embedded rewards are more effective motivators than external ones. It has also become exceedingly common, but the ...
Jessica Yang's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Origin of the 'Loading Circle'

Particularly prevalent since Windows Vista, as far as I can see, the 'loading circle' is now an oft-used representation of something being loaded, or some unspecified wait period. There are many more ...
OJFord's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Are there any peer-reviewed papers on the maximum waiting time to be considered "user real-time"? [duplicate]

Are there any scientific papers about any study performed on what is considered a maximum waiting time for an activity to be considered "user real-time" (not software real-time). I was looking at ...
FrankZappa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Rationale behind long touch latency on Android [closed]

As a longtime Apple touch-device user, I was really taken aback when I got my first Android phone (Galaxy SIII). In contrast with every Apple product I've used, the Galaxy had a bit of a lag time with ...
ewittke's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Developer with HCI background studying graphic design

I'm thinking about going to design school for a year, studying graphic design. I want to get work as a UX designer/researcher, with the possibility of day to day activities like user research, user ...
mieze's user avatar
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