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2 answers

Questionnaire for Small Sample Studies (5-7 users)

I am currently working on my thesis and am working on conducting an user research about chatbot experience with real users. Currently, I will test three different chatbot prototypes to test: (1) For ...
CASA_DE_BS's user avatar
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1 answer

Task completion rate increased from 53% to 73% but still under the standard average of 78%

A tree testing conducted for a website navigation and the result was 53% then, we redesigned the information architecture and produced a new tree testing with the new navigation. The result improved ...
Izzie's user avatar
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SUS evaluation on the same system but different sections and participants

Would it be okay to use 2 SUS scores to come up with a single score in the case I explain below: I conducted a user testing for a banking mobile app, the app under investigation has lots of tasks ...
Izzie's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to evaluate a console application?

I have to perform an end-user evaluation on a console application. the application is a sort of a software library, i.e., a series of commands that a programmer can use to perform some specific tasks ...
Eleanore's user avatar
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How to setup the Usability Test and how to evaluate the results?

I am new to UX and trying to learn all the methodologies. I am now learning and understand how setup the Usability Tests and how to hen evaluate the results. Can you please share some of your real ...
AT - UID's user avatar
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7 answers

Should I ask the user to complete the task as fast as she can in user test?

I need to evaluate insurance auto quote process which has 3-4 pages of forms to fill. I have designed a prototype with two variations and want to test which of them is easier to use. So I plan to ...
Kristiyan Lukanov's user avatar