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Questions tagged [animation]

movement of elements on a screen that can help solidify their relationship, create a visual appeal or rearrange/remove controls or information presented visually

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3 votes
5 answers

Is there any underlying rule/paradigm for UI that prefers LACK of animation, as in a game?

There are plenty of questions/answers discussing when/where to optionally include animation in an app. Now it comes to the point, there is almost ubiquitous animation all over media. Even a few ...
Tom Pace's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Clockwise or counter-clockwise loading animation

Is there any rule for using CW or CCW loading animation? Does CCW animation means "slow" or "rollback" or something? Or maybe CW direction means going forward, straight direction etc? UPDATE: due ...
Maksim Kanev's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How fast should a user-initiated horizontal scroll be?

I have a bunch of athletes that have their faces linking to their bios. On desktop computers where users don't have the ability to touch-swipe, arrows take over the job. Click here for a working demo ...
Bryce's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is perpetually animating a button an acceptable method for indicating that it has been activated?

I work alongside a client and another designer. We currently have menus that open via button taps. After tapping the buttons, the client and other designer have decided that said buttons should ...
user38106's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Floating animated message vs. confirmation message. When to use each?

Some pre-clarifications: By floating animated messages I mean the Firefox style messages usually appearing bottom right of the window, for example, when a file downloaded successfully. By ...
Assimiz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

With respect to creating circles, what are the pros and cons of the following methods? [closed]

I am making a website in which the home page will have 5 circles each linking to a category of items (e.g. cities, phones, etc.). The user will click on circle to go to the specific page for that item....
hi ji's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Use of animation in a projector presentation [closed]

Q: Is it a good idea to embed GIF or other animation into a Powerpoint presentation? I am working on a 50 minutes technical presentation and trying insert some "breaks" after each 10-15 minutes. The ...
oleksii's user avatar
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19 votes
10 answers

Why are spinning animations typically used for loading sequences?

This question is asking about why spinning animations tend to used as "conventional" indefinite loading animations - it is not asking why a particular software/app/OS uses a spinner. Also the ...
jingtao's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Help! 'Saving' animation for edits that are saved on change (without clicking a save button) [duplicate]

I can't think of great examples on the net (comparisons to draw, that is). You've seen the feature before though. You are making an edit to something--say, a setting. And when you make the change, ...
Mike Earley's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Will animated feedback be annoying or nice?

I'm developing a website called Fablelane which allows you to write your own stories and have others contribute outcomes or "chunks" to that story. Right now (if you go to the website), there's an ...
Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

If you can't improve loading time, is distracting the user a good technique?

On several implementations I've worked with, loading times can be as high as four seconds for the start page. When all reasonable options are done, is it possible to distract the user to make the ...
Benny Skogberg's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

loading new view from which direction ? L2R or R2L?

I've been developing mobile apps using sencha touch for quite a time now. In that, whenever a new view is to be loaded, default animation direction is from Right-to-Left. This can be seen in android ...
SachinGutte's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Why are nested elements scrolled to the opposite direction?

My question is about scrolling conventions, and spatial scroll conventions in general (even here it's only horizontal, but same applies for vertical scrolling). Looking at the below mockup, why is it ...
kontur's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Expandable Card Interaction

I'm trying to create a card with some text/images inside, which can expand down and expose more content if a user clicks on the expand button (a huge down arrow). The natural way to do this obviously ...
Pee Wee's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Does animating statistical data make it easier to understand?

I'm looking at this presentation at, and it uses impressive animated statistics: Hans Rosling: Stats that reshape your worldview Does using animated data make understanding statistical data ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How fast should a banner rotate on a website?

Are there any studies or published de-facto standards on how fast the slides of a carousel should change on the homepage of a website? Here are some examples of sites that incorporate carousels at ...
Andrew Odri's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Guidelines/best practices for CSS hover animations in web UI

What, if any, are the accepted guidelines and/or best practices for using CSS animated transitions on hover in a web-based user interface? When does it start to simply become annoying and distracting?...
Mr. Jefferson's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

What is this failed login visual shake feedback properly called? Is it beneficial?

