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2 answers

Web App - Set a Max Width or Let it Expand Responsively?

Hopefully this is an easy one. I'm designing a web app that contains rows of cards you can horizontally scroll, and a sidebar navigation on the left (think: similar to DoorDash). I notice on my wide ...
Matthew Gelfand's user avatar
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1 answer

Do complex mobile apps need to have all the same functions as the desktop version?

This is more a philosophical question, and it's been hard phrasing it right to get an answer, so apologies if this has been asked before. We currently have a desktop app that's a textbook definition ...
somerndmguy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is there a best practice with nav links going to same page as link in dropdown?

I am doing an audit of a website and there are areas where the label in the navigation goes to the same page as a the link in it's dropdown like the "Banking" going to same page as "...
keano12's user avatar
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2 answers

In a Desktop application, should the recent file list placed directly in the file menu

A desktop tool mostly offers recent files. I am used to press Alt+F and then 1 to open the first recent files. It seems that I learned it from Notepad++. I thought it was a "platform convention&...
koppor's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Gray-out conundrum

As we're approaching the release date for v2.5.0 of Rubberduck (an open-source VBIDE add-in), we're facing a bit of a dilemma regarding a specific type of tree nodes in one of our toolwindows: The ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
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2 answers

Groups vs notebooks

I'm working on a note taking app. One of the feature is that you can group the notes in a folder like manner in which one can create. subgroups inside groups and more subgroups and put notes/notebooks ...
x0_0x's user avatar
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5 answers

Should phone numbers be clickable within our software on (desktop)?

We are working on cleaning up our system and identifying phone numbers so they will be detected and show up as links for mobile users. The question I have is should we make them show up as links for ...
L. Lemmer's user avatar
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Mandatory icons on the Windows desktop?

I manage IT for a medium-sized VA hospital. My users seem unable to use the Win 7 program groups effectively. Despite the fact that they need dozens of applications to do their jobs, there is a ...
Kevin Marlowe's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Is it standard practice to indicate on the form that Caps Lock is on?

In forms where certain input fields have case sensitive input data, is it an accepted or standard practice to indicate somewhere on the form that caps lock is on? I am thinking that this concept doesn'...
Michael Lai's user avatar
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