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Examples for a modern home screen in a Windows desktop application?

I have a 15 year old Windows desktop application, and I'd like to refresh the look of it to be more modern, in line with current trends in UI design. The main functions are launched from a home screen ...
Steve's user avatar
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1 answer

Desktop application that uses both a Ribbon and a Menu?

I know the Ribbon was intended to replace the conventional menu, but are there any examples of desktop applications which attempted to use both? If so, how was the end result? Was it a nightmare? Did ...
Gary Allen's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

About Commanding in UWP apps. What commanding approach is best? office like?, UWP? or classic win32?

I'm writing an app with platform UWP-Windows 10-1903(Universal Windows), for making electric circuits, designs and simulations. User makes a design on screen with resistors, generators, etc, and run ...
Leandro Alsina's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Hover vs click on mega menu

Now implementing a new mega-menu. The current mega-menu's submenu options are shown on user cursor hover. Would a more explicit action like mouse click be more appropriate for this (like the example ...
zakcreate's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a use case for overriding/overpainting the OS-provided system menu?

An app developed by another team here at Acme Software overrides - in fact, erases - the operating system-provided system menu (it also custom paints the minimize, maximize, and close button, but that'...
Jon of All Trades's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the name of the reveal-menu-bar-on-Alt interaction?

Firefox has the following interaction on the GNOME desktop (observed in Firefox ~55, GNOME ~3.26): Starts with menu bar hidden When you click Alt the menu bar appears [1] (and stays visible after the ...
lofidevops's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Design of Login/logout menu

I am designing a desktop application that has login functionality. The login dialog is placed on the main form and is only shown on startup, and it is not a part of my question. In the main view, I ...
Rye bread's user avatar
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2 answers

'Organic' versus 'structured' display of information on desktop applications

Not sure if this is really due to the lack of space on mobile devices or if there are a number of factors, but I have noticed that the 'organic' way of organisation and displaying content (think of ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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2 answers

iTunes 12 application menu design concept

In most applications the position, style and interaction with menu elements tend to follow a consistent pattern. In the latest version of iTunes the menu design (other than the standard File menu bar) ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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1 answer

what pros does the hidden menu have when it is used for DT users as well?

I knew that Square redesign had this kind of menu for desktop users as well and I found it odd and I still think that it is a strange solution. Now, I stumbled on this website that has the same kind ...
Sara's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Pattern for desktop responsive menu and visibility of selection

For a horizontal navigation menu with submenus, what is a good pattern to display when the number of menu items in the primary navigation does not fit the current page. For the desktop view, don't ...
ux guy's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Why do menu labels behave differently in desktop applications and websites?

In a desktop application when you click a menu, you see all the options which reside within it, in a drop-down/pop-up list. In many websites with a navigation menu which has sub-categories, I have ...
rk.'s user avatar
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3 answers

good reason/guideline/heuristic/principle, according to GUI design pattern, to align maximise, minimise and close button on the left side in Ubuntu

Since Ubuntu 10.04 (and maybe some other Linux versions), we sometimes see the maximize, minimize and close buttons on the: left side: and sometimes on the right side: . So, can someone explain ...
Pier-Alexandre Bouchard's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Menu organization : conventional or domain-specific?

I'm building a desktop application that is a tool to mount some very domain-specific graphic structures that in the tool's context are called "sequences" (it's not important here I guess). To help ...
Klaim's user avatar
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2 votes
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In a desktop application, what are best practise methods to provide a menu of functions

I have a .NET Winforms application that hosts controls to provide different areas of functionality. My normal method in providing a menu to switch between these controls has been a TreeView or a List ...
johnc's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Where should the "preferences" item go in a desktop application?

I find that the "preferences" menu item is always in a different place, and often under an arbitrary name which always makes it a pain to locate unless you're already familiar with the software. I ...
Carson Myers's user avatar