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Questions tagged [ease-of-use]

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What's the best way to avoid users changing a significant, and rarely changed setting?

I realise that the word "best" in my title is very subjective, but I couldn't think of a better word. I guess a combination of user friendly, easy to use and robust (ie minimises the chances ...
Avrohom Yisroel's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Do people equate limited as being simple or something else?

I am trying to understand how people decide if a software is simple or not. I am quite often asked for simpler alternatives for 3D software, graphics software, CAD software, mind mapping Software and ...
joojaa's user avatar
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5 answers

How to show correct vs. incorrect order of elements that the user ordered?

Alright, so in this case, the user takes a quiz and is asked a series of questions. Sometimes the questions can be a "drag into the correct order" kind of question. The issue I'm running into is how ...
Dev 404's user avatar
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1 answer

Which is the best way to present to the user a 2-categories-login-field?

I have a login screen that has two ways of authentication: via e-mail or a numeric code. So i'm wondering if i should make the user decide(use a tab-bar or a switch...) which kind of login auth he ...
Alexandre Soares's user avatar
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How to design interface for backups that users can restore to

I am currently working on a system for our application where users can restore to backups done previously. The current setup is that the system backups everyday when automatic backups are on. Now our ...
wireframer7's user avatar
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Input a lot of data with select vs checkbox

I want to input some sets of data. Let's say it's like an assignment for a member on a team in some task. I want to apply several members in the task but how is the best experience to input these ...
Aftar Fadilah's user avatar
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MultiTouch TouchPad versus Mouse - which is more powerful? [closed]

There are old questions here from the 2012 era before MultiTouch became popular in both TouchScreens and TouchPads. Users tend to forget that using more than one finger is where the power comes in. ...
rjt's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Best practice for selecting a recurring event?

I need to allow users to set the frequency with which they would like for a certain task to occur (example- every X days/week/month/year). So far, what I've come up with is an input box and a drop ...
Ashwin Nepal's user avatar
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How to force the user to draw on certain elements if there are images in the layout

Well, I ran into the problem of distinguishability of content in a mobile application. In fact, there are a huge number of pictures on the page (movie poster, preview of the film as a picture). A lot ...
StupiStupiDu's user avatar
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Is there a technical reason why shopping websites don't provide users with a simple binary search? [closed]

The following two examples show the problem with common search interfaces when there are multiple pages. Example « previous 1 2 … 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 … 129 130 next » https://www....
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
1 vote
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Force full registration now or only when needed?

I'm creating an app where most users will only use it temporarily, like guests at an event. For this reason I used Firebase Anonymous Login, to where they just supply a name and they're ready to go ...
DasBeasto's user avatar
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3 answers

Best practice for input fields on mobile

download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups Layout 1 - Input fields stretched to fit the screen size and button(s) center-aligned Layout 2 - This is a direct web-to-mobile ...
Shreyas Tripathy's user avatar
3 votes
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Number of (atomic) actions to perform a task

In all the tools I'm coding, I'm searching the least number of atomic actions to perform a task. After decades, I came to this empirical conclusion: I noticed that my likelihood/probability to use ...
Basj's user avatar
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3 answers

Clarity vs Ease of Use?

I'm sure those concerned with good UX come across such situations all the time, and here's my situation. We're working on modernising an old, internal business application at work. Here's a section ...
J86's user avatar
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Measuring the user experience of Augmented reality application for elderly

I'm conducting a study on elderly experience of AR application. The plan was to use SUS (System Usability Scale) to measure the ease of use. Then, after planning the whole thing, I realized I made a ...
NuhaAbd's user avatar
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Allow users to mark asset as "found" without account?

I have a website where a user can post something they are looking for and the ad gets distributed out to a public board (technically multiple) anyone can see. Up to this point (99% of the site) my ...
DasBeasto's user avatar
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3 answers

Guiding users through updating generated content

I have a page that lets a user generate a comment for students in a class, based on their performance during the year. For the most part, each student will have the same score in all areas, and will ...
mike's user avatar
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3 answers

Translate "Choose your language" text or not?

In our website language selector, we have a text in English saying "Choose your language". Should that text be ALWAYS in english, or should it also be translated to the current and selected language? ...
fabdurso's user avatar
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how to display ranges in filters

I have some filters, and I want to display ranges, I am just not sure what the most intuitive way to achieve this is. So for the first filter, it would from 0 to 10, there are several ways to display ...
Source's user avatar
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How to present a multi-facet 5-star rating system?

I want to design a multi-facet 5 star rating system on mobile devices, for the intent of attribute analytics. In layman's terms, I want to be able to present the user with a list of characteristics ...
Dupontrocks11's user avatar
-1 votes
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Should the steering wheel of car be on right or left? [closed]

What is the user experience of steering wheels placement based on? I recently visited US and they have steering wheel on the left whereas back in asian countries we usually have it on the right. What ...
Nirav Chadda's user avatar
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How to tackle browser's back and forward buttons/arrows?

What is the general UX rule followed wrt to navigation that a browser provides. I am developing a web based tool.I would be definately be enabling navigation to different screens within the tool, I ...
Nirav Chadda's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Reminder/Alarm time picker - default time?

Given a simple time picker to be used on a mobile app where you set times for reminders and alarms what should you have the default time as when a user opens the time picker up. Take this as an ...
DasBeasto's user avatar
  • 15.4k
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2 answers

Table Pagination

I have a standard table with around 1500 enteries as shown below : How do I capture the fact that I want to migrate on a particular page(for eg say page no.13) without having to click multiple times ...
Nirav Chadda's user avatar
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Address Autocomplete: Manual or Autocomplete

We are currently under going a re-design in a a sign up process for getting your house connected to electricity and natural gas. The first step asks you to enter your address in a number of fields as ...
IronBasset's user avatar
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4 answers

Best way to ask the user which dictionary he wants to use

I'm making a javascript widget that will allow the user to see the translation of a specific word together with examples featuring that word, synonyms, etc. This how it works: On the desktop) The ...
Cornwell's user avatar
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Indicate hover (or tap) will show more information with many elements

First off, this is not a duplicate of the many other similar titled questions out there (that I could find at least) due to one extra bit. So please read first. What I have is a paragraph of ...
David's user avatar
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How To Show A Entry In A List Of Either Titles Or Text

In our Ms Access CRM program, we can make notes on a customer. I am creating a way to have "quick" cards, that the user can choose rather than type. A Quick Card can have either a text or a title and ...
Elias's user avatar
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Side Tabs Text Vertical Alignment - Text Orientation - What is better to read upside down or read bottom up?

I have a page with tabs on the side vertically aligned, with two options. Questions: What was your gut reaction to the text orientation changes? What is the best practice for text orientation. (see ...
User's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the best select all / deselect all icons [closed]

I tried google image search, and i see that there are many different icons for this, some are more or less customized based on the context they are in. In your experience, which icon is most likely ...
kodisha's user avatar
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Is importance of ease of first use a recognized UX concept?

This is a bit strange question. I was wondering is there a named concept that ease of first use/trial is critical for winning new users and conversion. I'm referring to products/apps/services rather ...
Bad Pitt's user avatar
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How to analyze Pre/Post Single Ease of use question data?

Hello all UX researchers, In my recent UX study, I used a single ease of use question at the start and end of the each task on the scale of 1 to 7 ( where 1= strongly disagree, 7= strongly agree). ...
Dr_Laghari_UX's user avatar