Wordpress, Coursera and others have the "shake fail" feedback (see Coursera gif below). Is there a name for this type of mimicry of a physical action (head shaking "no")? Is there any evidence of ...
Luke Charde's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Does a "faster" loading indicator make website/software seem faster?

While checking how a site works on Internet Explorer, I noticed that the page loading indicator spins a lot faster than in other browsers. Also, the iPhone uses a noticeably slower activity indicator ...
Kaivosukeltaja's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Tool for work between UI/UX Designers and developers to show animations [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can animations be depicted in wireframes effectively? Are there any standard tools for work between designers and developers, especially for designer to explain flow and ...
ElniSoft's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What's this called and how does it fare from a UI perspective?

The Facts About Coventry website has a flash plugin app for navigation of data (bottom half of the page). It's a big circle where you can hover over the icons to get a description of the category and ...
GIS-Jonathan's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Creating a transition pattern library

I am looking to compile and apply a list of transitions/animations across a web application. Does anyone have any good examples of any existing transition pattern libraries out there? I know the ...
Spiral13's user avatar
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301 votes
6 answers

Why do progress bars animate backwards?

Gmail's new loading bar drew my attention to this today: The colored pattern inside the bar animates from right to left. The Mac OS progress bars do the same: Is there a reason for this? If I was ...
fredley's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Should animations pause on mouseover?

Should animations pause on mouseover? I have my opinion, but I was wondering if there was any evidence to support/refute the idea that users expect this to happen. EDIT: I'm specifically concerned ...
Joel Garfield's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What software is used to create GUI concept videos?

If I was to create a prototype or video of a GUI concept with animations, what software is best suited for that? The focus would be applications for mobile devices or screens integrated in homes, cars ...
MikaelHalen's user avatar
12 votes
11 answers

How can animations be depicted in wireframes effectively?

I came across a question on Quora about jQuery animations in wireframes, which got me thinking about the general conventions in depicting any animation in static wireframes. I've been using either ...
dnbrv's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

Blinking, bouncing and flashing elements

I'm responsible for the UI/UX in a software development company. During my absence, some developers decided to implement a "bounce" effect on a button of a website that they think should have more ...
Rdpi's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Animation on Handheld: How Much is Too Much?

In web applications in the 1990s, it was pretty common to see animation (animated gifs, marquees, etc.) -- since then, the industry has pretty much established this as a no-no for (professional) ...
ashes999's user avatar
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2 votes
8 answers

Deliverables: Animated Movies - what to do when a clickable wireframe is not enough?

Since I started working for a think tank I am often confronted with the problem that my standard set of deliverables are not sufficient to describe a vision. I often need to highlight the context ...
bedienbar's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

When is it appropriate to use fading animated messages for feedback and notification.

To clarify: these are messages (text or symbols) that appear right at the point of interaction, and then float away and fade out. You see this kind of animation when adding people to your Circle in ...
Roger Attrill's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

What is more pleasing to the eye fade in or suddently appear

I have a pop up menu. What is said to be easier on the users' eyes? Should I just have it appear immediately using visibility = true or should I have it fade in using opacity animation?
Mel's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Best way to switch between views with different navbars

On the iPhone, when a set of views have different colored and textured navigation bars, what is the best way to animate in the new view when the user taps on a tabbar icon? Should the new fade in ...
Iñigo Beitia's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How should cancelled animations behave?

How should an animation behave when it is cancelled/changed? For example, let's say I have a button in my application that triggers the visibility of a tool panel. When the panel is shown, an ...
Tony the Pony's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to define interactions and animations in an extensible way?

The whole question, summarised for answerability: How would it be best for a designer to define really complex UIs? Would it be a good approach to map how the mental creative process works, into ...
Camilo Martin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What examples are there of animated toolbar icons? [closed]

Are there applications (including web applications) that have animated toobar icons? I would imagine they would only animate on hover/mouse over, but I'd be interested to show someone this so we can ...
Bernhard Hofmann's user avatar
12 votes
9 answers

How and when should you use animation in your application?

Sometimes applications can benefit from animations in the UI. What tips do you have for determining when you should use animation? How can you maximize the usefulness of animations and avoid misuse?...

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