In an iOS app I have a identity card field. I want to show users the format. What the most appropriate/clear to describe the following regex:


Currently I have:

Starting with 1 letter (X, Y, or Z), followed by 7 digits (0-9),
and ending with 1 letter (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M,
N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, or Z); without any other character
or space.


  • How to indicate ranges of digits/letters, is (0..9) or (0 - 9) better?
  • Should I write (A-H, J-N, P-T, or V-Z) (should I use or here actually?) instead, or perhaps (A-Z except I, O or U)?
  • Should I write 7 digits or seven digits, ...
  • ...

What's best in a situations like this?

  • Is the user creating their ID here or are they inputting an ID that they already have?
    – DasBeasto
    Jun 6, 2016 at 20:36
  • @DasBeasto They are entering an existing ID, for example of their national identity card. Interesting question, what are you thinking about? Jun 6, 2016 at 20:37

1 Answer 1


If the digit range is not restricted (0-9) you may omit this information, this strips some complication off the sentence. What about:

X, Y or Z, followed by 7 digits, followed by any letter except I, O or U.

If any other rule is violated (for example spaces or special characters have been added) you could display a more specific error message.

  • How nice! Seems I've too hard been trying to translate the regex. Jun 6, 2016 at 19:32

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