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Questions tagged [apple]

Apple Inc. are a technology company who produce consumer electronics. Their UX philosophy and design aesthetic is famous for its user-centric walled-garden approach, and has been responsible for the popularisation of innovations like the GUI and mobile touch interfaces.

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39 votes
4 answers

Is Apple's or Google's meaning of the three-horizontal-bar icon more popular?

Apple and Google are going head-to-head to define meaning of the three-horizontal-bars icon: In iOS this icon means "drag me to rearrange items in a list" while Google Chrome's version means "click ...
Justin Grant's user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

What is the iOS alternative to a radio button?

There is a radio button in android and WEB but what is the best alternative in iOS? And please don't say segmented control becuase it's not working in my case. The case is a list of items 3-6 which ...
Vasil Enchev's user avatar
24 votes
7 answers

Why does Apple use images of text for headers?

I have just noticed that Apple uses images for simple text headings. I guess its to enhance readability but still don't get on why images? Check this - Heading - "Make ...
ideawebme's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

Visiting Apple, what questions should I ask? [closed]

My class will be visiting Apple and I am very excited as I am huge fan of Apple UX. What are some good questions to make the most of the visit? Note: We will meet Jobs, but I am not sure if we will ...
jonshariat's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

The best scroll direction | Apple v.s. Windows [duplicate]

The two biggest computer companies in the world use opposite scrolling directions! When you switch from Windows to Apple, you'll notice that Apple has its scrolling reversed. But maybe it's Windows ...
Max de Mooij's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Are new app designs deviating from conventional (better?) Interaction designs?

I am on the 3rd chapter of Joshua Clark's Tapworthy : Designing great iPhone apps And I was really taken aback by the first few pages. In these first few pages Joshua Discusses the "thumb hotspot" i....
Nash Vail's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How should Likert scale options be ordered?

I was asked to give feedback after chatting with Apple support. It seems odd that Apple would ask for feedback in this manner: High to Low (5 - 1). I would expect it to ask for feedback this way: Low ...
Joe Clay's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Why do Macs only have one mouse button?

Why do Apple Macintoshes only have one mouse button? It seems useful to have at least a second one for options that aren't regularly used.
Celeritas's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Why does Apple hide the vertical scrollbar on Mac laptops?

I am interested in why Apple hides the vertical scroll bar. In many cases it hides the fact that there is more vertical data than what appears on a specific window. Only when you scroll up or down (...
leora's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Is the "apple slider button" using the correct affordance?

Here's a screenshot of The button "active" is decorated in a way which looks like an iPhone's slider control. The first thing that comes to mind is that it's draggable (but ...
Pacerier's user avatar
  • 559
7 votes
2 answers

Max OS X Lion: Two Buttons "Highlighted" by Default—what?

I've noticed this in a lot of applications under Mac OS X Lion lately. For example: Pressing return is equivalent to pressing the button with the blue background, not the highlight. What's the ...
Aaron Yodaiken's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is Tab Bar based iOS Design for feed driven apps a better UX?

Working on a feed driven iOS application and wondering peoples thoughts on Tab Bar driven iOS design for feed based apps. There is a large amount of evidence that supports the well integrated use of ...
Robb Schiller's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is there any definition/guidelines about user experience of Apple and Google?

I like the both Apple and Google user experiences. But visually they are different. Though, I need to know their basic concepts/theory about user experience. So we will take their inspirations not ...
jelumalai's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why do we need a friend/follower count?

I am working on a mobile app that will have a friends and follower feature. Should a user's profile page display how many friends they have and how many people are following them? What advantages ...
Ivan Lesko's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Using Material Design on iOS

I have an Android app developed by using Material Design principles. Currently, I am planning to release it on iOS too. I read several blogs/SO posts, which state that Apple is strict about Flat ...
Mangesh Ghotage's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Should I choose a short or lengthy title for my app on App Store?

