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2 answers

Questionnaire for Small Sample Studies (5-7 users)

I am currently working on my thesis and am working on conducting an user research about chatbot experience with real users. Currently, I will test three different chatbot prototypes to test: (1) For ...
CASA_DE_BS's user avatar
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2 answers

User testing, novice outperforms experts

Happy new year to all! Recently we are working on the findability of content elements by running tree testing. At the results, we encountered that novice users are better at finding correct options ...
Izzie's user avatar
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Which heuristics criteria justifies redirecting the user to a 404 redirect page?

Assuming UX experts are familiar with the Bastien & Scarpin Heuristics Criteria, how does it classify the behavior of user clicking in a link and being redirect to a 404 page? I'm struggling to ...
sergioviniciuss's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to evaluate a console application?

I have to perform an end-user evaluation on a console application. the application is a sort of a software library, i.e., a series of commands that a programmer can use to perform some specific tasks ...
Eleanore's user avatar
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3 answers

Validate user experience for expert users

I am a computer scientist, and I have contributed in building a strongly technical solution (cloud-based, scalable) for the computation of large data volumes in short time. Such platform offers ...
Eleanore's user avatar
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3 answers

How to setup the Usability Test and how to evaluate the results?

I am new to UX and trying to learn all the methodologies. I am now learning and understand how setup the Usability Tests and how to hen evaluate the results. Can you please share some of your real ...
AT - UID's user avatar
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7 answers

Should I ask the user to complete the task as fast as she can in user test?

I need to evaluate insurance auto quote process which has 3-4 pages of forms to fill. I have designed a prototype with two variations and want to test which of them is easier to use. So I plan to ...
Kristiyan Lukanov's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Reference for words that can be used to describe how users 'feel' or 'experience' when it comes to qualitative user experience evaluation?

I remember reading about some study for the Microsoft Ribbon design (this could be wrong) where a list of words were provided to the user to describe what they feel or experience either when they see ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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2 answers

Involving end users with UAT for software development

I just had a project manager and developers request we use end-users for User Acceptance Testing. They want end-users to try and break the software prior to launch. This really caught me off guard. ...
TheArtOfUX's user avatar