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Questions tagged [appointment]

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2 votes
2 answers

whats the reason for having time slots in 30 minute intervals? [closed]

What are the usability benefits of having 30-minute intervals for time slots when let's say, booking an appointment? I can only think that it is because it is easier to remember but what about if a ...
Angela Jung's user avatar
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2 answers

Personal information or generated information

Dear community, I am creating a appointment process for a rental process. Currently I am evaluating whether to show the user their First- + Lastname + E-Mail in step (3) that they have entered in ...
marvinpoo's user avatar
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4 answers

When to ask the user to login for a more personalized experience

I’m currently working on an appointment platform for a drugstore chain. The current flow is as follow : User select a service and get geolocated or enter is own location information. The user can see ...
Max Potvin's user avatar
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1 answer

Appointment Workflow Issue

We are fixing some UX issues on our site currently and would like to get some opinions as to what works best. We received a few feedback from customers that said basically they were unsure where in ...
Cam's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

Should an 'error message' be shown before or after user interaction?

In a web application we have functionality that enables users to reschedule an appointment that they have previously booked, by clicking on a call to action/link on their summary page. However, there ...
Midas's user avatar
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