By now I have read numerous articles about App Store optimisation. Some advise me to use a long title with a lot of keywords (bang for my bucks etc…) but others say the title should be short (25 ...
Liesl's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What are the "success" and "failure" vibration patterns in Apple Watch, and iPhone 7 haptic?

I want to imitate the Apple Watch "success" and "failure" vibration patterns in my custom app. Does anyone have the following information for the various user experiences Intensity Timing Pattern (...
makerofthings7's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Has anyone had any experience with inputs similar to apple's calendar "create quick event"?

For the past few years apple's calendar app has used this concept of "create quick event" where the user types a sentence in a format that allows the application to separate the data, and create the ...
Jason Frade's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What is the default typography for UINavigationBar in IOS 7? [closed]

I know the font is either HelveticaNeue-Light or HelveticaNeue-Medium, but which is it? What is also the font size?
cdub's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What is the optimal snooze time for a task (mobile software)?

I'm developing a mobile application like the stock offered by Apple, and I'm deploying a "snooze" functionality for overdue tasks. I'm not sure what the optimal snooze time is or how to ...
Devfly's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why take user all the way to App store to rate an app?

Recently being annoyed by apps asking to rate them in the App store this question came to my mind . Though I am willing to rate the app I don't want to navigate to the app store and then wait for ...
Nash Vail's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What are some iPhone app examples that successfully use progress indicators [closed]

I am designing a iPhone app and the main function of the app is a 3 step process (steps most likely don't happen all at once (there could be a period of time between steps, unlike a signup flow). I ...
Jason's user avatar
  • 39
3 votes
4 answers

Where can I find an official set of iOS (specifically iPad) icons and stencil sets? [closed]

Android have an official set of icons, fonts, colours and stencils, that can be downloaded from their website. However, I have come to design for iPad and I can't find an official download. Do I need ...
Dave Haigh's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

iPhone Dropdown Menu element

Designing mobile applications is something I find extremely interesting, but I have recently become more interested in the UI element of a drop down menu for IOS applications. It does seem to always ...
Kyle Mirro's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Custom Google and Apple Signup/in buttons

I want to modify the default sign up and sign in buttons of Google and Apple for an iOS project keeping the changes as per their guidelines. By default, these are like this: And I want to use it like ...
Sanshizm's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't have a tagline/About Us section that communicates what they do?

Why doesn't have a tagline/About Us section that communicates what they do? That's a big usability violation. The closest thing I've found to an "About Us" section is a "services" box in ...
Tyler Langan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't Mac OS X use Pointing Hand Cursor instead of Arrow Cursor on Toolbars and Tabs?

I want to understand the rationale behind Apple's design decision of not using Pointing Hand Cursor on clickable areas such as Toolbars or Tabbars of applications' user interfaces, and even buttons. ...
Phil's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Is the charging port in Apple's Magic mouse a design failure?

I have seen people bashing Apple Computer for the charging port in Magic mouse. The purpose of asking this question is: If this is design failure, Apple being such a huge company and credited for ...
Alam Khan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What's the advantage of disabling paste functionality for password input field? [duplicate]

Some web forms don't let the user paste text into password input fields. For example I just noticed this on Apple's iTunes Connect website: I don't see any ...
Stefan Neubig's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the best way to show an item has been added to a list in iOS?

I have a list item in an iOS app that is ordered alphabetically. When adding a new item to this list, there is no way to easily tell that this item has been appended - especially if your list is ...
M Bo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How are people testing prototypes on Apple/Android watches?

I usually use to mockup and then test prototypes right from the device. However, proto has yet to include this functionality for smart watches. (I can only test in browser). Does anyone here ...
user39219's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is the new Apple Music with big fonts good from a usability perspective?

