I'm working on the information architecture a new product that in many respects has the same design considerations as Salesforce; a platform that has it's own core functionality, but the user may buy additional "modules" or "apps."
The attached images show Salesforce's solution to this scenario; Salesforce has a persistent global navigation related to it's core functionality, but there's also an "App Launcher" where the user can navigate in and out of the apps they've subscribed to.
I'm guessing their logic is as follows: if every time the user subscribes to a new module/app it gets layered into the global side-navigation, the navigation will quickly become cumbersome and overloaded. Better to segregate these other apps from the global navigation in the "App Launcher" screen.
Salesforce's model is one way to handle the above scenario. I'm curious if anyone can think of other platforms that have implemented different design solutions for similar scenarios.
Fig 1: Salesforce Dashboard
Fig 2: App Launcher: a screen with all the apps the user subscribes to