In my iOS app, there is a text editor thingy. In the editor tab, the user can write stuff in Markdown and he/she can see the rendered Markdown in the preview tab.
Now I want to add a feature that allows the user to select an image to add to the document. I know there is already a feature like that in Markdown, but that supports URLs only. Obviously, my users won't know the URL for an image saved in their phones. So that's why I want to add this feature.
With a tap of a button, an image picker shows up and the user selects an image from the Photo Library. After that, I want to tell the user that he/she can type the word "IMAGE" where he/she wants to place the image.
If you don't understand the above paragraph, here is what I meant.
If the user writes something like this in the editor:
hello world
bye world
The rendered Markdown will be like this:
hello world
bye world
If the user writes this:
hello world
bye world
It will turn into this:
hello world
bye world
How can I tell the user to put the word IMAGE
where he/she wants the image to be?
- Of course, I could show a dialog:
The image has been set successfully. Please type "IMAGE" wherever you want to put the image.
But I feel like no one is going to read through all that and will just dismiss the dialog right away.
- I also thought of letting the user choose where they want to put the image. If they choose "At the start", I can put the word "IMAGE" at the start for him/her. If they choose "At the end", I can append the word "IMAGE" to the end of the document.
I fear that users might not know what that is and might accidentally delete it (and become frustrated since the image is suddenly gone) if I didn't tell the user anything about it.
So if method 2 is better, when and how should I tell the user about it, that the word "IMAGE" can be moved if he/she wants to change the position of the image?