Questions tagged [controlled-vocabulary]

Controlled vocabularies provide a way to organize knowledge for subsequent retrieval. They are used in subject indexing schemes, subject headings, thesauri, taxonomies and other forms of knowledge organization systems. Controlled vocabulary schemes mandate the use of predefined, authorised terms that have been preselected by the designer of the vocabulary, in contrast to natural language vocabularies, where there is no restriction on the vocabulary.

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3 votes
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How do I represent the minimum contribution percentage while allowing users to change the figures on the page and still default to the 50% OnPageLoad

Action: moving the slider adjusts the pricing on the page for an insurance package. Scenario: A user select a insurance benefit package for their employees. The minimum they can contribute is 50% of ...
Ballisticone's user avatar
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2 answers

Dropdown list or Look Up Form

I am creating an application (specifically in FileMaker) that would store information about Vehicles, Drivers and the Trips done by Drivers using a Vehicle. In my Vehicle Details, I have Manufacturer, ...
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