I have been testing the new Apple Music app for quite some time now. At first, I liked the design but I am slowly getting fed up with the big fonts. I like big fonts but Apple seems to have gone a bit ...
Noah's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Card-swipe based interface for macOS: Human Interface Guidelines

I was looking towards creating an app for solving an issue I've had with quickly sorting files. The interface would be similar to Tinder's but for files (images, system files etcetera). Reading ...
yeeeeee's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Apple UI Guidelines, tabs bars and toolbars

I want to publish my app to the Apple App Store. I created the app in PhoneGap. It's a learn a new language app, with different sections. In the Android version, I have tab bars at the top. These tab ...
charm Geld's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

iOS Segmented Controls

I'm trying to figure out the use cases for the different sizes of segmented controls, specifically the 2 segmented one. The app store has a longer version (located below the Nav bar), while the iTunes ...
Derek Hatfield's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What's the common name of the design pattern used on the home screen of the Apple watch?

I'm referring to the fish-eye/magnifier effect applied to app icons as they approach the center of the screen (animation here).
pseudosudo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Should I still use Cover Flow?

I want to create an app for iOS sending (virtual) greeting cards to other users. Since the app is iOS only I thought about using a Cover Flow like representation of the various cards to provide a ...
Robin Ellerkmann's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Several buttons in navbar on iOS

I'm currently working on a app that basically follows Apple's HIG with title, back button and an additional button in navbar on all pages, but it's where my questions start. It is a search/browse ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What do designers do when a new Apple Components Library comes out?

I'm using the newest iOS and MacOS Components Libraries for Sketch that I downloaded from the Apple HIG site. There are some components that either don't make sense or there is a part of the component ...
James Stables's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What do App Store reviewers say about greyed out buttons leading to in app purchases? [closed]

I'm wondering if there's anyone that have any experience from submitting an in app purchases (IAP) based iOS app to Apple with greyed out buttons that leads to the actual purchase? I've been ...
Jonas Norberg's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why are the two buttons on the apple TV remote shaped differently (Menu & Play/Pause)

On the apple TV remote, I have realized that the two buttons have a different physical design. The menu button goes invward (convex) and the play/pause one is flatter/goes more outward. I tried to ...
nichochar's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can solid and hollow icons be used together?

As far as I know mixing solid and hollow icons is a bad practice. Why Apple does it then in iTunes desktop software? Are there any iconography principles that allow mixing of these two icon styles? On ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the drag & drop patterns for iPhone 5 or 6?

I'm working on a design for an iPhone app that drags & drops pictures from one place to the other, something similar to the screenshot below. I downloaded a few of the most popular picture apps (...
Joe_Hendricks's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

UX failure in Apple's security update process

It would have been much better if I could download the 700+ MB download in the background while continuing to work and THEN pull the trigger on applying the patch. There are no real reasons to couple ...
DeepSpace101's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Web-safe fonts: do Apple devices ship with Arial?

Currently my font stack is "HelveticaNeue-Light","Helvetica Neue Light","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,"Lucida Grande",sans-serif. The issue I'm having is that some of my images/buttons with text ...
Luke Shaheen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why does Apple use this guideline "A label is often unnecessary when placeholder text is present"

In which context does Apple use this guideline, and why did they do so? I can only see the logic in the context of having an input field where you search. It just seems a bit odd since it has so many ...
Rakozay's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How does Apple/Google/other calendar see post-midnight? [closed]

As extension to my other question: Time after midnight, user experience Does Apple/Google/other calendars see post-midnight as very early this day, or very late this day? I can't test it myself, but ...
mowgli's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Are there any examples of well designed applications on iPad with 3 column layouts?

I'm designing an iPad application and had an interest in a 3 column interface with 3 tableviews across the screen horizontally and I was wondering if this interface has been done anywhere well.
Matthew Bischoff's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What are the specific breakpoint sizes that Apple uses and references in their design guidelines? [duplicate]

Does someone know, What are the specific dimensions (primarily width) of the breakpoint sizes that Apple uses and references in their design guidelines, name as the XS, SM.... XXL? Reference: https://...
himanshu kandpal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Text link size in mobile

I have a debate with my team about the size of text links on mobile. On one side are standards of accessibility and minimum tap sizes for fingers. On the other is sign-in page where we have ...
Alexander Umnikov's user avatar