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7 votes
5 answers

Why do browsers allow users to open more tabs than it is possible to manage for a good user experience?

It is not unusual these days to see someone on a browser application with so many tabs open that you can't even see the favicon. I remember when bookmarks were provided to help manage a large number ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
  • 27.7k
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How often do desktop users switch tabs when browsing

in order to optimize our user experience i've been trying find any insights on user behaviour for the 2 following average tabs open when browsing how often on average do users switch between tabs ...
Blue Ocean's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What percentage of internet users save credentials in the browser?

I'm trying to get a high-level understanding of what percentage of internet users allow their browser to store the username/password so I can understand the potential impact "breaking" this will have ...
Mlalahoi's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any strategies or design patterns for managing a large number of tabs on a browser window?

Due to the changing nature of people browsing and reading through information on the web, the bookmark has been getting less love compared to people leaving tabs open on browser windows (or multiple ...
Michael Lai's user avatar
  • 27.7k
7 votes
3 answers

Why Google Chrome does not have a GoTo link button like other browsers? [closed]

Why google chrome does not provide a GoTo Link button like in IE, Firefox, etc.? And if this is because of the simple & modern design concept than why does other browsers still have GoTo Button?
Vivek Parekh's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Overriding Default Behavior of Mobile Browsers

In desktop web development, a big user experience no-no is to create a behavior that is not native to the browser. Such as: Disabling the right-click mouse button Creating your own context menu Not ...
William's user avatar
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Loading Times / Breaking points

We all know that a user is not going to wait forever for a website to load. Given there are certain factors and circumstances that can apply to this, is there a breakdown of users stages/breaking ...
Kyle Mirro's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Should tabs changes in a web app be part of the browser history?

I've implemented a JavaScript plugin that tracks tab changes in through the browser history. Here's a brief overview of how it works: Once tab is clicked, the URL hashtag (the part that looks like #...
Virtuosi Media's user avatar